Cabbage Patch Kid

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Trevor drove back home after a long day of cleaning up bodies and evidence. Not that the Los Santos Police department ever really found out what was going on anyways. He opened the door and was greeted by familiar noises and scenery. The first thing he did was walk in the bathroom, and look at his shattered reflection with dull eyes. 

Often he wondered how he felt so much, but so little, all at the same time. Dried blood was under his nose, eyes looking darker than usual. He turned on the water and splashed his face, wiping away any blood that was still left. 

The only people left in his meth crew were X, Ron, and Wayde. He drew in a long breath, and then sighed it out. His phone started vibrating in his pocket, ringer going off. He moved it a bit to the left so it would vibrate on his cock for a moment. 

His eyes rolled in the back of his head, "Ugh fuck yeah." Before he got to carried away he answered without looking at who it was. "Yeah what do you want?" He asked in a gruff tone. 

Little did he know you were on the other line. "Uh, I want you to pick me up? I thought your meeting wouldn't take very long, and its dark outside now." 

"Shit, things got... out of hand. I'm coming, tell Frank I say hi." He grabbed his jacket and hung up the phone. 

"Yeah tell him-" You realized he hung up on you instead of properly ending the conversation. "Tell him yourself..." You muttered to yourself in annoyance. 

"Yo, so everything good? T coming to get you?" Franklin asked. 

"Yeah! He's coming. Thanks for letting me chill and uh, smoke with you for a little bit." You smiled at him.

"Pshh shit, no problem. Its not like Michael or Trevor ever wanna smoke with me." Franklin shrugged. His eyes wandered down to your left hand, he didn't know how he hadn't spotted the giant ring you had on by now. His eyebrow raised and he gave you a look. "Damn uh, that from Trevor?" He asked.

You looked down, the you forgot you had it on most of the time. Just felt like it belonged there somehow. "Oh... Yeah. We're engaged now. He proposed to me on a mountain top." 

"That's uh... strangely romantic. Wasn't really expecting that one." He blinked a few times. "That hopped up meth-head motherfucker can get a girl but not me, huh?" 

"Awe Franklin." You punched him in the arm lovingly. "If you're like this all the time, I'm sure that you'll find a girl in no time."

"You really think so?" he asked. 

"Hell yeah." You smiled. "You're a great guy, maybe a bit intimidating at first glance, but you also have this kindness to your face and soul." 

Franklin's face lit up. "Hey thanks." He scratched the back of his head. "Yo so... I just gotta ask, Trevor hasn't ever uh, hurt you, right?" He asked. 

"No..." Your mind flashed back to the dream you had of him stabbing you. That was fiction, not real life. "If anything he saved me. Some biker guys kidnapped me not too long ago and he just... took care of it." Intensity gleamed in your eyes to get the point across. 

He shook his had slowly, understanding perfectly well that meant Trevor had killed more than a few people. "Look, (Y/N) this life, its not for everyone. I was born into gangbangin' and bustin' fools the fuck down. But you look like you were a cabbage patch kid. You can still get out, you know." 

You fiddled with the ring on your left finger. The truth was you had already committed a major crime... or three with Trevor. Some part of you wanted to run away, yeah. But some strange thing just kept pulling you back. You weren't sure what that thing might have been, other than Trevor. "Truth is, I walked into this fully knowing what I was going into... I just was sick of the same old shit day after day. Living to work and working to live. I wanted to, I don't know. Just get out of it all. Find some excitement." 

"That makes sense. If things ever get too hot though, you just call me, aight?" He asked.

You nodded. "Will do."

There was a firm knock at the door, no doubt who it was. Franklin walked over and opened it, greeted by a grinning Trevor. 

"Sup homie?" He asked. 

"Oh ya know, just picking up a diamond of a girl." He winked at you. His face was a bit bruised from being punched.  

You smiled at his comment, but inside you were concerned about what happened to him. 

"I'd love to stay Frank, but this angel and I have places to be, so." 

"Yeah no problem dog, keep it real." He extended his fist out, and Trevor punched it lightly in return. 

Trevor walked in and snaked an arm around your waist, leading you out of the abode. That was one of those things that made you feel all warm inside. Just being able to feel his arm around you, you didn't realize how much you could miss him for a day. He opened your door for you and you got hopped in the familiar red truck he drove. 

"I missed you today." You spoke when the truck pushed off the pavement and began moving. 

He gave you a sly grin. "You did, huh? I wasn't gone for too long." 

"Yeah well I still did." 

"Mmmm I missed you too sugar tits." He winked at you. 

"What happened to your face?" You asked. 

"Fight with a co-worker, don't worry about it." He answered gruffly. 

You put your hands up in surrender. "Alright, just a question." Silence grew between you. The more it was quiet, the more it ate at you. You wanted to know what happened. "Please tell me what happened." Your (e/c) eyes gleamed at him. 

He stretched his neck from side to side. You could see the gears turning inside of his head. "What about you, eh? How was your therapy appointment?" He changed the subject completely. 

"It was uh..." You thought back on how doctor Friedlander essentially just cut you off when you really had a breakthrough moment. "I think you're right about therapy actually."

"Its a buncha bullshit, huh?" He asked rhetorically, righteousness filling his tone. 

"Yeah I guess it is..." You finally realized that Trevor wasn't taking either of the main highways to get back to Sandy Shores. Instead the truck weaved in and out of very rich looking neighborhoods with lots of hills. "Where are we going?" You asked. 

"Just the scenic route. Sometimes its faster anyways." He shrugged. In reality, he took the scenic route because he planned on pulling over in a beautiful rural area and fucking the shit out of you. 

You passed a place called Sisyphus Theatre before he took a left turn. He kept on that road for a little bit longer before pulling into a dirt road, which led to a little juice bar that was closed. The sign was and orange ball that just had "BIG" written on it with a white circle around it. He got out and pulled a blanket out of a bag that was in the truck bed. He laid it down and started making a makeshift little bed. 

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He asked sarcastically. "Take a look around, this is just once of my favorite little spots to come and... think. And... drink." He shrugged.

Slowly you got out of the truck, making your way over to the little wooden fence. You could see the intimidating mountains, and the moonlight that shone off from them. Down below that, almost forming a bowl was the city of Los Santos. It looked to bright and beautiful from all the way up here. 

"Hey sexy, come here." He called over to you. 

He didn't have to tell you twice. You loved cuddling with him. He was on his back in the bed of the truck, a plaid blanket beneath him. His eyes were wandering over the stars, taking in the sky, before they fixed on you. His gaze always softened whenever he saw your face. It was like an instant stress relief for him. 

You crawled in next to him and also laid on your back, facing the stars. 

Trevor's eyes were still fixed on your face, taking in ever little detail of you. Every freckle, mole, or even there lack of. He just loved every single inch of you. You gave a cute little sigh and he felt his cock twitch a little. He was already hard just thinking about how badly he wanted to just take you then and there, but he wanted to take it slow for once...

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now