Hey F*cknugget

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He was always an early riser. Six A.M. on the dot. He always got up, got his coffee, ate a muffin, and then smoked a cigarette after. Put on his leather boots and jacket, and was on his way. Unlike the rest of the MC, he didn't want his jacket all decked out with their merch and signs. Marked a person as a target to rivals and gangs. He knew that's what got his little brother killed.

Although it probably didn't help that a homicidal maniac killed him on a revenge kick, either. Whenever he thought of Trevor it just made him want to spit poison. He wanted to literally take the man's neck and twist it into a perfectly shape knot, just so he could hear his bones crack the whole way. It was going to be a long day, but very worth it if he got what he wanted.

You didn't wake up until ten A.M. or so. The meeting wasn't until dark anyways, that's how the Vagos liked to do things.

Tex listened in as you tried to wake up Trevor.

"Trevor? Are you awake?" You asked sweetly.

"I told you I didn't do it dad-" He grumbled and grabbed at the air. "Don't hit me-"

You blinked. Trevor really did have some issues of his own with his parents, no wonder he was so jaded and broken. "Hey, come on now." You shook him lightly. He was shivering and twitching in his sleep. You were kind of scared to smack him to wake him up because of the nightmare he seemed to be having. So, you got a more fun idea, and stuck your hands down his underwear.

Trevor's eyes shot wide open and looked up into your (e/c) ones. "Mmmm you know how to wake a man up." He growled deeply.

You blushed. "I guess I do."

Tex listened and grimaced on the other end. He used to be a Texas ranger, but gave all that up to be a bounty hunter of sorts for the Lost MC. How he got there? That was a story for another time.

He listened to the both of you start to fool around and put the headset down. He waited for two hours or so, but you were still at it.

"What the hell?" He mumbled to himself. "How long can this guy last?"

--- Three Hours Later ---

Trevor was putting on a buttoned-up shirt for once, even if it was plaid, it was sexy. That was a Canadian suit anyways, right? Not that you'd ever tell that to his face, for whatever reason Trevor was pretty sensitive about his nationality. He looked at you up and down with a grin. "You wanna go get some lunch after such a wonderful sex filled morning?" He asked sweetly.

"You bet your ass I do." You smiled at him.

The both of you stepped out of the room. Since Trevor was dressed in something a bit nicer, you decided to wear mini skorts and a cute tank top of your favourite color. There was a cafe not too long of a walk from the hotel according to your phone, so you decided to go there.

It always looked so glamorous on this side of the state, even if it was full of a bunch of Hollywood bimbos. Not to mention you didn't always get the sweet smell of salty air in the city, in some parts it just reeked like shit. You and Trevor held hands as you walked down the street, unaware of the steely man who was tailing the both of you.

You went to walk inside of the cafe when you bumped into a blonde girl rushing out and spilled her coffee on her white crop top.

"Oh my god, my fucking shirt!" She looked down, appalled. "This was fucking eighty dollars from fucking Prada!"

"I-I'm so sorry, I'm really clumsy-" You started, watching as her eyes looked past at the man behind you.

"Oh my god!" She said in an oddly excited voice, causing you to be confused. She jumped up and put her arms around Trevor. "Uncle T! I didn't know you were like, in town."

He patted her on the back as she let go of him. "Hi Traci, how's the old fuckin fart?" He asked.

"Oh, you know." She looked down at her nails in a bored way. "Wallowing in the self-pity of having a ton of money and being a criminal, but he's my dad so I love him."

"Ah, don't we all." Trevor said half-sarcastically. "The fat bastard." A look of mixed love and hate washed over his face for just a moment. He looked Traci up and down at her latte-smothered shirt. "I'm in a good mood." He shrugged, took out his wallet, and gave her three hundred dollars. "This should fix the shirt."

"Oh-em-gee! Thank you, uncle T!" She did an excited shimmy, and then ran into the nearest designer outlet store.

"Who was that?" You asked.

"That's Michael's daughter, known her since she was a tater-tot, closest thing I have to a daughter." There was a nostalgic, kind look on his hardened face. 

Seeing him get all mushy about a family-like tie made something inside of you melt, and you got a goofy grin on your face. He gave you a questioning glance. As you looked inside of the small cafe you had both planned on going in, you decided you wanted lunch instead. "Hey, you wanna grab a bleeder burger and just head back to the hotel until it's time to go?" You asked.

"God damn woman you are PERFECT!" He exclaimed, his outburst causing stares from onlookers. 

You turned around and bumped into yet another person, which made you feel like a dumbass. He was decently handsome looking. Had a leather jacket and boots on, dark brown slicked-back hair, and neatly kept stubble. "Oh- I'm sorr-" Before you could finish your sentence, Trevor was on the man's case like flies on shit.

"Hey fucknugget." He poked the man in the shoulder. "Maybe watch where you're going, or I'll shove a stick of dynamite up your ass."

You didn't doubt his abilites, but the other man might. Trevor grabbed you forcefully by the hip and pulled you into his, making more of a point to the man. 

"My apologies." He said in a southern accent. He stepped asideand made a gesture allowing you to pass.

As you walked by, you took one last look at the mysterious man. Little did you know, that you had just talked, and bumped into Hank Texas Tanover...

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