Thought I F*cking Lost You

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"T-Trevor?" You asked again, the man before you, alien, unreadable expression on his face. 

"Was that all of them, is there any more here?" He asked, no emotion in his voice. 

"No, that was all of them." You replied quietly. 

Trevor dropped to his knees. "I thought I fucking lost you. I thought they might have done something to you, just to get back to me..." guilt played across his face like a sad symphony. 

"You didn't lose me though, I'm okay." You struggled with your bonds. "It would be nice to uh, get out of this though. The knots are loose, but I didn't have much time to do anything about it." 

He got up and came behind you, pulling out the same knife he'd used to kill a man moments earlier. "As much as I'd like to take advantage of the situation," He began, lust filling his voice for a split second, "We have to get going before the pigs flood this place." With fluid motions he cut the ropes away with ease. He picked you up bridal style and took the ropes with him. 

You looked down curiously. "Why are you doing that?"

"Because the cops don't need to know anything that happened here. Alright? The less shit they have to go on, the better. Not that those morons can ever figure much out anyways." Trevor rolled his eyes. He paused and set you down once he exited out of the trailer, being careful not to step in any of the blood. He dipped the end of the rope in the pool of blood around the man's corpse, and drew some letters in a graffiti type of way on the side of the trailer.

"What the hell are you doing?" You asked, brows drawing together slightly. 

He grunted, getting slightly irritated with your questions. "Its so it looks like the Aztecas were here, sending a message. Alright? Christ." When he was done with that, he picked you up and swung you over his shoulder in a hurry. In the distance there were police sirens. "There's no time to get back to the resort right now, we have to go back to my place."

"Okay." It gave you butterflies how easily he could pick you up and take you wherever he wanted. You smiled slightly to yourself as he walked out of the near-demolished trailer park in a hurried pace. He opened the passenger side and plopped you in your seat, and ran over to get in the drivers side. The engine revved and he took off speeding like a madman, a strange smile on his face as he did. The red truck whipped down the dirt roads with ease. 

You couldn't help but keep looking at his blood soaked form. It coated his hands, shirt, face, just about everywhere. Seeping into his clothes, and pores. He didn't seem to mind a single bit though, was only dead ass determined to get back to his destination. It should have scared you, but some strange part of you liked seeing him covered in blood. 

"Thank you." You spoke softly. 

"Are you kidding? I will always, always come for you, (Y/N). Plus, those washed up, leather jacket wearing, shit filled, cock sucking, motherFUCKING, ROAD RAGE ROID CUNTS-" He huffed after his sudden outburst. "They had it fucking coming." A dark look washed over him. One that screamed he had countless murders under his belt. Sometimes you still wondered what you'd gotten yourself into. Trevor's voice and mood shifted again suddenly was he glanced over at you, his eyes softer, a little kinder looking. "I love you." 

"I love you too." You blinked your (e/c) eyes at him, your (s/c) skin shining slightly in the pale moonlight. You could make out some cacti as his red truck drove you to safety, sirens falling silent as you grew more distant from them. The stars shined brightly above you. If you hadn't gotten kidnapped, this would have been a truly beautiful night. Your mind flashed to the bodies in front of the trailer. Shot, stabbed, blood everywhere. Then there was the robbery you pulled with him at the thrift store. More death. 

He pulled up to his house, quickly getting inside, you followed suit. Once you got inside, he grabbed you by the wrist and held you close, not giving any mind to the blood that soaked his clothing. The blood smelled metallic, pungent. He held you like you were the last thing that was in existence, his strong arms encircling your waist. 

"I'm going to do everything in my god damn power to make sure some shit like that doesn't happen again, okay?" He tilted your chin up to look at him, you inspected little red spots even on his face. Blood had a strange way of spattering everywhere. 

You looked deep into the eyes of the psychopath who you shared a strange love with. "Okay." your voice was soft. A little voice screamed at you, that you should run away from the man in front of you and never look back. His lips met yours, and you melted. All insecurities, fear, melting away at his touch. You kissed him back passionately, lips interlocking hard. He swiped his tongue over your bottom lip, and you parted them just a bit to allow him access. 

John Wayne Was a Nazi by MDC blared in the small trailer, setting the tone for the make out session. 

Your tongues battled for dominance, but the winner was ultimately Trevor. He grabbed your right ass cheek with his blood dried hand, and gave it a squeeze. You squeaked slightly. He broke the kiss and gave you a devilish grin. "I fucking love when you make noises like that." His other hand grabbed your other ass cheek. "You want to uh..." He trailed off, licking his lips, eyes filled with wild desire. "Take this to the bedroom?" He nodded toward the familiar room behind you.

You looked him up and down, hoping he would finally realize the obvious. "Isn't there something we should be doing first?" You asked him. 

He looked a bit clueless. "What?" He let you go, shrugging. "What could we possibly fucking need to do before having glorious sex right now?" 

You shook your head. You took him by the bottom of the shirt, and dragged him into the bathroom. "We gotta get cleaned up." 

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