Everything That Lives, Drops

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It was a comforting feeling, being in the shower with Trevor. The blood washed down the drain, and you couldn't help but think of the movie Psycho as you watched it go down. He was definitely not a Norman Bates of any kind, but he was just as dangerous... Probably more. You had said very little that evening. Only really giving him an, "Okay." or two, and he took note.

He turned you around, allowing you to get in the stream of the hot water, as he leaned back. He was sandwiched in between the shower wall and you. His hands gripped your shoulders, massaging them as the water streamed down your body. "You're tense." He said it in an almost interrogative manner. 

You tensed up even more in his sudden grip. The dead men swimmed in your mind, you tried not to think about them, but they were people who were once walking, talking beings... As you thought, you toned out Trevor's voice. They had families and friends, they even had futures, but not anymore...

"Hey!" He barked. You flinched, and turned to face him. "I asked what the fuck is up with you. Are you sure that you're okay? You've barely talked to me, did they say something to you, or do anything?" He searched your face for any indication.

"No, I just... It's nothing, okay?" You went to step out of the shower, but he caught your wrist, pulling you back.

His eyes were dead set on yours. "I know that its something, and I'm not letting go until you tell me."

You sighed. "Please don't take this in the wrong way, it's just those men, seeing them dead... I just, it's hard to all process, you know?"

He looked at you blankly. "Not really. Everything that lives, drops. That's the way of life, darlin'. It's ugly, and cold, and the wold will fuck you right up." He thought for a while, the water in his trailer now beginning to grow cold. He let your wrist go so that you could get out while he quickly finished up. "Look, how about I give Mikey a call. I know he talks to some kinda therapist. Not that I believe in that sort of stupid shit, but I will do anything for you." He grumbled something about Therapists being 'cocksuckers' and shut the water off, whipping the shower curtain back showing his gleaming, naked form. He had scars all over his body, some looked like slashes, stabs, and bullet wounds. Under all of the scars were his muscles, and he certainly was built. He couldn't help but notice your eyes wandering over his body, he smirked. "Enjoying the view?" He licked his lips.

You blushed slightly. "I am." 

He stepped out and grabbed a towel, drying himself off quickly. He stepped close and snaked his arms around you waist. He looked down in your (e/c) eyes. Trevor dove for your neck, his lips greeting your warm skin softly. He gave one long, erotic lick, making you moan slightly. He chuckled lowly and continued. His lips and tongue assaulted your neck, making you squirm in his firm grip. Once again, reality fell away at the feeling of him. 

Without warning, someone burst through the door of the trailer, and reality came crashing down. You were tucked neatly under your towel, but Trevor was stark naked. Your eyes met the person at the door, and Trevor let go of you. 

"O-Oh!" Ron stuttered. "I-uh. T, I'm not uh used to you, uh..." He blushed harshly. 

Trevor made no movement or effort to put any clothing on. "What the FUCK, RON?" He gave him a death glare that could have sent anyone running. 

Ron stuttered over his words. "S-sorry T, i-it can wait." He turned around to scurry off.

"Ron." Trevor growled lowly. "If it was important enough to come blasting through my door, then tell me what the fuck you want." He turned back around very slowly, keeping eye contact directly with Trevor's face, and not any lower. 

"We had a little... Issue at the lab. The new batch was put at a wrong temperature and now its all, uh..." He fidgeted nervously. 

"So the whole fucking batch is gone." He looked disappointed, and angry. Trevor sat down on his sofa. He picked up a half smoked cigarette from his ashtray and lighted it. The fire reflected in his dark eyes for a slight moment, which looked fitting for a man like him. 

Ron looked pretty clueless at what he should do next, he only stood in the doorway and looked to Trevor for guidance. 

"Why the fuck are you still standing there?" He asked demandingly. "FUCKING LEAVE.

The squirrel like man scurried off, shutting the trailer door behind him.

Trevor rubbed his temples as if he had a headache from Ron's meer presence.

You spoke up. "Is everything alright?"

He glanced over at you, still only covered by your towel. "No. The whole batch of meth is ruined." his mood switched a hit, deep rage could be heard in his voice. "And when I figure out who fucked it up, I'm going to fuck them up. I have paying customers out there, now how are they going to get lit, huh?" 

You weren't sure what to say. It didn't seem like he was in the mood anymore, his erection was gone and he had an... almost business-like look on his face. Like some big mafia guy who just learned he needed to take a hit out on someone that he's close to. You didn't have any clothes in his house, so you got in his closet and put on a pink tanktop of his that had the brand "Pussycat" on it. It was large on you, but you liked it. 

You sat down next to him on the sofa. The smoke from his dwindling cigarette  glowed in the green light from the stolen sign he had. He put it out once it was done smoking and turned towards you. Softly, he laid his head on your shoulder, and wrapped his arms around you once again. His naked from clinged against your semi-clothed body, like he was scared you'd disappear in thin air.

"I could lose all the meth in the world, as long as I have you..."

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now