Its All Your Fault

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It was a while since Franklin picked you up, but he did have to make the drive all the way from LS. Its not like you could blame him. 

When he got there, he looked you up and down. You had scrapes and bruises all over your body. One of them on your arm looking like Trevor had grabbed you too hard, which was probably true since he pushed you out of the way of a semi-truck. 

You hopped in the expensive looking white car, not saying much other than, "Thank you for doing this." 

"No problem." He replied with a frown.

You watched dully as the night scenery of Sandy Shores dwindled away. Soon enough you were merging on to the larger highways, cactuses being replaced by palm trees. You felt numb, and betrayed. A sick, twisted feeling wrenched in your gut like you were going to be sick. 

The car ride was awkwardly silent, until Franklin spoke up. "Okay, I can't deal with this quiet shit no more, dog. Can you please tell me what's going on? You have bruises all over you. It looks like he roughed you up, is that true?" You could hear the concern in his tone. 

You looked down at your hands. You were still wearing the ring. Tears arose in your eyes once more. "N-no." Your voice cracked. "He uh... He cheated on me... And then I ran, and I just kept running. I wasn't looking at where I was going and I uh... I almost got hit by a truck. He ran and saved me from it." You were still processing it as you said it aloud. 

"Damn, that's some heavy shit..." Franklin responded.

"Yeah... If I could just stay at your place for a couple days, if I'm not intruding-" 

He cut you off. "Look, don't worry about it, I'm here for you. Stay for a fuckin' week if you have to until you get back on your feet." He looked from the road to you empathetically. 

You mustered a small, "Thank you." And the rest of the car ride went in silence. 


The next two days at Franklin's house consisted of crying, smoking lots of weed, and binge watching anime. At some times, you would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. One dream in particular had you reeling...

It was eerily dark outside, and you were standing in front of Trevor's trailer. It looked more ominous than usual, and gave you a sick feeling in your stomach. You didn't want to go near it, but your feet moved against your will. With each step, you felt your chest tighten. Your breath hitched when you got to the door. It smelled like cigarette smoke, and death. 

Your (s/c) hand pushed the door open. Inside, it was surreal, and like something out of a sick horror movie. Dead men were piled on the floor, blood, and guts strewn all over. 

Sitting on the couch, a demon with bright red eyes stared at you. Darkness loomed around his figure. It was Trevor. With large, red horns. He was smoking a cigarette and reading a porno magazine. He was wearing his grey sweatpants and boots, nothing else. Blood dotted this clothing, chest, and face. He looked you up and down with... hunger? Lust? Hate? You couldn't quite read his expression. He spit his cigarette out and licked his lips. "You know in the end of this, I'm going to win, right?"

You wanted to yell at him, spit. Tell him fuck you, but instead you just woke up. Instead of crying, you were just pissed of this morning. It was the third day you'd been at F's, and you felt as if you were starting to  overstay your welcome.

When you went upstairs, its was easy to tell how tired Franklin was. He had stayed up and consoled you late in the night to stop your crying. He was falling asleep at the counter while eating his cereal. 

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now