How May I Help You F*ck Off

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Key= (G/S/RG) = Gold/Silver/Rose Gold.

An actual shooting range was much different than shooting beer cans off a split-rail fence in the middle of nowhere. Loud music from Channel X blasted, and people around you were shooting decisively, almost expertly looking. It intimidated you, but only a little. You knew that you had someone who was even better at shooting than the other people. You tried out various guns, from hand guns, to assault rifles, and even shotguns. The targets moved, and came in different set ups and patterns. You were impressed at how interactive the range was. Overall, you really liked keeping to pistols, though. AP pistols, and combat pistols, those seemed to gel with your shooting style better. 

Trevor just had fun watching you have a good time. Getting to hold his hands on your hips and work with your stance, teaching you the correct way to aim. He found himself falling even deeper in love with you. The way your (e/c) orbs gazed into his, and the excitement that doing dangerous things brought you. Not many people dared to dance with Trevor Philips, but when they did, they were always some kind of crazy, and you were not an exception. He liked your kind of crazy, and he could only hope that you could accept all of his. 

After a good, long shooting session, your skills had improved immensely. You could hit the target decently each time, and were a little more confident if you ever needed to use one of the guns. Trevor, of course, bought you more.  Even went as far as to get you a fully customized weapon with a suppressor, scope, and a neat looking tint. Other guys bought their girlfriend's jewelry, and you? Well, Trevor bought you guns and gave you free dope. You liked that, though. Materialistic things were kind of stupid, you liked being with Trevor because he was real. He didn't pretend to be someone else. He was just a genuine person. Yeah, he had a lot of problems, but who didn't?

Trevor's phone started ringing. He answered, "T-revor Philips Industries, how may I help you fuck off." A familiar, nervous sounding voice came on the speaker. 

"Hey, T, I found that pawn shop for you, its over on. Strawberry Avenue, real close to the Vanilla Unicorn. You might be able to get out pretty clean." Wayde typed on a computer in the background.

"Perfect, just finishing up at the range and we'll take a look." He winked at you, and hung up the phone. "You ready to go, dollface?" He asked.

"Always." You replied, leading the way out this time. 

Honestly, Trevor was scared of himself. The way that everyone always left him, and the last thing he wanted to do was watch you leave. He reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you in your tracks. You looked at him curiously, examining the expression on his face. That  strange sadness was spread across it. You didn't have to say words, you simply stepped back and allowed him to lead you, holding your hand. It was the first time he'd displayed public affection of any kind, and it made you feel special. It was kind of weird, you've been fuck buddies for a few weeks and now he's calling you 'his woman.' He opened the truck door for you, and the hopped in on the driver's side. It wasn't too long of a drive from the Gun Club to Strawberry Ave. 

You arrived at a pawn shop, it had a blue roof and cages on the inside of the windows. It definitely was a nicer type of pawn shop. "PAWN JEWELRY" displayed in large letters for all to see, along with, "Short Collateral CASH LOANS." You felt a pang of anxiety enter you as you realized that you were standing in front of a place you were planning on robbing.

 You whispered in Trevor's ear, causing him to blush for once. "We're not robbing this right now, right?" You asked him. 

He chuckled a bit. "Oh no, no. We're going to go in, look around, and leave. They're used to that shit. This is only scoping out the goods." He opened the establishment's door and let you walk in first. 

"Buyin, Sellin, or wastin my time?" A chubby, bald man asked from behind the counter. 

"Uh, I-" You choked, and started to sweat. You weren't sure what to do when you were 'scoping out the goods'. Trevor cut in for you, taking your hand in his. 

"Well, me and my beautiful fiancé here were looking for a ring. Something real, something nice. Gotta wait to get paid on Friday if you know what I mean." He winked, "So we were just looking around today."

The bald man looked unimpressed by the sentiment of love. "Alright, so wastin my time." He turned to an employee door behind him and yelled, "Abraham! Got a couple of customers out here for you to take care of." He turned back to the both of you. "Abraham will help you look at whatever you need. I have actually important things to be doing." He rolled his eyes and walked into presumably a back office. 

A dark skinned, skinny man with aviator glasses came out. He reeked of pot, but hey, you weren't judging. "Yo wazzup, how can I help you homie?" He asked while rubbing his hands together. 

"Heyo, homie," Trevor replied, "Where are your best engagement rings in this joint?" He asked. 

"Ahhh, you gettin' hitched?" He asked, "Congrats, congrats, come on over here and I'll take a ring out of you like it." He walked over by several engagement rings, one caught your eye simply because it had the largest jewel there." 

You didn't have to say a thing. Trevor already knew. He pointed at the ring aligned with your eyes. "That one." He spoke decisively.

"OOHH Wee, that's a nice choice my dude. That is a real 4 karat diamond, it runs for ten thousand dollars." 

That was the kind of money he was looking for. Even if the other jewelry wasn't as expensive, this would be a decent little few-thousand-dollar score. He licked his lips in anticipation, and watched you as you examined the shiny diamond. It was large, and sparkled like the sun rippling off ocean waves. You could see hues and tints of rainbows as you turned it in the light. It fit perfectly on your ring finger and had a (G/S/RG) band. On the inside of the ring there was an engraving that said, "My luv." And now you knew why it was in a pawn shop. It didn't stop the ring from being absolutely gorgeous, though. 

"So, what do you think?" Trevor asked. 

"Gosh." You looked at it, "It's so pretty, I just don't know..." You pondered, knowing pawn shops didn't hold items for customers. "Can you hold this until Friday?" You asked the fellow stoner behind the counter. 

"Nope, sorry. First come, first serve, as the boss says." He replied. 

"Alright," You feigned being sad, "Guess I'll have to wait until Friday." You handed the for karat diamond ring back to the skinny man, and Trevor took you by the hand and led you out of the pawn shop. He gruffed a thank you before leaving. 

Once you got in his truck, he licked his lips dangerously. "Their security system is shot, it's only there for show. This, my dear, will be like taking candy from a fuckin baby." He slammed his foot on the gas, and began to drive. "Tomorrow we're robbing it." 

You whipped around in your seat and looked at him. "Isn't that too soon?" You asked. 

"Not if we're wearing masks, and go in when that guy isn't working, so he won't recognize us. Kill a couple fuckers if we have to, and get out clean." He swerved around cars, avoiding the rules of the road, and gave you a wink when he was in a safe driving space. 

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of an adventure. 

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