Let Me the F*ck In

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Trevor had completely forgot that he had driven his truck to the airstrip, and in a blind rage he stole a poor passerby's car. The man ran off instantly, knowing he wouldn't win the fight for his vehicle. T knew his destination, a red little house that wasn't too far from his. Something about you just made him feel... better. Not many things, or people for that matter, made it so easy to ease his pain. Even if it was just seeing your beautiful (h/c) locks that adorned your head, and soft (e/c) eyes. He was comfortable around you, and didn't know why. He whipped the car into your front lawn and got out.

There was a loud knock at your front door. What was it? Two in the morning? You looked at the clock next to you, it shining two forty-nine AM. More hard, loud knocks at your door. You got up, and groggily walked to your door. You opened it without a thought, seeing a tall, handsome drug lord in front of you. It had been more than a few weeks since you saw him last. As far as you knew he was staying in LS with Wade and Floyd.

"Trevor?" You yawned. "What the hell are you doing here so early? And is that someone... else's car?" You asked him, pointing to a nearly wrecked black car that was sitting on your front lawn.

He didn't really seem as concerned about the car as you. Honestly, he looked pissed. "Everything is so FUCKED!" He yelled, and paced back and forth in front of your front door. He stopped his pacing and stood in front of you intimidatingly. "Let me the fuck in."

Sleepily you stepped to the side. If there was one thing you knew about Trevor Philips, is that it was his way or the highway. He walked in and began pacing again. "When you take a score, it's supposed to be taking a FUCKING score, not putting it the FUCK back. Those Merryweather god-damn world order keeping LIZARD PEOPLE FUCKS. And then-" He turned to look at you, "And then that goddamn hillbilly calls me up and threatens me. ME. Does he not realize how fast I could shove his fucking ass down his throat? Those little fucks are all dead! I should have killed every last living fuckin O'Neil." He huffed and puffed after his rant.

Your brain had barely processed what he had said, or why he was here. 

He looked at you up and down, seeing the way you swayed every so slightly, fighting the pulling temptation of sleep. He looked at your breasts and supple hips, the way that your form appealed to his very desires. You yawned, and he felt his cock twitch upon watching your perfect lips open wide. 

"I still don't understand why you're here? I mean you sent me that video of Lazlow a week ago- and then just random calls from LS." He stepped close to you, closing the gap between the both of you. His rough hands grazed over your hips, you were only in a oversized t-shirt and some boxers. 

"I'm here," He hissed dangerously in your ear, "Because I want to blow off some fucking steam." He grinded his hips against yours slightly, making his message more clear. Your cheeks got hot, you hadn't had sex since you saw him last. 

"Trevor, I have work in the morning, and I know you're like a super criminal so you don't operate at normal hours-" He cut you off by backing you up against the wall forcefully, but not enough to hurt you. You couldn't help but feel incredibly small against his muscular, 6'3" height. He leant down and gave your neck a long, erotic lick. 

"Come on..." He whispered, "I'm fuckin' hard, I'm ready to fuck." His voice grew louder. "Are you ready to fuck too?" You watched and felt his muscles contract when he spoke. 

Somehow, when he was around it was like he sucked you into his world, as dangerous as it was. You forgot all about your stupid little job, about the menial paycheck it gave. Nothing could give you the thrill, and satisfaction that he did...

"Fuck yes." You replied.

He grinned like a sly devil and licked his lips. He pressed you into the wall hard and let his hands roam over your body. You couldn't help but let out a small moan, he growled. Whenever he made those low, deep, noises it always sent butterflies fluttering throughout your core. Your lips crashed with his, he made quick work to get his tongue inside of your mouth. He knew just after spending one night with you it was a trigger to get you wet. He broke the kiss to give attention to your neck once more, licking and sucking hard. Occasionally he gave a hard bite, which hurt, but also felt good. His large hands trailed up and down your thighs before giving a playful stroke in the middle of them. "Take those fuckin things off." He demanded. 

You bit your lip and obliged, letting the boxers fall to the floor, leaving you bare. He made quick work of his own pants, and lifted you off the ground. His hands on your ass cheeks, you wrapped your legs around him. He braced you on the wall behind you, looking deeply into your (e/c) eyes. Without warning, he rammed his thick, long cock into you. "Fuck!" You threw your head back in surprise, the force of gravity and his thrusting pulling you on to his cock was an entirely new feeling. 

"Yeah? You like that?" He rammed into you again, before fucking you at a hard pace. You found it impressive how he was able to hold you up and still keep decent stamina. 

"God yes! Fuck me Trevor!" You exclaimed, throwing your head back in pleasure, You could feel your pussy juices streaming down his cock, allowing him smooth entry and exit. 

He still held you up with one hand, and began lightly choking you with the other, getting into the moment. The feeling was euphoric, his hand around your throat, fucking you like a little doll. The slight deprivation of air only increased the sense of pleasure that was building up inside. You grinded your hips into his as he fucked you harder. His hand tightened around your throat, straining your moans. You tried to speak but it was hard to, and then he went at a lightning speed. It shouldn't have even have been humanly possible, you thought. Especially because he was still holding you up, pressed against the wall. Your feet were nowhere near touching the floor. Now you knew he was holding out on you last time. All you could do was moan, he grunted and moaned as well, nearing close to an orgasm. He went just a little harder, giving everything in him to pounding your tight hole. "I'm gonna cum- fuck!"

"Ugh me too!" You tensed up around him, feeling the orgasm quake throughout you. You came hard, harder than you had in your entire life. He pumped into you a few more times just to milk your moans and orgasms, before gently setting you down on your feet. Your legs were wobbly from cumming, and you almost fell over. He caught you, and scooped you up into his arms. He dumped you on your couch and let you lay there, starry-eyed. 

He walked over to your fridge and raided it for a beer, twisting the cap off and popping it in the little makeshift garbage bag you had. You moved over so he could sit on the small little sofa with you. "That- I needed that." He breathed, taking a large swig of the beer. 

You looked at the seashell clock on your wall. Looks like you were definitely calling in. "Well you fucked my workday up." You poked him in his defined chest. 

"Well gee- I'm sorry," He said sarcastically, "Because it looked like you really enjoyed it." 

You blushed. "I did, but now, because I have to call off, you're spending the day with me. Clear your calender drug lord, because I want that joy ride you promised me."

"What I just did wasn't a joy?" He asked. 

"I want to do something. Take me on a job." You looked him dead in the eyes. 

"You? You can't be serious." He held up your arm. "How do you expect to fight if you get in a tough situation?" 

"You'll protect me, though. Won't you?" You asked. 

"Well yeah." He thought, "I am pretty amazing. But you should really get some more shooting lessons in, you suck at it." 

"Well, can we do that, and then you take me on a job?" 

He paused and looked at you deeply. He took in all of your features. He wouldn't let anyone else touch you, and if they did, they were a fuckin deadman. It was hard for him to resist you. "Fine." 

You really didn't know what you were getting yourself into.

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now