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Your back slammed into your run-down front door, Trevor had you pinned against it, squeezing your tits, kissing you feverishly. You pulled your keys out of a small pocket and tried to fumble with the door handle behind your back, but that only resulted in you dropping your keys. You broke the kiss, "Shit, hold on I gotta pick up my keys. "

A devilish grin played on the drug lords face. "Go right ahead, doll." He stepped back to give you some room. 

You bent down to grab the keys, but before you could stand all the way back up there was a stinging sensation on your left asscheek, and a chuckle behind you. You yipped, and blushed, and turned around quickly. A playful grin flashed on your face. "That was mean."

"Sorry, alright- that was just too damn hard to resist." He shrugged, biting his lip playfully.

You smiled and invited him into your house after you had turned a light on. Your house was filled nautical themed things, shells, and beach pictures. You lived, and breathed the beach, inside and out of your house. Trevor must have noticed, as his eyes scanned the walls and decorations of your home. "Bit of a beach bum, eh?" He stepped in, closed the door and snaked an arm around your waist. 

You leaned your body back into his arms a bit, feeling his muscles tense around you to pull you in closer. "I guess so, I just really love the coast..." The tall, dangerous, man took two full handfuls of your ass cheeks and began massaging them. "Fuuuuuck." You threw your head back, squirming a bit in his grip. 

"I really love this fine ass of yours." There was almost a low growl in his voice as he said it which gave you butterflies. He gave your ass a few more squeezes before turning you around so that your back was facing him, and gave you a couple playful spanks, then nudged you over the the edge of your sofa. He pressed you against it so that your butt was in the air over the hump of the armrest on the furnishing. You felt your face get hot and squirmed a little to get comfortable in the position he had put you. Excitement filled your senses as you awaited his next move. "You've been a really bad girl, you know that?" He asked you rhetorically, pulling down your shorts and giving your ass a hard smack. You moaned and squirmed a little more, at this point you were completely soaked through your panties. He gave you a few more smacks before rubbing the lobes of your red cheeks tenderly, his thumbs slipping just slightly near your pussy just to make you quiver. 

You shifted your legs so that your shorts fell off, and you pulled your feet through, only leaving you in your panties and a crop top. For a moment you felt really vulnerable, and shifted nervously in the large man's grip. He must have sensed it. He turned you around, and trailed his hands up your thigh. When he reached the top of your thigh, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it all the way off. You would have did a double take of his tattoos had you not known who you were dealing with. He had 'FUCK COPS' Across his stomach, and a cross on his arm with lettering around it, you were a but caught up in the moment to read it, so you made a mental note to ask him about it later. Trevor pushed you back further into your sofa, his lips crashed into yours as he crawled on top of you. 

You reached up and put a hand on his stomach, causing him to tense up a bit at your touch, guess even scary drug lords had sensitive spots. You explored this more, caressing his torso, feeling the rigidness of his muscles. He was incredibly well built, a perfect mix of muscle to body-fat ratio. Your hands trailed down to the crotch of his jeans. You rubbed against his cock through his jeans, earning a low groan from him. He grinded into your hand a bit and dove for your neck, licking and sucking hard, giving you a playful bite every now and again. You moaned into his ear, which only encouraged him to suck harder. At this point you were going to have some serious hickeys that were going to be hard to hide. 

"F-fuck, Trevor..." You breathed, "T-take your pants off." You pulled at the hem of his pants.

He gave you one more playful bite, sitting up and flashing a devilish smile at you. "Getting a little assertive, I like it." His tongue rolled over his teeth as he undid the button of his jeans and revealed white briefs. Honestly you had pegged him for more of a boxer type of guy. You could see how hard, and thick his cock was, and it only succeeded in making you wetter. You wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him closer to you and grinding against his cock through his briefs. He rolled his head around in pleasure and returned your movements, looking into your (e/c) eyes with alluring lust. "God, fuck this clothing, waddya say?" He asked giving your thigh a squeeze.

You nodded at him, and both of you removed your undergarments, tossing them to the side on your seashell rug on the floor. He lowered himself back onto you on your sofa, rubbing his member against the folds of your pussy, teasing you relentlessly before ramming into you unexpectedly, erupting a loud moan from you. You hooked your feet around his torso, bottoming his thick cock out, sending waves of pleasure to your core. He pounded your tight, wet hole hard and fast, both of you sweating and moaning. He gave you passionate kisses every now and again when he went just a little softer, but then sucked your neck when he went harder. It was an endless cycle of unexpected pumping, he changed his rhythm to keep you guessing, your muscles clenching around his cock in unexpected ways. First he would go slow, and sweet, then the next thing you knew he was ramming into your pussy hard and fast, his cock pressing against your cervix. Then he would slow to a medium pace, just enough to make you on the edge of cumming, but not quite. Suddenly, he rammed inside you hard, and went at a lightning speed, making no indication of letting up. He grunted in your ear, his own orgasm building off from yours. You were on the brink, you could feel the pressure of the orgasm building up in your core. 

"Fuuuuck- Uhn Trevor!" You through your head back. He knew how close you were, he teased you with speed for only a few more moments before going hard and fast, his balls slapping against your ass hard. "I'm going to cum!" You exclaimed, grabbing the sofa cushion fabric underneath you.

"Cum. Now." He spoke in a dominant, serious tone. You did exactly that, creaming all over his cock. He milked your orgasm for a few more pumps before pulling out and cumming on your stomach, giving out an orgasmic shout as he did. He collapsed on top of you, not caring about getting his sticky fluids on himself. "God damn that was good." He sighed. 

You smiled, "Yeah I haven't had a decent fuck like that in so long." You reached up and touched his strong back, caressing it softly, earning a small smile from the drug lord. After a few more minutes of cuddles, you got up and grabbed a towel for you both, cleaning yourself off before handing it to him. 

He nodded in thanks, and cleaned himself off, putting on only his white briefs and man-spreading on your sofa. "You- lucky woman- get to spend a whole night with the CEO of Trevor Phillips industries tonight." He winked at you, and smiled. 

You grinned and sat down next to him after getting some clothing on. "Sounds good to me", you threw your arms around him, and snuggled into his chest. For whatever reason, you felt safe with a very dangerous man.

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now