Certified Killer

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When you woke up, you looked around, surroundings seeming unfamiliar. Where where you? What year was it? Were you even on planet earth? You shook your head a little bit, and blinked. You were... At your house? Was all of that just a dream or a weird nightmare? It was a little hard to tell. You flopped around in your bed a little before deciding to fully get up, and go to your kitchen. 

You walked out, combing your hair mindlessly through your fingers as you did. You were expecting to see the pound of weed on your kitchen table, but sitting right beside it was Trevor. 

His eyes were locked on you intensely. 

Nervousness arose in you. "Uh, hey." 

"Hey." He responded in an oddly calm and welcoming tone. 

You weren't sure what to say, but you did have a lot of questions about the weed. "So, uh, what am I even supposed to do with that?" You pointed at the brick. 

"Are we going to talk about yesterday?" He asked, ignoring your question. 

You squinted at him. "We had sex, Trevor, what the fuck do you want from me?" 

He squinted back. "I want to know if I really got you back, or if that was some sort of 'fling.'" 

You crossed your arms. "Seeing as you promised me that you wouldn't do it again I can give you a second chance, but don't expect me to give you a third and if you're lying-" 

"I'm not." He interrupted you. 

Your expression softened. "Alright."

"Smoke it, sell it, I don't know." He shrugged. 

You gave him a questioning look in response. 

"The answer, to your question. The weed." He poked the brick of weed next to him, and then smelled his fingers. 

Your gaze drifted off. The next thing you knew you were on top of that hobo again. Blood everywhere just stabbing and stabbing, not thinking of the consequences. You heard a voice calling your name in the distance. 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Snap out of it!" Trevor shook you. Once he saw your eyes go dead and legs go limp was when he ran across the room to catch you. You were only inches away from your head hitting the ground. He coursed his hand through your hair and caressed your face. "(Y/N)!" He slapped it lightly.

Your vision cleared a bit, and you were back standing in your home. You looked down and it didn't seem you were standing at all, but Trevor was holding you ballroom style. His hand was lovingly on your cheek. "I was... I was killing that man..." 

"You had a PTSD flashback." Trevor said seriously. 

You didn't expect him to sound so professional about it. "How do you know?" You asked.

He took a few moments before responding, instead looking off in the distance. "It was that way when I first killed someone too... Mikey and I..." Hit breath hitched. 

"You don't have to talk about it." You spoke sincerely. 

His brown eyes gazed into your (e/c) ones. It looked as if a whole mix of emotions swirled through him, and you were beginning to understand what they meant. "If you ever need someone to talk about this shit, I'm your best bet." He leant down and gave you a sweet kiss. "Got it?"

"Okay, thank you." You blushed, and he helped you get back on your feet. 

His energy and tone changed from somber to energetic. He clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "Alright! So what are we gonna do today, eh, cupcake?" 

You thought about it. There wasn't much you actually wanted to do. You were surrounded by the beach, and you were scared that might trigger another flashback. "I don't want to go to the beach." 

Trevor squinted at you. He knew you loved the beach, what happened? "Okay... That tells me what you don't want to do, but not what you do." He leaned on your fridge. 

"Why not sell that weed?" You asked. You thought for a moment. "How much is uh, you know, in there anyways? I've never seen that much in my entire life." 

He picked it up and lifted his arm up and down with it for a moment. "It's three pounds." He shrugged and put it back on the table.

Your jaw dropped. "That's only three?" It looked more like it could be ten. "What do we have to do to sell it?" 

"I don't know." He grumbled. "I guess I could have my people distribute like I was going to, or I could run in with the Vagos or Ballas, considering I haven't pissed them off yet." His expression darkened. "Those Lost MC fucks will rue the day they ever fucked with me, OR you." 

"Those are both gangs in LS, right?" You asked. 

"Yeah. You know, I got some more stuff to do in LS anyways. You mind staying at a friends place?" He asked.

"I don't mind at all, as long as I get to be with you." You poked. "Plus, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm a certified killer." You giggled and then grimaced at your own joke. 

Trevor smirked at you. He liked your sense of humor even if it was a little twisted sometimes. "I love you, you know that?" The way he looked at you was just different. Like you were the only person on the planet for him. 

"I love you too." 

"So its settled then! You and I are gonna have a jolly ol' time at Floyd's house, and we'll take care of this brick." He patted it beside him.

You weren't sure why he looked at you like that. It made you feel warm inside, but also wrong. Like you weren't deserving of his love. It should be the other way around, but it was just a weird feeling that you couldn't shake. "So who's Floyd?" You asked

"He's Wayde's tight ass cousin. We did a Job, it got fucked..." He grumbled angrily. "By the way his house is a bit of a disaster area." 

You raised a brow. 

Trevor shrugged. "Some people are just so messy." He shook his head knowing full well that he was the singular cause of that mess. An idea came to the gruff man's mind. "Actually you don't have to stay there, why don't we stay in one of the nicer hotels? Retry our engagement celebration?" He asked. 

Thinking about it all still pained you, but you didn't want to be without him, ever again. Something with the both of you felt as if you were connected by a tether. From your core to his, it bound you to him. It wouldn't be such a bad idea though. "We could do that." You made up your mind. 

He licked his lips. "Good, good. Say lets go tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Sure." You smiled at him. 

And with that, you walked further down the dark path, with the dangerous man you adored...

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now