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 For just a second, he wanted you to feel the same kind of panic he felt. At the same time, guilt gnawed at him for making you feel that way. He knew one thing, though. He loved you, wholly and truly. He went out that night, not quite sure of what to do with himself, until he got a call from Michael.

It took a while to drive to where Michael had asked him, and it was morning by the time he got there.

Trevor whipped his truck into the beautifully landscaped driveway. He stepped out of his red, worn truck and looked at Michael. "What is this?" He asked, arms in the air.

"It's a thing. You said you wanted work? This is work." Michael replied, facing the house and walking towards it. 

"Uh huh... And who's the guy?" 

"You'll see." Michael walked up and knocked on the wooden double door.

"Yes?" A woman with red hair and a pink sweatsuit opened it. 

"We're looking for Mr. Madrazo." He replied.

An angry Mexican man sounded in the background. "Patricia, for fucks sake, just let them in!"

"Right this way, gentleman." She welcomed them in.

Martin Madrazo chuckled as if he were meeting old friends, before curtly addressing his wife once more. "Patricia, get us something to drink, would you? Quickly!" He smiled kindly at the sleek haired criminal. "Ah, it's good to see you again, Michael!" He chuckled once more.

"Likewise." Michael replied, trying not to show any emotion. All business. "This is my friend, Trevor."

"Ahh, sit down." Martin gestured to the sofa, while he continued to stand. "Sit, sit, sit. So, what did you tell him about me- about Martin Madrazo." He said his name proudly, and grandly. 

"Martin's an old friend if mine, Trevor-"

"The truth." Martin cut him off.

"Martin... is a terrifying psychopath, who tried to kill me." 

"Exactly!" Martin smiled, and sat down. "For some people, they don't fear me as much as they used to. People who are close to me. My closer-" He made a gesture of hitting Michael with an invisible bat. "You met him, Michael." He chuckled. "Well, apparently, he's thinking about testifying against me."

"So have him killed." Michael said gruffly.

"I'm going to." Martin replied. "But by you."

"I thought our debt was settled." He squinted his blue eyes at Martin.

"This is a favor for a friend." The Mexican man put it simply. "Or does friendship mean nothing these days?" He asked. 

Trevor raised his hand as if he was in a classroom. "Uh, Hello? What's the deal?" 

"This is him." Martin flashed a picture of a thuggish looking Mexican who was wearing a blue jersey and black do rag. "Javier. He's flying off to Liberty City this afternoon." He whistled to imitate the sound of a plane. "And he's taking some files of mine. Innocent files, that uhm, I need back. There's a gun set up in the hills. I had a man watching the airport. We'll let you know, and when he flies by poof, shoot it down, and get the files back."

Trevor imitated the last part. "Poof." He shot a fake gun, "What's the pay? Huh?"

Michael had already gotten up to leave, "Trevor. Come on." 

The drug lord got up and followed Michael. Patricia had returned with drinks on a platter. "Do you still want drinks?" She asked softly.

"Not now!" Martin roared at the small woman. He called her a name in Spanish and began yelling at her. It only made the other two men move faster to get out of the Lion's Den.

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now