What's the Problem, Cupcake?

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Key= (G/S/RG) = Gold/Silver/Rose Gold. (H/L)= Hair Length, (H/C)= Hair Color, (E/C)= Eye Color, (S/C)= Skin Color, (H/T)= Height


Trevor rammed the crop duster plane into the bay of the large jet, landing on the platform they were shooting him on. He had to take out several merryweather guards, and killed the captain before assuming control of the plane. It wasn't too soon after until Merryweather jets had come to warn the jet to decrease altitude and land, or face the consequences. Unfortunately, Trevor faced the consequences, and had to parachute out of a jet that was minutes from crashing into the water that was near his house. He parachuted down expertly landing right on Ron's lawn, next to his trailer.  

He dusted himself off and walked into his trailer, seeing you, Michael and Patricia all watching television awaiting his return. All heads turned when he entered the room. "Oh, uh, hey (y/n)."

You had a look on your face that wasn't even slightly amused. "Can I talk to you?" You got up from his sofa and looked towards Michael and Patricia, before looking back at Trevor expectantly. 

He stepped aside, he'd never actually seen you kinda... mad. He thought it was a little hot. "What's the problem, cupcake?" He asked when you were out in the front lawn. It didn't really make your voices carry any less, it just made you feel better to be out of eyesight. 

"Don't you even fucking cupcake me, Trevor. What the fuck was that the other night? You left, and you said you were going to stay. And then-" You pulled out your phone to the text he gave you. "Then you couldn't even call me? Just a fucking text? Where the fuck are your balls, or did I accidentally absorb them while we were fucking?" 

For once, the man before you was speechless. There wasn't many people who would stand up to him like that. "I-uh..."

"No- shut up for a second, I'm not done. Then, you kidnap some Mexican bitch and then hole her up in your fucking trailer?"

He put his hand over your mouth. "We don't need broadcast that, alright?" He looked into your eyes. 

You smacked his hand away from your mouth and began walking away. 

Panic panged from all angles inside of the large man. The last thing he ever wanted you to do was walk away from him like everyone else. He took a couple of steps and caught one of your hands. It stopped you, and he pulled you back gently. He got on two knees as he held your hand, and hung his head like a defeated king. "Please don't leave me." He looked up at you with pleading eyes. "Mrs. Madrazo is just collateral, Michael has to live with me right now because a certain Mexican won't pay us money." 

You put two and two together at the drop of the name Madrazo. As in, Martin Madrazo, a man who should never ever be fucked with. You lowered your voice to a whisper. "You fucking kidnapped Martin Madrazo's wife?" You asked. 

"Yes." He replied. "But you don't understand the full situation, it's the principle. You do a job, you get paid, that's how it's supposed to work. None of this favor for a friend shit."

You wouldn't have believed him, if you didn't know who was standing before you. 

"Don't leave me. (Y/N)- that text message... I have..." He hung his head. "I have problems expressing my feelings. And I- I love you." He met your gaze once more, his brown eyes shining like honey pots in the sun. 

You couldn't help but melt, and kneel with him. You cupped his face in your hands. "I love you too. I just get a little upset sometimes... And when I saw another woman in your trailer, I didn't really know what to think. And Michael fuckin Townley?" 

"Trust me, I was as surprised as you were." He stood up, this time you were still kneeling. Without a care, he whisked you off from the ground, and into his arms bridal style. 

A wide blush spread across your face. It didn't scare you a bit how strong he was anymore. Not with how gentle he treated you at times, like he was scared that you were going to break. He began walking away from his trailer, and on the path he usually took to your house. "Are we going to my place?" You asked. 

"Yup. And then when we get there, we're gonna go for a ride on that dirt bike and get out of here for a little. Just you and me. Alright?" He asked, but you knew it was rhetorical. That's just what you were doing. 

"Okay." You smiled, and wondered what he had up his sleeve. 

                           *                                                                   *                                                                       *

You held on to Trevor tight as wind blew your (h/l) hair in the wind. It was comforting knowing he didn't go too fast, but just enough to give you a thrill. He slowed down and turned onto a dirt trail that led up one of the mountains. He was careful as he went around bends, and made sure you were okay. Once he got the a peak, he stopped, and parked your dirt bike. 

You swung your legs off it and faced him. He was wearing a black denim jacket, and clean jeans today. "Why did you bring me all the way up here?" You asked. 

He avoided your question. "Isn't the view beautiful?" He asked, looking you in the eyes. 

You looked to the desert, which was getting close to the sun setting. The sky shined a dull orange and pink clouds danced above the mountains. Everything looked so small, and insignificant from up here. "Yeah, it is." You sighed.

"Well, the scenery isn't what I meant." His eyes were still fixed on you. He stepped closer to you, and gave you a passionate kiss.

You couldn't help but sink into it, kissing him back just as passionately. His hands grabbed your hips and brought them closer to his. You reached a hand up and grabbed the back of his hair. 

He pulled back and got on one knee, looking up at your (e/c), gleaming eyes. "Look, I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I love you. I don't want you to leave me. Ever. I want you to be mine..." He fumbled with something in his pocket, and pulled out a cigarette box. He gave it to you like it was a precious item. 

You looked at the cigarette box, brand was Redwoods. It was worn, and tattered, but it didn't feel like there was cigarettes in it either. You heard something rattle around inside as you shook it, then you opened it. Inside was that (G/S/RG) banded diamond ring that you had stolen with him. Your eyes lit up instantly. 

"Will you marry me?" He asked you.

It was incredibly sudden, but something about him. You knew he was loyal to a fault, and that was hard to find in a guy. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, you put the ring on your left ring finger and looked him in the eyes. "Yes!" 

A wide smile spread across Trevor's face. It wasn't a grin, and didn't have anything dark underneath of it. It was a genuine, happy smile, and you could tell that he loved you with all of his heart. 

But you never could have anticipated what marrying Trevor Philips could bring...

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