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It didn't take you long to realize who had saved you. He got up off the ground and loomed over you, looking into your (e/c) eyes with his deep brown ones. 

"You fucker!" The tears were still flowing from your eyes. You punched him with both arms in his chest hard. "Get off of me!" You sobbed, hitting him repeatedly. You could smell the other man on him still, a different shitty cologne and whiskey. 

He just took it without flinching or moving. "(Y/N)..." He tried to speak.

Your hand connected his his face with a hard slap. Enough to leave a red mark in the shape of your hand. "Don't you fucking dare say my name." You tried to squirm out from under him, but he caught your wrists and pinned you to the pavement. "Fuck you!" You spat and cried. "You lying, cheating motherfucker!" You didn't have the energy to fight him anymore and you just sobbed. 

Headlights came your way and stopped on the road. A concerned man got out of his vehicle and yelled at the both of you. "Hey! Leave her alone you fucking hobo scum!" 

That was enough to get Trevor to get up and off of you. He whipped around to look at the man. "Can you not see that I'm havING RELATIONSHIP TROUBLES?!" He roared at the man and pulled out his gun. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOU BECOME PART OF THE SCENERY!"

That seemed to frighten him enough, he quickly got back in his vehicle and pulled away from the two of you. 

You didn't even want to walk. Your legs were just about jello from all the running you had just done. You crawled off the road, snot dripping from your nose. You pulled yourself in a fetal position and cried. He had really broken your heart. You felt like a part of you died.

Trevor couldn't help but feel pathetic. He was the one who put you in this state, and there's not much he could do about it. He felt his own tears well up as he watched you sob. He got on his knees and began sobbing just as hard as you were. "Please don't leave me." He begged. 

"Why shouldn't I?!" You yelled and wiped your nose. "Why would you do that?! You had just asked me to really get married today and then- and then-" Your words were cut short by another fit of uncontrollable sobbing. 

"I don't know! I just... I do these things because when I want something I don't know I just- I just do it!" He had a hard time even understanding what he'd just said. 

"Oh, so you just wanted to get fucked in the ass by some guy?!" You screamed at him. 

"Yes!" He cried, "I mean- no- I don't know! I just wanted to get fucked and I didn't see you... you know..." His sadness turned to anger. "What then?! Would you rather fuck me in the ass then?!" He asked. 

"YES!" You bellowed. "You stupid fuck!" You cried. "I would have done anything for you! And you fucking threw it all away..." You trailed off, looking hollow and traumatized. 

Trevor watched your expression in hopeless anguish. He was still on his knees in the middle  of the road. He could feel his heart pounding in his ribcage, thoughts racing it warp speed. He was absolutely speechless. "Please, please forgive me..." He begged. 

Your eyes snapped from the desert to him. "Its going to take a whole fucking lot to do that, Trevor." You said his name with hatred, like a snake's hiss. 

He could hear the difference as well, and it panged more pain in his heart. He thought about everything, the few moments that just transpired. He had saved your life, you had to owe him something for that, right? "Well, I saved your life! Without me-" Again his emotions twisted into rage. "Without me, you'd be fucking dead! Those bikers would have fucking killed you, and so would have that truck just now!" He pointed to where the truck went. "D-E-A-D," He spelled out, "Without me." 

You looked at him for a long while. The air between the both of you was thick, and heavy with sorrow and anguish. You chose your words carefully before you spoke them aloud. "Well, now you can live without me." And with that, you grabbed your phone and called the only person you knew who was as far away from Sandy Shores as you could get, Franklin. "Hey I'm uh... Can you come pick me up from Sandy Shores? I'm right near the sign on the side of the highway..."

Franklin sounded concerned on the other side of the phone. "Shit, are you okay? Did you crash or something?" 

"No its..." You briefly looked at Trevor slumped over in the road. "Is it okay if you just come and get me and ask questions later?" 

"Shit I guess. Be there as soon as I can, aight?" With that he hung up the phone, and made his way to you. 

Trevor erupted once you hung the phone up. "FUUUUCK!" He screamed at the sky, hot tears still rolling down his face. He looked back at you. "I love you." 

You looked away from him, refusing to meet his gaze. 

This stabbed daggers into his heart. His voice broke a little this time, he said it a little louder, "I love you!" Still silence on your end. "Please! Please say something! Anything to me!" He begged.

Without looking at him, you spoke lowly. "Just walk away. You've done enough." Tears welled up in your eyes as well. It hurt just as much for you to tell him to go away, as it did for him to hear it.

He took in your figure once more, your face turned away from him. This isn't at all what he wanted to happen. But he also knew that he was the cause of your pain. He was the reason that everyone left in the end. With heaviness in each step, he walked back to his trailer. 

As he got further away from you, he could feel his emotions mixing and churning. All he wanted to do was go back home and smoke up. With an objective in mind, his footsteps quickened pace, until he was at his abode. He threw the door open, and saw Ron in his bathroom. 

"Oh, hey boss I-" He tried to be friendly, and wildly misjudged the mood that Trevor was in. 

"Ron, get the FUCK OUT." He barked at the small man. 

He put his hands up in surrender, and set down the meth pipe he was using. "O-okay. I'm gone." He darted out with haste. 

Trevor opened his toilet seat filter lid and pulled out the waterproof bag where he kept his crystal. He quickly loaded up the pipe and took a few hits. Instantly he felt it hit him. The euphoria. It didn't last long though. Thoughts of you kept flooding back to him. He kept thinking of everything he loved about you, and it just made him even more pissed off. He grabbed a bat near his bed and headed outside. He was going to kill something, someone, anything to make this pain feel better... 

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now