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"God, Fuck!" Trevor exclaimed, his hands were on your hips, and he was behind you. His long, thick cock was pistoning in and out of you doggy style. This morning, he was toying with you even more than usual. You were playing a game, where if you made a noise, then you'd be punished. 

You held back your moans as best as you could. Your face was flushed from Trevor fucking you fast and hard. Your lip was tucked under your teeth, biting hard to avoid a moan from escaping. You could feel how thick his cock felt from this angle, and it was amazing. Without warning, he began going faster, and harder. He smacked your ass hard a couple of times. With the second smack, a moan escaped you. You covered your mouth with one hand, the other propping you up. "Shit." You muttered. 

"I thought," He said between thrusts and grunts, "That you were going to be a good girl, but I guess not." He reached and grabbed you by up the hair forcefully, but nothing that would harm you. When he had in a position he wanted, his hand wrapped around your throat from behind. 

"Fuck Trevo-" You were cut off by a squeeze to the neck. 

"Shut the fuck up, and let me pound this tight little fucking pussy." He growled low, making his point. "The only thing I want to hear come from your lips is 'Yes, sir' Do you understand?"

You got butterflies. That was a feeling you'd never had with sex before, or anyone before, for that matter. "Y-Yes, sir." You managed to squeeze out.  It was almost overwhelming, the feeling of power he had over you. The feeling of his hand wrapped tightly around your throat, knowing full well that he could kill you if he so wished, but he wouldn't. He pumped in and out of you at an inhuman speed. He ordered you to cum on his cock. You did exactly that, juices spilling around his cock as you did, he'd actually managed to make you squirt.

"Holy fuck." He breathed, and turned you around. His body collapsed on top of yours, and he gave your neck light kisses. "That was really hot." He licked the shell of your ear, making you blush. A devilish grin played on the criminal's face. "Let's go fuckin rob a place."

You grinned back at him. "Hell yeah." Honestly he could have gotten you to do anything after that session, your brain was still in a post-orgasm bliss. 

The two of you got dressed in black hoodies, and loose black cargo pants. Stuff that didn't show your form or figure. Off you drove, from Sandy Shores to Strawberry, Los Santos. It was a long drive that left you with a lot of thinking. You couldn't help but feel little pings and pangs of anxiety as you neared exits to Los Santos. What if something went wrong? What if you had to actually fire your gun at a person? What if the cops came and shot you both, or hauled you off to jail?

Trevor whipped into the parking lot of the Vanilla Unicorn, heading straight for the back alley to avoid suspicion. He gazed into your (e/c) eyes, silently vowing that if anyone hurt you, they were going to end up as a new lunch meat. "Are you sure you're ready for this shit?" He asked. "People could die."

You gulped. "Yeah." You truly wanted to see inside the world of Trevor Philips, not just the blips that you got every time he visited to fuck you. You needed to see him for all of him. Even if deep down you did harbor a little fear for the man, but a large part of you trusted him more. There was a sense of loyalty he had that was unparalleled. He put on his ski mask, and you mimicked him. He took your hand, and began running, the both of you with black sacks to carry whatever you could take, and a bat to smash things open. 

He burst through the door, a strange gleam in his eyes as he did. He yelled at the bald man from yesterday, "GET ON THE FUCKING FLOOR, PORKCHOP." 

"Oh fuck to the no." The gruff man said, pulling out a gun from behind the counter. Before he could even cock his weapon, Trevor had drawn his gun and shot him. It happened so fast, you didn't even really had time to react. 

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now