You Got a Gun?

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Trevor just stared at you blankly with his deep brown eyes. "You're bored?"

"Fuckin yeah." You replied plainly, "There's nothing to do in this trailer park wasteland and you seem to make things more interesting." You shrugged and took a swig of your beer.

The thug of a man continued to eye you. His eyes narrowed slightly, and you watched them rake up and down you body. He was checking you out, that much was obvious. Your heart rate sped up slightly. You could see a small glimpse of hunger in his eyes as they lingered a little longer on your tits than they did elsewhere. "So, let's get this straight sugar tits, you listened in on a dangerous man's conversation, learned things you shouldn't know, and you want what, some sort of joy ride?"

You shrugged again, "You just... interest me. You're not really like any other guy- or person for that matter. I thought maybe- I don't know what I thought actually." You were beginning to think this was a bad idea, until you saw the amusement on Trevor's face.

"So what you're saying is that you're interested in me?" He licked his lips, and gave a devilish smile. 

That made you blush. It's not like he was entirely unattractive, and his demanding personality made you giddy in a weird way. "Yeah. Something like that." 

"Y'know what babe, you want a joy ride? Eh, Why the fuck not?" He got up and began to walk out. "You coming, or what?" Trevor shot you an expectant look. 

You returned his look with a smile, "Put the beers on my tab!" You yelled as you followed the drug lord out. 

"Did you come on the dirt bike?" He asked

"Yup." You motioned to the black bike and without asking he picked your bike up and carried it to his truck bed. Wow he was scary strong. "What is this some sort of abduction?"

"Nah." He said, "I really don't wanna get banned from that damn bar again. I wouldn't have anywhere to go that's close." Under his breath he muttered, "Driving far away for a good time is fuckin annoying."

That made you giggle. You opened the passenger side of the red truck, got in and buckled up. Which almost seemed stupid since you might as well have just dug your own grave for a hit-man. But who knows? This could turn out fun. You'd heard stories from some women in town about his... abilities in bed. The women were kinda hookers but hey, they were the only people to talk to around there that were close to your age.  You looked him up and down as he started up the truck. He really did have an attractive figure, nice large biceps and and a strong looking back with an interesting tattoo of his spine peeking out of a zipper. This time it was your turn to lick your lips.  "Where are we going anyways?" You asked as you rolled down the street.

"You got a gun?" He asked, throwing a look your way.

The question startled you only a little. "N-no?"

He shot a smirk your way. "Relax, I was thinking we could hit the range."

You relaxed a little, sinking back into the seat, "I've never shot a gun before," you told him, "I've never even held one." 

He pulled around to your local gun shop and stopped the truck, "I know the guy here I'll get you a good deal." The brutish man walked over and opened your door for you which was oddly polite for a thug. In he walked like he owned the place, the clerk giving him nervous eyes. "Melvin!" He greeted him as if he was some sort of old friend. 

"Take whatever you want, Trevor. I can't afford another fire." Melvin looked down and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Perfect! Pick out whatever you want, and it's on me." Trevor looked at you, watching your decision carefully.

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now