If You Die I Will Kill You

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All around lay dead cops, destroyed police cars, and a Union Depository truck pushed all the way over into broken and mangled brick. It looked like a warzone. 

"Well, if the government don't need me no more, I have places to be." Trevor sighed and started to take apart his sniper rifle, and put it back in the case. 

He got out of dodge as quickly as the other two men did. He had a sick satisfaction knowing that he just killed basically an army of cops, and was going to walk off scot free for it. And to top it all off, he had a super hot fiancé to go back to.

The same man was waiting at the door when he got back from the job. This time he knew not to question him, and opened the door automatically. Trevor nodded at him and walked in. 

Now, he could finally be with his woman in peace. He walked up to the room, ready to spring. He tapped the card to the door to try to open it, but the little red light wouldn't change green. "Come on you piece of shit." He said aloud, clearly having issues, furroughing his brows in aggravation.

You heard Trevor's voice at the door and peeked through the peep hole with a (e/c) orb. You opened the door for him with a slight smile spread across your face. 

His eyes softened when he looked at you. He walked in and quickly shut the door behind you, grabbing your hips as he did. "You know, you make my insides feel like mush. Its disgusting. But I like it for whatever reason." 

"I hope that's a... good thing?" You asked. 

"You're sure as shit it is." He grinned and dipped you back, practically sweeping you off your feet. He kissed your soft lips deeply, drawing it out and savoring the moment. 

Trevor's lips were surprisingly plush whenever you kissed them. They were soft unlike the callouses and scars that trailed along his body. As you thought about them, you just wanted to touch them, and him. You slid your hands up his shirt, causing a playful growl to erupt from him. 

He pulled away from the kiss. "Mmmm you're going to get me all riled up."

"Aren't you that way all the time?" You asked. 

He thought for a moment. "Good point but still." He dove in and kissed you again, this time giving your lip a playful bite on the bottom. 

It made you blush deeply. You pulled your body closer to his, feeling his warmth and muscles against your body.

A low growl escaped Trevor's lips, he pushed you back until you fell on the bed. 

You felt so small with him above you, he was a large man, sure. But there was this aura that commanded your attention in any room or situation he was in. 

He loomed over you, his dark brown eyes exuding seduction. "So, what did you do today, cupcake?" He asked. 

"Mm-" You let out a small noise as you thought. "I went to the pool today, took advantage of cable tv, and ordered room service." 

Trevor wasn't really even listening as you spoke, he focused on your lips, occasionally glancing at your eyes. He thought he wanted sex, but there was this more... deep desire in him, which he didn't understand. He wanted to talk to you. "Tell me more." He said, moving to the side instead of looming over you. He swung a leg over your (b/t) body, and pulled you closer. 

You felt your face get hot. "I mean there's not really much else to talk about. That's all I did today." You shrugged. 

He reveled in the way your body felt, the way your lungs contracted and receded, the way you spoke, everything. "I just want to hear you talk, tell me anything." He said in an oddly soft tone. 

You blinked and looked at him, then the ceiling. "Alright... uh... When I was a kid, I used to live in Los Santos with my mom and dad. Coming back here always brings some kind of memories." Your eyes flashed with both joy, and then pain. 

"What happened to them?" He asked. 

You sighed. "They died." 


"You know, why the fuck do you care?" You snapped at him. 

For once, you made him flinch. "Jesus I just wanted to get to know you better, alright?" He moved away from you and pushed you away slightly as he did. "Can't even get to know my own fiancé better." He folded his arms and gave you the cold shoulder like a child.  

You realized what you had done. You were letting your past get in the way of your future. "I came home from school and I found them when I was thirteen. Someone broke in, and the cops said it was a robbery gone wrong, they weren't supposed to be home. The robbers killed my parents and left them there." You looked down, thinking about all the blood and mess you had to clean up with your grandmother. 

Trevor wanted to say something, but couldn't. He opened his mouth, but no words dared to flow out. He turned around and looked at you sympathetically. "I'm sorry I asked." 

"Nah don't- don't worry about it okay? Can we just go back to cuddling?" You asked. 

Without a word he scooped you up with his almost super human strength, and plopped you on the bed, getting in the same interlocking position you were in previous. He lavished your neck with sweet kisses, making you giggle slightly. 

"What about your parents?" You asked him. 

His tone grew cold, "Dad was an asshole and my mom... I'm not gonna even talk about her." His eyes wandered around the room, searching for a way to get out of the conversation.

Instead of prying, you decided to leave it at that. "What about that brick of weed? You have things set up yet?" You asked. 

He jumped at the prospect of a new conversation. "I do! Since I fucked up the Lost MC, the only fuckers we have left are the Vagos." 

"The Vagos huh... Do I at least get to come with you?" You asked, giving his neck a kiss in hopes of persuading him. 

"I really don't think-"

"Come on, aren't we partners in crime?" You gave a sly smile. "Technically I killed someone for you." 

A dark smile came across his face. "Baby, I'd kill anyone, anywhere for you. And since you put it that way... Yeah you could come along. But if you die I will kill you." He said playfully.

You laughed. "Same goes for you then, mister. Where's the place?" 

Little did either of you know, your room had been bugged. On the other end was a man from the Lost MC. He was known and highly regarded in the Lost MC as Hank Texas Tanover. A lot of people called him Tex, or Texas for short, only his close friends and high up associates dared to call him by his first name.

Tex's only prerogative was to make sure that Trevor Philips ended up dead. After hearing the meetup place was in Rancho, he knew where to be. He set down his headphones and combed a hand through short brown hair. His green eyes were almost in a permanent squint. Normally, he wouldn't have a problem with some dude fucking over the Lost MC, wasn't really his business. But Trevor killed his little brother, and now it was his business. 

He speed dialled the head of the Lost. "Hey boss." He greeted him with a thick southern accent. "I know when and where it's going to go down. I want this asshole dead, and so do you, so consider it done." He grit his teeth at the end of the sentence, his body stiffening in anger. 

"Just don't get yourself killed, Hank. You're one of the only good ones I have left."

"You just let me worry about me, boss." He hung up without a word. Tomorrow he would make the move. 

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now