Are You Scared Of Me?

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It was very comfortable having your head rest on Trevor's bicep. Your eyes wandered across the sky, then down to the landscape around you. The place you lived in was definitely some sort of paradise in your eyes, and you were grateful to have been born there instead of anywhere else.

Trevor's free hand reached over to grab your hip, catching you by surprise a bit. He felt you jump, and adjust to his grip. "(Y/N)?" He asked. 

"Yeah?" you answered, looking into his deep brown eyes. 

"Are you scared of me?" He asked. 

You knew if you lied to him, he would know, and he might be upset. The real answer was that you didn't know. You'd watched him mercilessly kill several people right before your eyes, and what was stopping you from becoming one of them one day? At this point your eyes had wandered everywhere, except back to Trevor's.

"(Y/N)" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He asked again, more firmly this time. "Are you scared of me?" 

"I... I don't know Trevor. Should I be scared of you?" You asked in return. 

He gently slid his arm out from under your head, and placed his body above yours, he stared intensely into your (e/c) eyes. He lowered himself push-up style and gave you a soft, passionate kiss on the forehead. "Not in a million years." One of his hands rose, and gently cupped your soft face. His touch was so gentle, it was almost as if he was afraid of breaking you. 

This time, you took the initiative and kissed him, his plush lips crashing into yours. He kissed back softly and gently. Your lips melded together in a slow bliss. 

He lowered his weight on top of you, but not too much as to make it uncomfortable. This time, he wanted it to be different. His knee slid between your legs to make a point at what he intended on doing next. 

You felt your cheeks redden as he pressed up into your groin and rubbed in little circles with his knee, knowing that it would hit in a little sensitive spot.

Trevor loved when you blushed for him, it let him know that he was doing something right. His hand travelled from your face down to one of your tits, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. He broke the kiss and looked at your body up and down, eyes wandering all over it, before gazing back into your beautiful orbs. "I don't ever want you to be afraid of me." He lifted your shirt a little, exposing your stomach to the crisp, night air. He gave gentle kisses, trailing from your hips, all the way up to your tits. Once he got to your nipples, he sucked on them gently, sending little waves of pleasure through your body. 

You moaned slightly at his soft touch. This was a lot different than the rough, fast, hot sex you usually had. 

Both of his hands held your hips in their place as he feverishly went from one breast to the other. He unlatched himself and he began trailing soft little kisses back down your stomach, to your hips, before reaching the hem of your jeans, where he gave a playful lick. With ease he flicked the button open, revealing your wet panties, he grinned in response. "This wet already, huh?" He asked rhetorically. 

"Y-yeah..." You breathed. He has this way of taking your breath away with only a few moments of time. You felt him peel the jeans right off you, your flip-flops coming off in the process. 

He sat up and looked at the hot little mess that he'd just created. You with your shirt pulled up, nipples hard, red cheeks, wet panties, and no pants. He looked pleased. With one finger he pressed up into your slit, catching your clit on his finger. He rubbed in little circles, causing you to moan. 

"Ugh... Trevor please fuck me." You pleaded with him.

"Mmmm." Something devilish played in his eyes. "Not yet." He peeled your panties off, and lowered his head. You could feel his breath against your soft lips. The anticipation was driving you crazy. Softly, he gave one, lone, erotic lick up your pussy. You moaned loudly in response. He did it one more time, just a bit harder, this time keeping his tongue on your rose bud of a clit. He moved his tongue like an expert, swirling little patterns that you couldn't even begin to figure out. Whatever he was doing felt like absolute bliss though. 

You threw your head back, against the truck bed. This time you were literally seeing stars as they shined above you, it was almost surreal. Your hands reached down and grabbed his hair, pulling him into you more. 

He took this as a sign to go harder, swirling his tongue he could feel you grow wetter and wetter with each moment. You began to arch your back, and he grabbed your hips again and held them in place. You squirmed in his grip a bit, but that what he wanted anyways. He loved feeling how your body reacted to his own. Your breath quickened, and he could tell you were almost close to cumming. He gave a little suck before pulling away from your pussy, causing a little yelp to come from you. 

"F-fuck Trevor..." You looked up at him, unsure of his next move. 

He unzipped his own pants, revealing his large, erect cock. He decided to go commando today specifically for this reason. "You want me to fuck you?" He asked.

"Please." You begged, "Please fuck me Trevor." 

He moved his cock up and down your slit, teasing you relentlessly, before slipping it between your soaked lips slowly. He watched the expression on your face carefully as he gently worked his way inside if you. You always made the cutest faces when you were getting fucked, and it drove him crazy. He really wanted just to fuck all and ram inside of you, ravage you like a fucking animal, but he contained himself. Tonight, he was proving a point. His cock slid in and out at an agonizingly slow pace. He leant down and kissed your lips once more, while keeping the same pace. With each thrust his balls slapped just gently against you. He broke the kiss with your lips and trailed from your jaw, down to your neck. He stayed there, sucking on the soft flesh, sending even more waves of pleasure through your body. 

"C-can you go a little faster?" You asked. 

He didn't answer, but obeyed. Tonight was all about you. He quickened his pace, earning even more moans from you. It was a medium pace, even driving himself crazy.

You could feel his cock twitch inside of you, the thickness and longness drawn out with each thrust. You could feel an orgasm slowly start to build in your core. "Fuuck..." You moaned. 

He went just a little faster, but not too hard. He made sure to keep this gentle, slow, and sweet. Taking his time and care with each part of your body that he touched. He could really feel his own orgasm coming on. "You want more?" He asked. 

"Please." You nodded in excitement. 

He went a bit faster. He grabbed you by the small of your back and lifted you up from the truck bed, his cock never leaving your body as he did. You were now sitting up, facing him, looking into his brown eyes as they stared back into yours. This new position gave an entirely more full feeling, you dipped your head back. He took this and dove back into your neck with his lips once more, his tongue greedily licking and sucking the flesh. His own moans began to mix with yours. 

Just a few more thrusts and you knew that you were going to cum. "T-Trevor..." You breathed. 

He didn't even have to ask. "I'm close too, ugh, fuck." He kept thrusting at the medium, gentle pace. Your head was still rolled back, he took a hand and lifted it up so you were facing him once more.

You saw the passion, and love in his eyes as he fucked you. You were extremely close. "T-" Before you could even finish telling him you were about to cum, he kissed you, and the floodgates released. You came all over his cock, at the same time, he came inside of you, your juices mixing together and running down his member. He made a loud moan as he finished cumming and slumped back just a bit. His hands were still holding you onto him, clinging for dear life. He realized and gently released you, allowing your relaxed body to sink back onto the truck bed. He slid himself out and cleaned the both of you up. 

After he re-dressed himself, he did the same with you, treating you like a little doll. He pulled your shirt down and put your panties back on, then slid your jeans up your legs carefully. After he was done he laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. 

"I love you..." He whispered softly. "I love you so much (Y/N), I never ever want to hurt you."

"I love you too." You whispered. If it was anything, he had absolutely convinced you that he wouldn't hurt you...

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