Massage Me Motherf*cker!

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"Hello Trevor." Wayde stepped out from the bathroom to greet the large man. "I missed you."

Trevor replied in a soft tone, "Hello, Wayde. I missed you too."

"Hello, Trevor." Floyd waved. He always managed to look nervous around him, with good reason.

"Oh, hey, there hotlips. Where you been hidin?" He asked while raising a brow.

"No- n-n-nowhere." He backed up timidly.

Trevor stepped toward Floyd. "I got a knot the size of a baseball in here, alright? Needs a little ahh loosening up, alright?" He asked, gesturing to his thigh.


"Massage me motherfucker!" He barked. Floyd obliged and began rubbing his thigh. "Good, good- aahhh uggghh." He threw his head back in relief.

Michael walked through the door. "Trevor's hard at work, huh?" He asked sarcastically.

"Where's the surrogate child?" Trevor asked.

"Who?" He went over and stood by the makeshift plan board Trevor had made out of the living room wall.

"The boy! With the stars in his eyes." He rolled his eyes.

"It's not like that." Michael replied.

"What's not like that?" Franklin's deep voice entered the room as he stepped into view.

"Hey! Hey there uh- You and him the old father son issues?" He motioned between Michael and Franklin, "Gives me the fuckin' creeps."

Franklin looked down at Floyd. "How's the leg rub?" He asked.

"Oh its excellent, you want a go?" T asked, pointing down.

There was a slight chuckle in Franklin's voice, "No, I'm good, dog." He walked over to Michael, greeting him with a fist bump.

"Hey I-I called you guys here to discuss this job that I've been planning."

"The fuck are you talkin' about?" Michael asked.

"Shut the fuck up, Michael, alright? You owe me." He pointed.

"Hey did you talk to Lester?"

"I called him. He's in the hospital or something, alright? We keep him out and we get twenty percent. Well unless of course, you go states again and uh have me arrested." Trevor squinted his dark brown eyes.

"Hey, it wasn't like that." Michael crossed his arms in disapproval.

"It better not have been." He growled.

"Yeah like you give a fuck."

"Oh, see I give a fuck Michael." His voice got in a dangerous and low tone, "It's a position. A fuckin' viewpoint, alright? Like God. Like Evolution. Like anything else." His tone grew louder as he spoke. "Sunshine, boredom, lies. That's what we got. Other people, they have other worlds, but for me? I'm like a vulture just circling the desert lookin for fuckin corpses, y'know? A carrion eating motherfucker. Do you understand that?!"

Michael chuckled. "Wow." He clapped. "Whoo! Bravo! You fucking idiot."

Franklin spoke up after silently observing the older men. "Man, I still don't get the score. What's the fuckin plan?" He asked.

"We got Floyd, alright?" Trevor began, Floyd walked into the room upon hearing his name. "Now Floyd's gonna-" Anger flashed in his eyes at the timid man. "-not- Fuck, get out of here, alright!" He scurried off like a scared little mouse. "Now Floyd here works at the port. He puts me under Merryweather security, who were running some tests out at sea for Uncle Sam. We're going to take whatever it is they're testing. Now, got a couple buyers lined up. I guarantee no problems, and no major heat. Mmm Let's get going, alright? Let's take our slightly-past-it vibe to an airfield where I've got a sub, I got a chopper, I got everything we need. Alright, let's do this ya fucks!" Trevor yelled excitedly as he walked out from the apartment.

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