Trevor F*cking Philips

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Trevor still had a "fuck the world" attitude when he re-entered the trailer. He kicked the door open, causing you to jump a little. He had an odd expression on his face, one mixed with smugness and darkness. 

You gave him a questioning glance, but he said nothing. Sometimes he truly was a mystery. "You don't have anything in here that hasn't spoiled. Do you ever eat out of your fridge?" 

He scratched the back of his head and thought for a moment, taking a look up at the ceiling. "Ya know, I don't think I really do, actually." His eyes wandered over the pizza boxes, and burger shot bags. "Wanna go out?" He asked. 

Your stomach made an audible growl.

Trevor smirked a bit at it, he thought it was actually pretty cute. Hearing your stomach growl and noticing you got a little look on your face when you were hungry. He walked over and put his arm around you, and guided you out of his abode. "Alright, darlin', lets go." He walked you out to the truck and opened your door for you. 

You smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you. You wanna go to Bean Machine?" You asked him. 

"Wherever you want to go, I'm happy with." He revved up the truck and started heading towards Los Santos. 

It wasn't too long with the speed that Trevor drove at until you got to the city. There were lots of hipsters at Bean Machine, but it didn't stop their coffee from being good.

 The two of you got questioning glances when you walked in. People there could be so shallow and judgy sometimes that it made you want to crawl out of your skin. There were a few people in line, four to be precise. Waiting didn't bother you much, but you weren't so sure about Trevor. There were times when his patience surprised you, and others where he could fly completely off the handle. It was hard to know what would set him off, and what wouldn't. He crossed his arms and began to sulk, you almost thought about telling him to get back in the truck, but you also didn't want to be alone in there getting the stare-down from hipsters. 

It didn't take long for Trevor to crank his head over and stare back at them, after a few moments they looked away. He felt as if he had asserted some sort of dominance back, and returned to sulking. If there was one thing Trevor was not, it was a morning person. He woke up a couple times and punched people in the street when he left your house. 

Finally, the line inched forward, and a bubble-gum popping, preppy blonde stood at the counter. "Can I take your order?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone. 

"Yeah, I'll get a large caramel mocha, and..." You looked back to Trevor to see what he wanted. 

His dark eyes rose to meet the blonde's. He only spoke three words. "Coffee, large, black."

"...Alright you heard the man." You shrugged. However, the girl in front of you looked as if she was out in left field. 

"Oh, haha." She gave a cute little laugh, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear the other one? Could you repeat it?"

You opened your mouth to speak, but before sound could even arise from your lips, Trevor's voice overrode yours. 

"Are you fuckin deaf?" The hipsters heads snapped towards the counter to see the commotion, one even pulled out their phone to videotape what was happening. "I said, coffee. Large. Black." 

The barista blinked in awe and put the order in the little screen in front of her. "N-Name?" She asked. 

"Trevor Fucking Philips." He said proudly. He slapped some money on the counter and then stepped to the side to wait for your drink to be made.

Once they arrived, you hauled ass out of there, practically dragging Trevor behind you by his hand. He ripped out of your grip for a moment. "Why the hell are you dragging me like a bad dog?" He asked.

You gave him a slightly disappointed look. "You could have went easier, and been a little nicer to the bimbo back there, you know? Its not her fault you hate mornings."

He glared at you in silence for a few ticks, and then scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "Yeah, maybe."  He got in the truck. 

You glanced down at the name on his cup and almost spit out your mocha. It read, "Trevor F-ing Filips." You read yours and it said the same thing since he paid for both coffees. You smiled at it a bit. It dawned on you then, you never actually accomplished your goal of getting food. Your smile faded quickly.


"Whats wrong?" Trevor asked. 

"I'm gonna go back in for a sec, okay?" 

He nodded at you and handed you money.

"No, I don't nee-" You began, but he wouldn't have it.

"Just take it." He gave you a serious look, and you knew there was no use in arguing with him.

You took the money, and went back inside, luckily only one person standing in line this time. You ordered a muffin for yourself, and two muffins for Trevor. You figured a big guy like him could probably use a little more to eat.

Meanwhile, Trevor sat in the truck, observing his surroundings and making sure that you were one hundred percent safe. After the last incident, he really had his guard up. After a few more moments of waiting, he glanced down at your mocha caramel. He looked both ways to make sure no one saw him and took a drink, and was pleasantly surprised. He took one more sip before setting it down like nothing had happened. 

Not too long after, you returned with a sack full of muffins. "Hey so I got us some-" 

He surprised you by planting a passionate kiss to your lips, you couldn't help but kiss back, entranced by his sudden affection. He pulled back and looked into your (e/c) eyes.

"W-what was that for?" You asked. 

"I can't just kiss you? Huh?" He asked back playfully. 

Your eyelashes fluttered at him. He just had this way of making you feel completely flustered in one swoop. "Well y-yeah you can I just wasn't expecting it." 

He leaned in and kissed you again, his lips were plush, and softer than they looked. It was short, but one of those kisses that still left a lasting impression. Like in a way he claimed your soul with his lips. "So what'd ya get?" He asked in a more decent sounding mood. 

You began pulling the food out of the bag, "Well, I got you two muffins, and I got me just one. I just didn't know if you'd want more to eat." 

He smiled. "Thank you. Ready to raise hell today?" 

You weren't at all sure what he was talking about, but wondered if it was something he was whispering on the porch about with Ron. Your eyes squinted at him, "Does this have do to with what you were taking to Ron about?" You asked. 

He squinted back at you. "No, its about your shrink. You gotta go to the office and fill out some bullshit paperwork, I guess."

You blinked at him. "Oh." Disappointment filled your lungs. Maybe some part of you still wanted to be part of the danger, and the thrill. You wanted to bust in and kick ass, take names. Especially after being kidnapped, there was this dark pit in you. It wasn't just about Trevor killing people, there was something deeper inside that was being uncovered, and whatever it was, scared you. That's why you wanted to talk to someone about it. You wouldn't even be with a murderer if there wasn't something wrong with you, right? 

"Don't worry about what Ron and I have going on, alright? Last time got... messy." His tone grew dark. "This is heavy shit that I don't want you around for. You'll stay at home because I'm still worried about you being at my place alone, alright?" 

"Fine." You crossed your arms. You appreciated his concern for your safety, but you also didn't want to be treated like some little girl.

Trevor didn't really care at that moment of you were upset at him for telling you no, he knew that it would be the best thing for you.

If you listened, that was...

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now