You're Ruining my F*cking Yoga!

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Any scene skips will be marked with *


You were sitting silently on your small sofa in the darkness of your sea side home. If there was one, small guilty pleasure you had, it was watching Fame or Shame. It was always fun to see the auditions that went on in Los Santos, considering how close it was to where you lived. There were the people who actually had talent, and then the people who shamelessly showed their lack of. Your mind wandered to the compelling drug dealer whom you'd slept with the night before. You wondered what he might be doing, and what sort of business that he needed to take care of.

                                                                                     *    *    *

Only a couple hours away in Rockford Hills, Trevor was visiting his once thought dead friend Michael. 

He could hear a familiar woman's voice yelling angrily as he stepped through the threshold. "Stop it, you two! You're ruining my fucking yoga!" She yelled in a shrill voice.

"Did somebody say yoga?" His rough voice rung in their ears, causing all the people in the room to be taken aback.

The room was silent, until the dark haired, deep blue eyed criminal spoke to the other. "...Trevor?" He asked, amazement on his face.

"Michael." Trevor spoke low, and intimidating.

"Hey." He chuckled nervously a bit, "Good to see you man." Michael looked more as if he'd seen a ghost thank Trevor.

The meth dealer shook his head, "Mmm, yeah, I bet it is. 'Course, I'm not the one who's been- resurrected." Another awkward silence between the five people in the room. The tension was so thick you could have cut it like butter, and spread it on toast. "Well, ain't this grand?" He held his arms out and gestured to the beautiful mansion that Michael lived in. 

"Yeah, well..." Michael started, moving his son, Jimmy, behind him in a protective manner, "I got in a bit of an awkward situation."

"Mmm, you're telling me bro. Yeah... One of those fake-your-own-death to your best buddy, and then run off with the dough... And then live in a big mansion- awkward situations." Trevor's brown eyes burned intently at the man in front of him.

Michael's eyes burned the same volume of intensity, answering him. "That's one way of looking at it." 

"Yeah, well do you have any other ways of looking at it? Because I am all out." His fists were at his sides, ready to strike. 

"That was a long time ago, man. I've been in witness protection- I still am."

Trevor gasped sarcastically, his voice lowering to a whisper, "That's great, that's great." He stepped back, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Where are my manners, right?" He pointed his finger, "Amanda." He took three steps toward her, causing her to step back, her breasts bouncing slightly in her bright red and pink tank top. "It is good to see you! Oh I missed you. You used to be fatter- Nice new tits, by the way." He pointed his finger to Michael's youngest. "Jimmy. You- you used to be thinner. But, ahh, can't blame you." He stepped behind the rather attractive, and fit looking yoga instructor. "Who are you?"

The smaller man spoke nervously. "Namaste, I am Fabian." 

His eyes raked the man's body, being very obvious as to doing so, just to make him uncomfortable. "Ahh... Good lord..." He let a hand slide over his ass, before stepping away, the other man looking small and defeated. "Where's Tracey?" He asked. 

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