F*ckin Goons

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Hell yes this fanfiction is body positive ;) Love all of you bbies out there. 

Body Type = (b/t)


He took you to one of the fanciest resorts that you've always wanted to go to. He promised you that he wouldn't do anything to get you thrown out of the place, so hopefully he can keep that promise. It was a beachside resort, of course. The sweet, salty air filling your lungs as you lounged in nothing but a bathing suit and cover up. This was his surprise to you. Get away from Michael and Patricia, so that the two of you could just celebrate. 

His mischievous brown eyes raked up and down your (b/t) body. Trevor loved every single part of you. Especially when you were wearing near to nothing. He licked his lips and came up behind you, putting his strong, scarred hands on your waist. 

"I love you." He whispered into your ear.

You blushed. This was everything you could ever ask for. You just never imagined that you would end up getting engaged to the town psychopath. He was flawed, yeah, but who wasn't? He was honest and true to himself. "I love you too." You whispered back, and sank into his arms. The sun bathed your body in its golden lusciousness, the warmth filling your core. God damn the beach was a dream. 

Trevor looked down and took in every inch of your soft body. Every freckle and mole he accepted as part of you, and he loved it. Off in the distance there was a little beach house that sold ice cream and refreshments for the resort goers. He noticed your (e/c) orbs examining it. "You want some ice cream?" He asked. 

"Yeah sure." You smiled. His hands slipped off from you and he began walking. 

"You just stay there, sexy, I'll bring it to you." He sent a wink your way as he walked off. 

You sighed. You never expected to fall head over heels for a complete psycho, but he really did have his sweet moments.

Something smacked you in the back of the thigh. You turned around to see a volleyball on the ground beside you. Two large, tattooed men were walking your way.

"Hey there, hot ass, want to give us our ball back?" One in sunglasses asked you slyly.

A slight grimace washed over your face and you kicked the ball their way as they walked towards you. "There." 

The one in sunglasses picked it up, he had deep, almost black hair, and tattoos all over his arms and chest. The other guy also had several tattoos, and dull brown hair. They kept walking towards you. "Well that wasn't a very nice way to give it back." He heckled.

"Look, I really don't want any trouble, leave me the fuck alone."

"Are these fuckin goons bothering you?" Asked an angry toned Trevor, looking the men up and down. He must have just walked up. You could feel the tension in the air between the three men. "Why don't you leave my lovely bride alone before I rip your fuckin tongues out and shove them up your ass, eh?" He said this all while holding two frilly looking ice cream cones. 

"No one fuckin talks to me that way!" The one in sunglasses pushed Trevor, and the ice cream fell in the sand.

Trevor stretched his neck side to side, making it crack a little. "You know, I spent my hard earned fucking money on that. You disrespectful prick." You could see the rage burn in his eyes. He wanted to rip these guys to pieces, probably literally. He balled his fists and shot a look your way. His gaze softened a little, as if just seeing your face changed the idea he had in his head. Trevor grit his teeth and gave them a look of death. He looked both ways before pulling a pistol out of his swim trunks and cocked it. He looked them both dead in the eye. 

Both men put their hands up and walked away cussing, and Trevor quickly put the gun away. 

"Where the hell were you hiding that?" You asked. 

He only replied with  a playful wink.


"F-fuck Trevor..." You moaned and squirmed. He had you tied up, a vibrator on your clit, and three fingers deep inside of you. He was curling them up to hit your G-spot, causing you to writhe in pleasure. He pumped his fingers in and out of you fast, and hard. You could feel the orgasm building up in your core, and then he stopped. Pulled away his fingers, the vibrator, and looked in your (e/c) eyes intensely. 

"What- Why did you sto-" Before you could finish your question, he dove his head in between your legs. He assaulted your folds, and clit with his tongue. You pulled against the ropes, holding on to them hard. The feeling of the tightness of them, being dominated, just turned you on all the more. He started doing a pattern on your clit that made your back arch in bliss. "I'm- I'm going to cum!"

He didn't let up, and you came hard. The orgasm filled your core, spreading outwards to the rest of your body until you relaxed. Trevor watched your (b/t) body twitch slightly as it let out the rest of your orgasm. Lust, and love filled his eyes. He untied your arms and legs, and wiped his face off with a towel as he did. He licked his lips and grinned at you. "You look like you really enjoyed that." He winked. 

You couldn't help but give a goofy smile. "Yeah, I did. You happen to be waaaay too good at that." 

"MMmmm, I try." He stretched, you could see all of his defined muscles and abs under his "FUCK COPS" and other tattoos. You got off the bed and started getting your clothes on. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, snaking an arm around your waist. 

You couldn't help but sink into his embrace. "I was kinda thirsty, so I thought I could get us some ice from down the hall." 

"Why don't I get us some wine then?" He asked. "Isn't that uh, what all those other normal, boring fuckin schmoos do out there?" 

You kissed him on the cheek and pulled up your shorts. "Sounds like fun to me, then we can go round two." You winked at him this time. 

"Sounds like a plan." He picked up the phone and dialed room service. 

You took one look back at him and smiled before you closed the door, and brought the bucket down the hall, and outside where the beach opening was. You pressed the little lever and the ice plopped out. Behind you, you couldn't help but hear a group of men on the beach. You turned around to see the two men from earlier, with some older guys. Unfortunately for you, they were also looking your way. 

"Shit." You muttered under your breath.

The men were walking your way, but before you could even leave the situation, two of them blocked both of your exits as the others boxed you in. 

"Well, well, look who it is." The guy in the sunglasses pulled them down just to look at you up and down. "Trevor Philip's little whore." 

That struck a chord with you. "What the fuck did you just call me?" You asked. You were about ready to fucking cold cock this guy. 

He stepped closer to intimidate you. Something Trevor did to you at them beginning of your relationship. From him, you could take it. From this guy? Not so much. "I called you a little whore." His buddies laughed cruelly. 

You pulled out a switchblade that Trevor had given you as a wedding present, and slashed at the guy, but he moved back too quickly. Before you knew it, the knocked the knife out of your hand and two of the large men grabbed your arms. They had leather jackets, and smelled like cigars. You squirmed to try and get out of their grip. "Let me fucking go!" You yelled, and one of them put a hand around your mouth. 

"Nah." Said the sunglasses guy. "If Trevor wants you back, he can come and get you for a price." He pulled out a little paper that had an insignia on it. The Lost MC Motorcycle Club. He picked up your switchblade, and stabbed it through the paper into the wall, next to the ice machine for Trevor to see. 

The men hauled you off in a van, and you couldn't help but hope that Trevor wouldn't think you abandoned him...

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