Important Info, Maybe?

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Enjoy the image above. . . it even looks good on him.

So I'm just here to say that I will not be updating my story for three weeks. I go to my dad's house at 12 pm central time in America (is that even the right way to explain it?). And those of you who read my update schedule will know that after those three weeks it will become more consistent again. I may update later today or tomorrow before I leave, so yeah. I just wanted to say that. Also, any ideas on how Kiri should find Izuku? I a few ideas, but I'd like to hear from you guys. Also, Mercy (the oc) will come into the story, it will just be a little later. It doesn't really make sense in the story line right now. That's all for now, goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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