Chapter 10

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Kirishima pov

I'm get changed, already missing the feeling of my angel's warmth. I hurry to get dressed, but still being thorough, brushing my teeth and make sure the uniform looks nice. I style my hair carefully, but still in a good time. Once I deem myself ready I head downstairs. But what I see pisses me off.

"What. The. Fuck," I growl out.

People look at me in surprise, and slight fear, especially my mate. I do feel bad for that, okay scratch that, I feel terrible about that, but right now I very much want to kill the boy who's cuddling my mate.

"Oh shit. . ." I hear Bakuhoe mutter. He stands up and my mate whimpers at his loss, which pisses me off even more. "Do you have a problem with me touching him?" he asks with irritation.

"Yeah, I fucking do, you have the audacity to touch him like you're his mate." I hiss at him. He smirks.

"It's not my fault that he'd rather be with me than you, he just likes me more, isn't that right, Deku?" he says with a taunting look. Izuku stands up, but looks terrified of making either one of us mad. He looks between us and bites his lip, which looks kinda hot actually.

"I'm not going to choose, because I love you both, just differently.  Kiri, I think that you are and will be a good mate, maybe a bit possessive and jealous, sort of like now, but still a good mate. And Kachan, you're the closest friend I've ever had, and I love you for that. I know we can be a bit more touchy than some would like, but that's just how it is. It isn't going to change over night and I'm not giving that up just to make you happy Kiri. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's just how it is. . ." he trails off, his eyes cast down.

Me and Bakuhoe just stand there in shock, that was a lot of words coming from him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, we have school. We should probably get going, okay?" (I just put on the song 'Diamonds' by Sam Smith and I'm jamming out now and concerning my dog)

"Okay," I walk over and gently grab my mates hand. He interlaces our fingers  and I see a brief look of hurt cross Bakugo's face and I smirk over at him. He growls quietly and my smirk grows.

"Eijiro, stop," my angel says with a sigh. I look down at him and give a soft smile.

"Okay, angel~" I whisper in his ear. A shiver flows through him and chuckle. We walk out of the dorms and head to school. Bakugo and a few other kids walk behind us.

"Deku! Wait for us!" a bubbly voice calls out. Izuku turns towards the voice and smile breaks out across his face.

"Ura, hurry up!" he calls out with his lovely voice. Uraraka runs up to us, her breath coming out in puffs. Soon after a guy with glasses comes up to us, followed by with a guy with bicolored hair and Tsu.

"We made it," the brunette says, still gasping.

"Wow, you're really out of shape, Ura. Maybe you should work out more," my mate giggles. It's music to my ears.

"Soorrrryyy, Deku, but not all of us work out like you do," she sighs sadly.

"As students we should be aiming to be our best. That included a proper diet and exercise," Iida says with a stern voice and his weird arm motions. Tsu sighs and Todoroki rolls his eyes.

"Iida, you don't need to be so serious, ribbit," Tsu says.

"Yeah, let us live while we're still young, I don't need to hear about this stuff," Izuku says with another giggle. I smile.

"Hey, Kiri? If you want you can go to your friend's, I don't want you to feel bored," my mate hesitates to say.

I bite my lip, "but what about you? I don't want you to feel upset or anything." He rolls eyes.

"I'm fine, I've got my friends, I'll be good." I think for a moment before giving him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Just yell if you want me, okay?" I sigh.

"Okay!" He says cheerfully back.

I walk over to my friends, which includes Bakugo, but he's not my friend, just a person to talk to. I say friends, but it's really just some people that grabbed Kami and are talking to him. He actually looks somewhat happy, but I know that could change in a heartbeat.

"Ooohhh, Kirishima's here!" Mina says excitedly.

"Umm, I thought you hated me?" I ask uncertainly.

"Yeah, but the was before you were mates with Mido, I think that you could be a good friend, if you tried," she says smiling.

"Yeah, whatever, we'll see," I mutter.

"You know, Kiri. You act totally different around Midoriya than you do around others. Why is that?" Kami asks with a tilt of his head.

"He's my mate. It's my job to make him happy," I say bluntly.

"Is that why Ochaco's arm is wrapped around his shoulders?" Mina asks. I look at him quickly and sure enough it is. I growl lowly before something hits my arm. "Relax, you don't see me getting mad, do you?" Mina says, pulling back her arm.

"Yeah, I guess, but how are you not mad? It makes my blood boil."

"It's about trust, you have to trust them. You have to remember that they aren't trying to get rid of or replace you. I trust Ochaco because I know that she only likes me, sure, she may be  friends with them and may give them hugs and stuff, but I know that she loves me." Mina smiles softly. "You see how Mido-" I interrupt her.

"Don't call him that," I hiss harshly.

"See, that's what I mean! You don't trust him, you think that because I have a nickname for him that something is going to happen. It's not going to, I love Ochaco, not Mido," she trys to assure me. I nod my head slowly.

"But it's hard when I see him touching others, it just makes me feel, rejected? He didn' want me to see him without a shirt on at first, he had to warm up to that after we kissed, and even then, I could tell he was nervous. It's just, what if he doesn't really love me? What of he leaves me?" I ask, with frustration.

"He's not going to leave you, you just need to believe in him, okay? Just have trust. He loves you, you can see it when he looks at you. So relax, okay?" Mina says, with a had on my shoulder.

We walk into the main building and had to our class. I walk into class 1-A and take a seat at my desk. Izuku is already sitting at his desk. That's when in walks that bastard, Shinso. He looks at my mate and then me. He strolls of to Izuku's desk, leans down, and kisses him. I stand up so fats that me desk and chair fall over. The class looks at me, but I couldn't care less.

"I'm going to kill you!"

So, here's another one! I might post more chapters today, I'm not sure. . . I was wondering if any of you want there to be another guy/girl that wants Izuku? Or maybe an oc that gets transferred to 1-A? Just wondering because I love it when people fight over people. I'm terrible like that. I also just finished my playlist twice, which means I've been working on this for over an hour. Also, please point our grammar mistakes. I write these really fast usually. . . . so yeah, ideas, comments, other random stuff, share it all! I guess I might see you later today? Goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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