Chapter 6

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Shinso pov

I freaking hate Kirishima. He just barges onto the roof and scares Midoriya, and then Midoriya goes back to him? Like, wtf, how does that even happen? He's just an omega, how the heck is he supposed to protect himself? Well, whatever, I'll figure out a way to get him back, I know that he'll eventually get too scared of that jerk. 

I get to the bottom of the stairs, but rather than go to the cafeteria I go to my dorm. (Yes, I'm giving them dorms at the start of school)

I pull out the key and open the door, I need to think. Well, for one thing, Midoriya obviously has a fear of alpha's, or at least of that bastard Kirishima. I bet I can use that to my advantage, I just have to find a way to get Kirishima pissed enough that he turns into a total monster. I sigh and sit on my bed.

Maybe I was a little harsh on Midoriya though, I shouldn't have said that he was on his own; now he won't believe me if I say I can help him. I guess I'll have to regain his trust. . . somehow.

Deku pov

I walk down the stairs with Eijiro holding my hand. It feels nice, and calming. I just hope it stays this way. Eventually we get to the cafeteria and he looks at me.

"Do you want to sit with me or. . .?" He questions me hesitantly. I look down a bit nervously, I really don't want to make him angry.

"Um, I was hoping I could sit with some of my friends, if that's okay?" I ask carefully. He looks a little upset before leaning in close to me.

"Okay, but don't let anyone touch you, that my job, only," he murmurs before walking off to his friends. I blush madly before walking over to Ura and Iida.

They look up at me as I sit down with them.

"Hey, Deku! Where were you? Me and Iida were waiting, but you never showed up," Ura says in her usual cheery voice. Iida nods in confirmation of what she said. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I was uh, hanging out with Shinso. But then Eijiro showed up and got mad, so Shinso walked off and Eijiro dragged me here and now here we are," I say with a short laugh. Iida's eyebrows furrow.

"Why would Kirishima care? If you and Shinso were just talking and eating together why would he be mad?" Iida asks confused.

"Well. . . maybe Shinso and I were sort of cuddling and my mate showed up and got really angry because of the position we were in, I guess," I mumble.

"Deku! You shouldn't just cuddle with anyone, that's your mate's job!" Ura says, upset at my actions.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry! It just sort of happened and now Shinso is gone and I feel like I need to make it up to Kiri, but I'm not sure how."

Ura sighs, "Honey, you need to show him how you feel, you can't just let him be. You've got to express your emotions." I didn't notice Mina walking up, but suddenly she's behind Ura.

"She's right, ya know, you can't just ignore the fact that you were being touchy with another alpha. Kirishima's gonna get mad if you keep doing that," Mina says. She wraps her arms around Ura and sniffs her scent glands.

Ura blushes majorly and then sticks her tongue at me when I smirk at her.

"Deku, if you're going to look at me like that then you should be warned about when Kirishima cuddles you. I can make your life very. . . interesting," she giggles and then stands up. "Lunch is almost over, let's go."

*Time skip brought to you by me typing when I could be enjoying a bonfire.*

I walk out of the main school building and head to the dorms. I think back to what Ura said.

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