Chapter 13

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Izuku pov

It's been a few days since the whole Shinso fiasco and I think things are going pretty between me and Kiri. Right now he is in the  shower that's in my dorm. I'm just scrolling through TikTok because I'm bored, when I get a text notification.

*Beginning of texts*


Hey! Is this Midoriya?


Yes, may I ask who's texting me?


I can't say, but would you meet with me at the park? I think

it would be a good idea unless you want something to

happen to your boyfriend. . .


How do you know that I have a boyfriend? And how

do you know my name?


I suggest that you come, meet me at 5:30 pm,

your mate may not be so safe if you don't. . .


Why should I believe you?


Wait then, if you want to see what's going

to happen.


I'll come, but don't hurt him.


I'll see you then.

*End of texts*

I sit on the bed, wtf have I just agreed to? I just have to keep a straight face (even though he ain't straight) what if Kiri finds out? Crap. . .

"Hey angel? Can you grab me a pair of shorts? I forgot to grab some," Kiri says from the bathroom.

"Okay, puppy. . ." I freeze then. What did I just call him? I hear movement in the bathroom stop too.

"What did you call me angel?" I hear a seductive voice purr. I blush heavily.

"N-nothing! I-I'm just gonna grab some shorts now. . ." I mumble. I go to my closet and grab a pair of basketball shorts that are a little big on me. "Hey Kiri, here are your shorts."

The door opens and I'm about to hand him the shorts, but he pulls me inside. I turn bright red as I look at him. His red hair hangs down and he's still dripping some water, on top of that his abs look hot as hell. He thankfully has a towel wrapped around his waist, so nothing is showing, but still. . . it doesn't leave much to the imagination. He shuts the door and pins me against it.


"Call me a different name, angel. I know that you have a couple, why don't you use one for me?" He coos seductively. I blush and then I realize, I should probably head out to meet the mystery guy, or girl. I take a deep breath before crashing my lips into Kiri's, it lasts about ten seconds, but it leaves him and I breathless.

"I-I've got to go. . . puppy. . ." I whisper. I turn and leave the dorm as quickly as possible. I pull out my phone to see that I have fifteen minutes left. I run down the stairs and out the doors of the dorm in less than five minutes. A few shouts of confusion follow me, but I ignore them. I need to get to the park. I keep running and eventually get to the park. I look around, but I don't see anything until. . .

"I'm glad you came. . . Izuku~"

Eijiro pov

*Back to before Izuku left*

Did he just call me puppy? I mean, like damn, daddy and puppy, these are perfect.

"What did you call me angel?" I ask seductively.

"N-nothing! I-I'm just gonna grab some shorts now. . ." I hear him mumble. There's some movement and then the bathroom door opens. I pull him in, shut the door, and pin him against the door. I can see him checking me out and I smirk at him. "Ki-" I interrupt him.

"Call me a different name, angel. I know that you have a couple, why don't you use one for me?" I coo. His face heats up and then he crashes his lips into mine. I savor it all, but he pulls away too soon. 

"I-I've got to go. . . puppy. . ." he whispers to me before turning and running. My eyes widen and I struggle to pull on my briefs and shorts. When I do I run out, but I don't see him anywhere. A few of my classmates are talking down here, maybe they saw him.

"Did Izuku come by here?" I ask, a slight panic filling me up. Something doesn't feel right.

"Yeah! I went running by here a couple of minutes ago. I don't know where he went though. . ." I hear Jiro say.

"Dammit," I curse loudly. I head outside, but there's no sign of him. I can't believe he ran away. What is he up to? He is he cheating on me or something? Shit, if he is. . . I'm going to kill the person.

I look around and realize that I have no idea where he would've gone. Fuck!

I walk back inside and head to Mr. Aizawa's dorm. (I wear glasses, right? And I took them off to do makeup, and now they're upstairs and I'm down here writing this and I keep trying to push them up, because it's a habit I have, but they aren't on my face, I'm dying. . .) I knock on my teacher's door and after a moment he answers.

"What do you want?" I mumbles agitated.

"Izuku ran out of here and I don't know where he went, it's already dark outside and I'm worried for him, I'm not sure what to do," I say angrily. He nods his head.

"I'll give him till 10:00 (curfew time) to come back, if he isn't back by then, then I'll call the police. There's not really much more I can do, Kirishima, I'm sorry. Now leave me alone so I can sleep a bit longer," he says with little interest. That pisses me off.

He's my goddamn mate! I need to know that he's okay, why did he leave me? What if something bad happened? Shit, shit, shit, shit. . . please let him be okay, I need him to be okay. . .

I know that it's a bit shorter than usual, but that's fine. I finished watching season 4 of mha and I want to see more of hawks, damn he's fine. I hope that this was enjoyable and to those of you who said it was going to well. . . I hope this helped with that opinion? Yes, no, maybe? Anyways, that's all for tonight! I'll write again soon, hopefully. . . Well goodbye guy, gals, and non-binary pals!

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