Chapter 3

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Sorry. . . my precious baby Kirishima is about to be ooc. . . well, I guess he'll get better. . .

Kirishima's pov

I walk in with Kaminari next to me. We've been friends since forever. He's a beta, and possibly the only person I can stand. We open the door to class 1-A and are met with students talking.

"Well, time to meet these bitches and bastards," Kami mutters. (Oh yeah, and Kami is also a bit of a jerk) I chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess." We walk in and immediately Mina looks up. Her eyes widen and she looks to the guy next to her. He has black hair and weirdly prominent elbows. She says something and he looks up too.

I guess she spread the word about us. Suddenly the door behind us bursts open and I feel someone run into my back.

"Crap, sorry!" I turn to beat the shit out of the person before I recognize the scent. My eyes widen. It's the green haired omega. My mate.

Deku pov

Me and my friend Uraraka - who I met over the summer - are running from Kachan. We had stolen his phone because he was smiling at it and I knew immediatly it was his crush. Me and Ura both wanted to know who it is. 

So here we are, running for our lives from a pissed off alpha. We burst through the doors gasping for breath, except, I run into someone.

"Crap, sorry!" I exclaim. I hear whoever it is start to growl. I look up at him and gasp in surprise. It's my mate. The guy I'm terrified of, and the guy I haven't got out of my head for almost three years.

His growls stop and he stared at me with wide eyes. He's gotten hotter I realize, if that's possible. He has much more of a jawline and his hair is red and is styled in spikes. And god, he still scared me.

But then Ura and I hear an angry Kachan barreling through the hallway.

"Oh my god, we're so dead. . ." she whimpers. Then her eyes lighten up.

"Mina! Save us!" I look up and see her as well. (Mina x Uraraka. For some reason, I love it) I grab Ura's arm and drag her to her girlfriend.

Mina looks happy, and surprised.

"Save you from what?" She asks. As she speaks the door flies open again and Kachan stands there.

"From him!" Me and Ura say at the same time.

He looks furious and is growling, at least, that is until he sees the red head.

"Do you know who the red head is?" I ask Mina quietly.

"Yeah, that's Eijiro Kirishima and the guy next to him is Denki Kaminari." (I had to look up how to spell Eijiro. I now realize I still have so much to learn about life.)

I nod my head and watch the interaction unfold. 

Kirishima smirks, "Well if it isn't the angry Pomeranian I beat up."

Kachan narrows his eyes, "Still scaring people who are weaker than you, I see."

Mina's eyes widen, "Someone had better stop blondie, he's gonna get hurt!"

"Yeah, they fought a few years ago. Kachan passed out and had a broken wrist when we found him."

"What should we do?" Ura asks. I don't say anything, but watch instead.

It looks like they're verbally fighting. Suddenly Kirishima raises his fist and punches Kachan. My eyes widen and I stand up quickly.

The Kaminari guy moves behind Kachan and grabs him while Kirishima gets ready to punch him again. I panic and do the stupidest thing possible. (Because lets admit it, Deku is very stupid most of the time)

I run and pull Kirishima away from Kachan. Kachan's face turns to horror as I instead get the punch.

 I fall down as he makes contact with my face. Pain erupts across my jaw. Kirishima stumbles back in surprise.

"Deku! Omg, Mina, what should we do?!" Ura says in panic.

"Dude, wtf? He's only an omega! He doesn't matter!" Kaminari yells. Kachan lets out a loud, terrifying growl, causing everybody in the room to cower.

"I-I don't know! We can't just go in and help him, we could get hurt too!" Mina says back to Ura.

Kachan breaks free of Kaminari and charges at my mate's surprised face. They fall to the ground and Kirishima snaps out of his daze. He kicks Kachan off of himself and stands up. The other guy comes over and stands by Kirishima. Kachan growls and gets up in front of the two.

Oh god. . .

So, I'm back again! Once again, it was a really long wait. I'm sorry! I know, it really sucks for me and I really enjoy writing these but oh well. Did you guys have a good Halloween? I hung out with my theyfriend. It was really fun. They were covered in pride stuff, it was pretty great. I just had on this really cute deer onesie and a pride flag cape. One house was handing out full sized donuts! Like wtf, that's awesome! Anyway, yeah. Another chapter coming out soon! Good bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

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