Chapter 4

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Me just eating bbq chips and drinking a mixed berry QT slushie. Yep, seems like a good use of my time while writing this. Anyway, enjoy my beautiful trash :)

Kirshima pov

"Fuck this," I say. I'm filled with sickened guilt. I punched my mate. I never knew I would like my mate, but after I saw him in the park, I knew I would love and protect him. I knew that I never wanted to hurt him.

Of course, here I was, after punching him in the face. God fucking dammit.

"What the HELL?! You start to fight me, only to change your mind?! Who does that?!" The blondie exclaims in disbelief.

I ignore him and walk over to my mate. He looks terrified of me, it's the same look he gave me in park.

I sigh and offer my hand to him. "Are you okay?" I ask gently, my overprotective alpha instincts kicking in. Nothing bad should ever happen to him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch him!" The blonde yells. I don't have to look up to know that Kami is going to stop him.

He looks at me carefully before taking my hand. I let out a small breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!" Did you just offer your hand and talk to him nicely?" Mina asks in shock. I shoot her a withering glare and she shrinks back.

The Pomeranian has gone quiet and seems to just be watching, along with everyone else. More people have come in, but have stayed silent.

I look back to the cute boy in front of me. I repeat my question with my eyes. 

He hesitates then looks up at me. "I'll be fine. . . wouldn't be the first time." His words anger me, who the fuck would hurt him? He gives me a small smile that just melts my heart.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or scare you."

He blinks and a small blush dusts pink across his cheeks. I chuckle quietly. "I hope I can make you blush more," I whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. He shivers and his blush becomes more pronounced. I hear someone giggle.

"Deku has a cruuush. . ." Someone sing-songs. He turns his head to the voice.

"Ochaco! Don't be mean to him," Mina says to the brown haired girl.

"Uh, I-I should, I mean, y-yeah, I should go to my friends," My omega mumbles.

"Wait, what's your name?" I ask him.

"Midoriya. I-Izuku Midoriya. . ." He says softly.

"Midoriya, I like it. I'm Eijiro Kirishima." I ruffle his hair. "Sorry, about everything." I smile and walk over to Kami, who has let blondie go. 

As I walk past blondie I lean towards him," Keep him safe when I can't and don't hurt him, or else. . ." I hiss. He rolls his eyes.

"I've been doing that for a long time, don't worry." I give him one last look before going to stand by Kami.

"What was that all about?" He asks, nodding to Midoriya.

"He's my mate. I met him a couple years ago, be he got scared and ran away. That has kind of bothered me for a long time. I feel really bad, I can't believe I scared him like that back then." I mutter.

"Hey, it's fine, he'll love you eventually," Kami says encouragingly.

The rest of the class has come in and taken their seats. Me and Kami take our seats and I look around at where everyone sat.

There's only one seat separating me from Midoriya and Kami is in front of me

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There's only one seat separating me from Midoriya and Kami is in front of me.

In walks who I assume to be our teacher. (Okay, I just have to say that I just ate a chocolate, cream filled, most delicious donut. I'm not proud, but oh well)

"Alright, class. I guess you can introduce yourselves to the class or whatever. Oh, by the way, I'm Mr. Aizawa." He then pulls a yellow sleeping bag out of literally nowhere. It's like he just pulled it out of some void. He then proceeds to wrap himself in it, lay down, and literally fall asleep.

"Okay, class 1-A! We should do this in an orderly fashion! I am Tenya Iida!" Says a guy with glasses. He makes these weird arm motions.

"Is he a robot or some shit?" Kami asks me quietly. I cough to hide a laugh.

"Maybe, but listen," I whisper back.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinso, I guess," Says a sleep deprives looking kid. (I'm replacing Hagakure with Shinso, sorry!)

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo," says the blondie.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya," says my mate. I notice the kid named Shinso looking at him and it pisses me off.

The rest of the class goes around, including me and Kaminari. Afterwards we all just talk.

I see Uraraka, Mina, Iida, and a few others go over to Midoriya. He talks easily with all of them, a cute smile on his face the whole time. Eventually Shinso walks over. I see him lean against my mates desk and smile at him. God, I hate it.

I see them going around and telling each other what their ranking is.

Mina- alpha

Shinso- alpha

Uraraka- omega

Iida- beta 

Bakugo- alpha

Midoriya- omega

The rest below are what everyone else's ranking are

Satou- beta

Todoroki- alpha

Momo- alpha

Kouda- beta

Tokoyami- beta

Mineta- beta 

Tsuyu- beta

Kirishima- alpha

Sero- beta

Kaminari- beta

Jiro- omega

Aoyama- beta


Shoji- beta


"So, you're an omega? Have you found your mate yet?" I hear Shinso say to my omega.

"U-um, well, you see. . ." he stutters. I stand up and walk over. I go behind Midoriya and gently wrap my arms around his shoulders. He flinches slightly, but I release calming pheromones and he relaxes.

"Yeah, he has a mate," I say coolly. 

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope you treat him well, considering you punched him this morning." He shoots back. I growl and I feel my mate tense again.

"It'll be alright," I coo. He nods his head slightly and I smile gently.

"Hmm, well, you better not hurt him again." The bell rings and everyone gathers their stuff. I feel Midoriya try to stand up and I let him go.

After another class I head to lunch, but I don't see Midoriya anywhere. I decide to look for him.

Eventually I find him on the roof, except. . .

"You bastard."

So, that's another chapter, maybe I'll write another one? Idk, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it. Any guesses on what's going to happen? I'm excited to see! Well, I see you later guys, gals, and non-binary palls!

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