Chapter 8

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"I dare you to. . . play seven minutes in heaven with Kirishima," she says smirking.

This ought to be fun. . .


Kirishima pov

I look at Mina and smile lazily, "okay, I'm down for this, come on angel."

"Oooohhhh, you call him angel now? How cuuuuttteeee!!!" Uraraka and Mina both gush. I stand up, but Izuku just sits there.

"If you don't stand up in five seconds then I'm picking you up," I threaten him lightly. His eyes widen and he scrambles up off the floor. I just smirk and grab his hand, dragging him to the small closet.

"We're locking the door! Have fun!" Uraraka smiles. The door shuts and I hear the click of the lock.

"So are just going to stand here and wait or something?" My mate says softly. It's pitch black so he can't see how close we've gotten.

"No. . . "

"Then wha-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. My eyes close and I feel him relax against me. I push him against the wall and one of my hands tangle into his hair while the other slides up under his shirt. He moans into the kiss and his submissive side takes over. I could do whatever I want to him, and he couldn't stop me. I nibble and lick his bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he doesn't give.

I groan and try again, but he still refuses. I finally give up trying to be nice and  grab his rear, causing him to gasp in surprise and pleasure. I take this chance to smoothly slide my tongue in his mouth, he moans again as I explore everywhere. He breaks away gasping for breath. I pull his hips to mine and I can feel that he's turned on, but so am I.

"D-daddy~" he moans lewdly, "k-kiss me again~" I reconnect our lips, he opens his mouth and I slip my tongue in again. I break away and his breathing is staggered and uneven. I trail my lips down his neck, plant soft kisses on him. I would leave marks and love bites on him, but I don't know if he wants that just yet. I still need to respect his boundaries. He wraps his arms around my waist and slides one hand up the back of my shirt. I can't help, but moan at his touch. Damn, it feels good.

And then the moment is ruined.

The door opens and Mina stands there looking at us with shocked expressions. "Guys. . . it's been ten minutes. . . YOU WERE KISSING, OMG GUYS!!!!!" I pull away from Izuku who looks beyond embarrassed.

"Yeah, wasn't that kind of the point? To kiss?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, but you were kissing longer than you were supposed too. That is so freaking hot!" Uraraka comes up and looks at my Izuku.

"Did he leave any marks?" she asks slyly. He blushes majorly and I chuckle.

"No, I didn't. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable," I sigh.

"Maybe later?" he mumbles quietly. Only loud enough for me to hear. I smirk slightly.

"Anyway, while you guys were getting all lovey and feeling each other up, we finished the game. So, we're all just going to our dorms now," Mina says with a smile. I look and see that we are the only ones left, besides Bakugo.

"Hey, Deku! Want to stay in my dorm tonight? We can cuddle like normal," Bakugo says casually. I growl and Izuku grabs my arm.

"Don't get mad at Kachan, it's fine. Nothing's going to happen to me with him there," my mate says quickly, trying to calm me down. I look down at him and sigh.

"You're staying in my room tonight," I say, without any room for argument. That doesn't stop him from trying though.

"W-what? No, I can stay in my own dorm if you don't like it that much, it's not that bad-" I cut him off with a growl.

"You are staying in my dorm tonight, you can't change that," I growl firmly.

"O-okay, I guess," he mumbles. I put my hand in his hair and start to pet him. He lets out a soft purr.

"Awww, you guys are so cute," Uraraka giggles. I smile slightly before picking Izuku up in my arms. He lets out a small yelp of surprise.

"Eijiro! I don't need to be carried, I can walk."

"You're my mate, is it bad that I want to hold you?" I whine.

". . . no. . ." he mumbles. I chuckle.

"We're here." I unlock the door and toss him on the bed gently. The bed bounces slightly as he lands. I look back at him, "I'm getting changed, just warning you." (You know that moment that you realize your sexuality, but you still have to change in the locker room for p.e and all you can think about is girls/boys/ other genders half naked? Yeah, that was me all through middle school. It got to the point that I started changing in the stalls and not coming out till everyone was gone. I'm such a dirty minded person)

He blushes and looks away. "Here, you can put these on," I say, tossing him some sweatpants and baggy t-shirt.

"Okay, I'll change," he mumbles. I stayed turned around until he gives me the okay. When I look I see that he hasn't put on the shirt and that his beautiful body is showing. I smirk and walk over, pushing him onto the bed and hovering over him. I'm also shirtless with a pair of red basketball shorts and my hair down. His face turns bright red as I lean in close to him and start to kiss his neck.

"K-Kiri, I'm tired, can we sleep?" he groans. I nod my head and get off him, but I pull him into the warmth of my chest. He sighs and I pull the covers up over as. He closes his eyes and drifts to sleep.

What are you doing to me angel?

Another one! I was so tired while writing this. I didn't get much sleep last night because my brain wouldn't shut off, I just want to close my eyes. . . Well I finished this, it was even shorter than the last one and I'm really sorry. Any ideas for what should happen next? Well, I'll see if I get another chapter in tonight, goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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