Chapter 14

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Izuku pov

I open my eyes groggily. Where am I? I realize that I'm laying on a bed, how did I get to a bed?

"You're awake?" I hear a voice ask. The voice doesn't sound threatening, but soft and caring. I also notice how it's incredibly familiar. (This is to all of you who were 99.99% sure that is was Shinso. . . of course you were right, who else would it be?)

"S-Shinso?" I ask confused. I sit up and turn to look at him. He's sitting on a black futon. "W-where am I?"

"You're at my house, I live alone, so don't worry about anyone finding you and I didn't give out my info to where I lived to anyone, no one should be able to track this place down. It's just you and me, Izu~" he purrs. I start to freak out.

"W-why would you take me? I didn't do anything!" My pheromones are starting to come out thickly and they smell of panic and distress.

"No one will be able to scent you. . . you don't need to worry. I'll be a better alpha than Kirishima could ever be. I'll protect you just the same, no one will hurt you as long as I'm here, bunny. . ."

Tears start to fill my eyes, but they aren't from sadness. I'm scared, I'm really, really scared. Kiri has to find me. He just has too. . .

Kirishima pov

It's been three months since anyone's seen him. Three goddman fucking months! Everyone looks at me with pity, and fear. I've been so much angrier since my precious angel has gone missing, angrier than I ever used to be. Kami tries to calm me down, but it just isn't the same. He's gone and I just can't stand it. The thing is, he's the only one missing. Shinso came back and he seemed normal. He was pissed that I let Izuku go missing and blamed me for it, but I don't know. He also just looks at me sometimes, but it's almost a smug look, he's still a bastard.

Bakugo was pissed at first, but he came to realize that it wasn't my fault, there's no way I could've known that he was going to leave. That's the other thing, people are starting to think that maybe he left on purpose, that maybe he doesn't want to be found. . . either way, it just hurts so much. why the fuck did it have to be him. He did nothing wrong. . .

Why did you leave that night angel? What made you leave? Did I do something wrong, did you get tired of me? Are you just. . . over it? Dammit Izuku. . . where are you?

Izuku pov

It's been a while since I've been here, I think? I don't remember much, only waking up to see my mate here, only. . . he doesn't seem like my mate. He's really attractive though and nice to me, he said that his name was Haru Hamasaki. He has purple hair that defies gravity and purple eyes that remind me of a galaxy. I live here at his house and take online courses for school, he said that it would be easier for me, so I guess that's what happened. He isn't really home much during the week, but when he comes home on the weekends he always cuddles and gives me attention. When I'm in my heat he doesn't come home at all until I text him that it's over. (Yes, I had to make Shinso at least a little respectful, give me some credit.) When he's in is rut he doesn't come home either. He said that he lives at the dorms at his school, but that's okay. I still love him. . .

I'm laying on our bed. It's late, about 10:30 pm. He said that he's in his rut, so he won't be home this weekend. I try to yawn, but I'm just not tired. Finally I sigh, then groan, and then stand up. I grub some suppressants (pills that cove/block an omega's scent.) I take two of them dry and then pull on a sweatshirt that smells like Haru and ripped black jeans. I head out of the house and take the familiar path down the sidewalk.

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