Chapter 11

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Okay, so my hands and brain were not working together, so introducing the new oc into the story is going to be basic and not interesting. Basically Mineta gets kicked out and Mercy gets brought in (Mercy is the oc). I will post his bio in the next chapter, but he's a beta, he's 15 (so he's younger than he other students) and he will Kirishima. And to @That1kirilovinbich I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to add him. That's all for now!


We walk into the main building and had to our class. I walk into class 1-A and take a seat at my desk. Izuku is already sitting at his desk. That's when in walks that bastard, Shinso. He looks at my mate and then me. He strolls of to Izuku's desk, leans down, and kisses him. I stand up so fats that me desk and chair fall over. The class looks at me, but I couldn't care less.

"I'm going to kill you!"


Izukus pov

I feel shock flow through me. Shinso. Is. Kissing. Me. I hear Kiri yell something, but I'm too surprised. Shinso tries to get a reaction out of me, he bites my lower lip and I try to pull away. He grabs my chin, forcing me to stay. I'm letting out distressed pheromones, but he doesn't seem to care. Shinso bites my lips again, harder this time. I whimper and try to pull again. He pulls away slightly and looks me in the eye.

"Don't fight Izu~" He purrs in my ear. As he goes back for another kiss something knocks him over. I look down to see Kiri growling loudly, sending chills down my spine and possibly every other omega's, and even beta's.

Shinso growls back and rolls over so that he's on top of my mate. I whimper in fear for my mate. I watch Shinso throw a punch, but Eijiro dodges it and rolls over back on top of Shinso. He growls louder and their scents come off thickly, causing me to cough. The class is looking at each other, trying to figure out what to do.

"Fuck off, he's mine!" Kiri growls. He hits Shinso with a punch in the jaw.

"He doesn't even want you! What can you do for him? All you've done so far is punch him and then pretend to be all nice! You don't want him, you just want to fuck him! You'll never be a good mate and he's never going to love you!" Shinso yells back, kneeing Kiri in his stomach.

I freeze. Is that. . . true? Does Kiri just want to have sex with me? Tears form in my eyes and my breath comes in ad out quickly. It would make sense, but then, it also wouldn't. He's always so nice and respectful, but what if he's faking?

"I love him god dammit! He's more important to me than anything else!" Kiri responds. His eyes are filled with rage.

"Really? Than why did you let me kiss for as long as I did? You don't want him and he doesn't want you! Get that through your head! He. Doesn't. Love. You!" That's all I can listen to. I stand up and run out of the class.

"Deku, wait!"


"Don't go!"

Voices yell at me, but I can't understand them. I don't want to understand them. I feel panic coursing through me. I don't want to lose Kiri, but. . . Shinso is right. He could never love me the way I love him. I put my trust with him, but what if he just uses me? He promised he wouldn't, but what if?

Kiri loves me, Kiri loves me, Kiri  has to love me. . . he has to. I slow down and I realize I've arrived at the dorms. I feel my eyes blur and I reach up to wipe away the tears. No alpha wants a cry baby omega, he's not going to want me. The other alphas at my old school, they just used me. No one wants me. . . nobody. . .

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