Chapter 17

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Izuku pov

Kiri is playing with my hair and I'm in between his legs on his bed when I get a text.

Haru <3:

Hey, you okay? I'm just checking to make sure

*Pause in texts*

"Kiri. . . Shinso is texting me. . . what should I say?" I'm worried. Shinso is gonna be really pissed when he finds out that I found out. He might hurt me, or worse, kiri. I just got him back, I don't want Shinso to fuck around with me more than he already has.

"Give it to me, I'll deal with him," Kiri says in an angry tone. I shrink back at the venom laced in between his words.

"O-okay, h-here. . ." I hand him my unlocked phone and he takes it in his hand with daggers for eyes. (Soo, I may or may not have just made my mom almost crryyy. It's mother's day tomorrow and me and my neighbor collaborated to get my mom a gift. . . so yeah, flowers and a card. . . I feel the love.)

He starts to type on it.

*Back to texts*


You are so dead when I see you again

Haru <3:

Umm, what the actual hell are you talking about?


You fucking took him away from me

Haru <3:

Bunny. . . what happened?


Don't fucking call him that, you have no damn right

Haru <3:

Who is this?


Someone who's about to call the police on you

you shouldn't have taken what wasn't yours

Haru <3:

Fuck you

*End of texts*

"Angel, you know we have to call the police on him for kidnapping you for a year, also brainwashing you, right?" Kiri says to me hesitantly, not knowing my reaction.

"Yeah. And I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out." 

Kiri smirks and pulls out his own phone and dials a number.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa? Yeah, I found Izuku. . ."

Mr. Aizawa's pov (I've never done this one lol)

I'm laying in my room, next to Hizashi, when I get a phone call. I pick it up.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa? Yeah, I found Izuku. . ." I freeze. He found him? After a year of searching?

"Where is he?" I ask

"He's at my house."

"What happened to him?" 

"Welllll. . . Shinso kidnapped him, which was the last night we saw him. Shinso brainwashed him and made Izuku think that they were mates, and now Izuku remembers us and I'm pretty sure he's at least doing okay"

I'm silent for a few moments. Shinso is a sly fucker, he's definitely getting arrested.

"Bring him to the school, but make sure he isn't crowded by people. He may still be shook up."

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