Chapter 2

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Bakugo p.o.v

I finally get out of detention, so I start the walk home. I hope Deku's okay, I should've gone with him. I see another alpha as I walk past a park. He has black hair and red eyes, and I mean, he's really hot. He smells and looks pissed off. Me being me, I decide to provoke him. I'm still mad that I got detention, though it's technically my fault. It wasn't my pencil, I just wanted to piss off the beta. I feel the need to punch somebody, and this alpha seems perfect. I walk up to him with an easy grin on my face.

"What's up?" I ask simply. He turns to me and his eyes narrow.

"You smell like him," he growls menacingly. I blink surprised.

"I smell like who?"

"The green haired omega." His scent tells me that he's ready to kill me. Perfect.

I laugh, "You mean Deku? Don't worry, he's just my friend. Not that I'd let you touch him." I take a step forward and so does he.

"Is he? Well, he ran away from me earlier."

"I can see why, I bet you scared him. You're probably going to be a terrible mate. Honestly, you'll probably just use them. You don't care about anyone, but yourself do you? Well, I mean, I feel bad for your omega-" he grabs the collar of my uniform and slams me against a tree. (I'm apologizing now because Bakugo is going way ooc)

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he hisses in my ear. I chuckle.

"Fight me you bastard." I grab the collar of his shirt and then bring my fist up to punch him. He sees my fist coming to his face and grabs it, twisting it with a loud snap. I gasp in pain. I can immediately tell in that moment he's gone into protective mate mode. I just don't know what made him react like this. I don't think that it's something that did directly, maybe just something I said? I don't know.

He moves his hand up to my neck and starts to squeeze and it makes me choke on air. I start to see stars and surprisingly I regret picking a fight with him. He smirks at me, it's the last thing I see before my vision goes dark.

"Kachan? Kachan? Are you awake? Come on wake up. . ."

"Honey, let him be. He'll wake up soon."

I open my eyes slowly and my senses kick in. My nose is assaulted with Deku's worry pheromones.

"Dammit Deku, calm down. I'm fine." I realize that I'm in his room and that his mom and stepdad are there.

"Inko, Toshinori, how did I get here?" I ask. I sit up carefully and my head feels immediately dizzy.

"Yagi here was walking home when he scented you. He brought you here since your parents are on a business trip." Inko looks worried and I can see her eyes are watering. Deku doesn't look much better. Toshinori pats Inko's back and gives her a smile.

"I'm fine, I just got into a fight with another alpha. He broke my wrist. . ." I look down suddenly and I see that it looks okay and it's in bandages. It doesn't hurt as much.

"Yeah, I fixed it, good thing I'm a doctor," Says Toshinori. I nod my head.

"Yeah, good thing. . ." I lay back down, "Is it okay of I sleep here?"

"Oh yes! Go ahead. you two can have a sleepover. Your parents are out on a business trip, so I'll just give them a call." Inko smiles at me before going to the door, "You two sleep well." She leaves along with her husband.

Deku looks at me, "The alpha was the black haired one, wasn't it?"

I nod my head slowly, "Yeah. He said you ran from him. Did he hurt you or something?"

"No! No, of course not, he just look really threatening and he's my. . ." He looks like he's hiding something.

"He's your what?"

"Nothing! I-it's nothing. We should go to bed." He smiles and goes to his closet. He pulls off his shirt and pants.

I'm not gonna lie, Deku is good looking. He has curves and a slim figure, sort of like a girls, and sadly, he's been mistaken for one too. I watch him pull on some loose fitting shorts that cover his thighs. He doesn't bother with a shirt.

"Come on, Deku, let's go to sleep." He walks over and lays in bed next to me. This is what we usually do when we stay at each others houses. It's never weird between us, but then again, neither of us have mates yet. I pull him into my arms.

Together we fall asleep.

(This is not a bakudeku fanfic! They are just good friends. I based their relationship off a friendship I have with one of my friends- I love you platonically Andrew!- We're not dating or anything, but we cuddle at sleep overs. Sorry Bakugo's ooc)

So yeah, next chapter! I'm decently proud of this. Next chapter time skips to high school and it starts in Kirishima's p.o.v so yeah, fun stuff. Well I'll see you later guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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