Christmas Special

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I'm just saying now that this does not actually take place in the story, I just thought it was cute, and I know it's early, but. . . whatever. . .


Kiri pov

I wake up excited, it's Christmas Eve. I look next to me and I see my precious omega sleeping next to me. His light snores are cute and he looks so sweet. He rolls over and mumbles something.

"You awake angel?" I murmur into his ear.

"No. . ." he says grumpily. I chuckle and give him a light shove.

"Baby, wake up, it's already eleven in the morning, and it's Christmas Eve. I have plans for us," I say with a smile. He rolls over again to look at me with a cute pout.

"What do you have planned?"

"You'll have to get up first, plus it's a surprise," I say with another chuckle. He sighs and sits up; I will never get used to seeing him like this.

No shirt? Daammnnn. Messy hair? I want to mess it up more. His morning pout? I'm dying when I see it. 

Everything about his absolutely perfect and no one can change my mind.

"Okay, fine, I'll get up, but I'll have to go to my room to change," he mumbles again.

"Or you could wear my clothes?" I offer. He looks at me and sighs.

"Or I could not? Your clothes are too big on me, they wouldn't fit." I look at him for a moment before I get a sly look. He sees my look and his widen. "Kiri whatever you're thinking the answer is no. . ." he warns.

I smirk, "I wasn't going to ask." I stand up and stretch before picking him up in my arms bridal style and carrying him to my closet. He yelps and his face turns crimson.

"K-Kiri! Put me down! I don't need to be carried!" he exclaims. I laugh lightly and put him down, he slides down so that he sitting on his butt.

"You're such a child, but I think it's cute." I smile and lean over him, pulling out some clothes that were on a hanger.

He huffs and looks down, "I said I could go to my room," he mutters. I look down and toss him the clothes.

"Here these will fit, and they'll look cute on you."

He grabs the clothes and then looks up at me, "Pick me up," he orders. I blink at down at him and then I smirk.

"That's no way to talk to your alpha," I say huskily. His face turns bright red and I chuckle.

"Please, Kiri? I want you to pick me up," he whines. I sigh and lean down, picking him and then setting him back on his feet.

"Happy now?" I ask.

"Yep! But turn around please," he says smiling. I let out a puff of air and turn around. I hear the rustling of clothes and a groan. "I'm ready," he says cheerfully.

 "I'm ready," he says cheerfully

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What he's wearing

I turn around and smirk at what I picked out for him. It shows his curves and his slim figure. (He doesn't have muscles in this au, he's pretty slim and curvy, like I said in a previous chapter)

He blushes and looks down.

"Don't look down baby, it looks good on you," I purr. His blush grows, but he does look up at me. "Good boy," I praise.

"So what did you have planned?" He asks. I smile and grab his hand.

"We're leaving school, come on." (I just realized that they probably all went home for Christmas, but for the sake of the story we're just going to say that some people stayed at the dorms, including Kiri and Izu) He nods his head and follows me. I lead him past the kitchen and we exit the dorms. He looks at me.

"Won't we need food?" He questions.

"Yeah, that's our first stop," I smile and pull him along.

*We're just gonna timeskip too when they're done eating and they've just hung out and gone to different stores to look around*

His breath shows in the air because of how cold it is. He's shaking and I realize I probably should've given him something else to wear over his sweatshirt. (I also realize that techinally Kirishima never got dressed, so let's just say that he did, kay?)

Are we almost done? It's really c-cold," my angel says with chattering teeth. It's dark outside and is probably about 11:55 pm. (They be staying up late cause why not?)

"Yeah, I want to do one more thing though," I say looking down at him. He nods his head and continues to shiver. I pull him close to me and wrap my arm around him. He leans into my touch and I smile softly. As we walk large fluffy snowflakes (can snowflakes be fluffy?) start to fall and I stop under a street light. He looks at me confused. "I wanted a midnight kiss," I say softly looking him in the eyes.

He looks at me with surprise. "W-what?" He stutters.

I lean closer to him, my breath mixing with his, "Can I have a midnight kiss?" I repeat. He stares at me and then his eyes close. He leans forward and our lips meet. It's sweet and I love it.

His lips dance with mine and he's letting off loving pheromones, and so am I. He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his waist. He threads his fingers through my hair and I sigh into the kiss.

The snow falls around us, melting on our shoulders and in our hair. The streetlights are the only thing illuminating the space around us. Not a single car passes us, it's just the two of us. Two lovers kissing on the first hour of Christmas.

We pull away and look into each other's eyes. "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too. . ." He whispers back. We look at each other one more time before going into another kiss.

I love you angel. . . I love you so, so, so much. . .

I thought that this was so cute and sweet, especially the ending. It made me want to kiss the person I'm dating, but stupid covid. . . so yeah, that's my Christmas chapter, tell me what you guys thought, I really tried. I'll be at my mom's house all of this week, so I hope to get at least three, if not four chapters out, but it will be hard. I'm also introducing a new oc into the story, thank you to That1kirilovinbich. I really appreciate it! So yeah, I'll see you guys soon! Good bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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