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I'm back with the epilogue. You all are gone hate me for the end, but don't worry, there will be a sequel. I promise. Anyway, please, enjoy this chapter. 

Izuku pov

"Kuro! Get back here, bub!" I say, chasing my four year old son around the house. (Imagine wanting to have kids, can't relate)

"Nooo! I don't wanna take a bath. . ." I stop to breathe for a moment, I've been chasing him for the past five minutes, and he's fast. I hear the front door unlock and open and I feel a smile forming on my face. 

"Hey, angel? Kuro? I'm back!" 

"Daddy! I missed you!" I hear from the other room. I start to walk towards there and when I see Kiri I smile more. 

"Hey. . ." I murmur and I stand up on my toes to kiss him lightly on the lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. And you too, Kuro. How are you?" he asks with a light grin on his face .

"I'm good, but mommy wants me to take a bath!" Kuro complains and I sigh.

He laughs, "well, you probably need one. Why don't you go take one and then we can watch a movie?" he offers.

"Which movie?"

"How about the Lion King?" he says.

"Hmmmm. . . okay!" and just like that, Kuro runs off to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Kiri, you're amazing."

"Hmm, so are you~" I blush and he chuckles. "Come on, you can go give him a bath and I'll change out of my clothes. Bakubro said that he can watch Kuro tonight so we can go on a date." 

My eyes sparkle, "That sounds great. I can't wait!" He smirks and leans by my ear.

"I can't wait either, angel~" I blush again at how he says my nick name. 

I go to the bathroom and start a bath. Kuro is already sitting there ready for it. 

"Come on Kuro, get on in," I say once the bathtub is full.

"Okay!" I start to wash his hair, making sure that his locks of straight green hair are full of soap bubbles. He plays with the bubbles that are in the tub as I rinse out the shampoo. I then move onto conditioner when he asks me a question.

"Mommy? Why do you and daddy sometimes leave in the evening and leave me with Katuski? And then you don't come back until morning?" I turn a shade of red.

"We go on dates sometimes and then we, umm, lose track of time," I say, trying to come up with something that'll work. He turns to look at me.

"But Katuski says that you guys like to do-what's it called? Intimate things? What does that mean?" (Lmao, Bakugo would try to sugar coat it by using words that he wouldn't understand. Honestly, I would too if it wouldn't get me in trouble)

I turn even redder. Kachan! Why is he doing this already to my son? "It just means that we show each other that we love them very much."

"Oh, okay!" He smiles. I finish rinsing his hair again and then have him stand up. I wrap him in a towel.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go grab you some clothes, okay?"


After I get him dressed and changed, I pick him up and carry him to the living room. (In case I didn't say, Izuku is 27, and Kirishima is 28)

Kiri already has the movie ready and is sitting on the spacious couch. I cuddle up against him with Kuro on my lap and he starts the movie. About 30 minutes into it Kuro falls asleep, so I pick him up and carry him to his room. He shifts in his sleep and then calms down again.

"So, Kiri? Where is our date at?"

He chuckles, "you'll see~" I blush and roll my eyes before grabbing his hand and standing up. 

"Lets go then."

We go to a nice restaurant and then he takes me to a park. The stars are out with a perfect moon and we lay on some blankets that he brought with and stare at them. I suddenly get the feeling that we're being watched, but I don't see anyone around. Just paranoia. 

"Kiri. . ." I murmur. "I love you, so, so much." He rolls over to face me.

"I love you too, angel~" I smile and look into his eyes. I see a bit of lust and I can tell what he wants. I move closer to him before closing my eyes and kissing him gently on the lips. It's soft, and sweet, and filled with so much passion and love. He's the first to pull away and I pout.

"We should head home," he says quietly. I nod my head and stand up. 

We eventually get home, but the whole way I feel like someone is watching us. It's weird and it's kind of creeping me out. 

"Kiri, do you feel that?" I ask.

"Feel what?"

"Like someone is watching us. . ."

"No, I don't. Do you want some cuddles?" he asks.

I smile, he always knows how to cheer me up. "Yeah, that would be nice."

He chuckles and picks me up, carrying me inside. 

I see Kachan look at us and smirk, "I hope you two had fun."

I growl at him, "You're going to ruin my son's innocence."

He laughs, "whatever you say." He gets up and walks past us, but not before ruffling my hair, earning a growl from Kiri. He just rolls his eyes and walks out.

"Bye, Kachan!" 

"Bye, Deku."

Kiri sets me on the couch and pulls me against him. I purr as he strokes my hair and showers me with love. I suddenly hear a knock on the door. Who could that be? I wonder.

"I'll get it Kiri," I say. He looks like he's about to protest, but I'm already up. I opens the door and what I see makes me freeze in terror and fright.

"Why hello, bunny~"

Aannnddd that's the end of the epilogue! Have fun with that. I know it was more of a chapter, but it went with the story, so oh well. I just wanted a bit of love and stuff in here. But the above picture is so cute, I died when I found it. It made my heart warm up. So, opinions on what should happen in the sequel? Cause I have no clue where this is going, lamo. I actually just made up the whole story as I went along. I had no clue what was going to happen next, but I think it turned out well. So give me your opinions and I'll look and read them. Anway, good bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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