Chapter 12

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First off, the video above if frickin hilarious, so please watch it if you haven't.


I swear I won't ever leave you. . . I swear. . .


Izuku pov

I wake up and I realize that the light are turned off, were they turned off earlier? I also notice that there is something warm against my back. kiri. . . he isn't mad at me, thank god. . . but what about Shinso? What happened after I left? Without thinking about it I let off some worried pheromones.

"Are you okay angel?" I hear Kiri's voice ask in my ear. I blush has his lips graze me and the contact sends a small shiver down my spine.

"Y-yeah, I'm good. I really sor-" He cuts me off.

"If you say that you're sorry one more time then I'm going to have to punish you~" He says threateningly, but also sexily. Is that even allowed?

"How would you punish me?" I ask nervously, but also with curiosity. Kiri shifts so that he's hovering over me. He looks me in the eye with a smirk.

"Do you want to find out?" I blush again as he straddles my hips with. He take my hands and pins them above my head, but not tight enough that I can't escape, he is still being gentle while being sexy. My mouth opens slightly in shock and he chuckles. "I think I like this position. . ." (You know that moment that you go to write the word 'position' but it autocorrects to prostitute? Yeah, story of my life. . .)

I just stare at him, no words come from my mouth. He leans down so that our noses are barely touching. "I can guarantee that the punishment will surprise you," he says with a small grin. I blink a few times.

"O-oh y-yeah?" I mentally curse myself for stuttering.


"Test me," I say with a burst of confidence. He sighs.

"As you wish. . ." he purrs. I bite my lip as his hands release my wrists and slide down my shoulder's. He stops there giving me a sly look.

"What are you-pffff! Haha, omg K-Kiri!" I gasp as he starts to tickle my armpits. He chuckles as I squirm and try to fight him off.

"You asked for this, baby. . ." He says, not stopping or hesitating for a second. I wheeze and laugh.

"K-Kiri! O-omg s-stop! Please! Eijiro, I'll do anything, just stop! I- I can't hahahah! Eijiro!" I say, trying to push him off, but he's stronger than me and continues. His hands move down to my stomach and sides. I'm just wheezing, gasping, and laughing.

"What will you do if I stop?" He asks seductively.

"P-please! Omg, daddy!" Then he freezes and my mouth falls open. (I'm just listening to Sweater Weather on repeat, I'm addicted to that song. . .)

"What did you call me?" he asks in shock, and pleasure.

"N-nothing, I didn't call you anything!" I say hurriedly. My face is crimson and he just shakes his head slowly.

"Call me that again, will you?" He purrs.

"U-um. . ." I stammer out.


"Okay. . . d-daddy. . ." I look at his chest, not being able to look him in the eyes. He leans closer to me and tips my chin up so that we're looking each other in the eye.

"Good boy. . ." I whispers before connecting our lips. My eyes immediately close and melt into it. He bites and pulls on my bottom lip, asking for entrance (I feel like sentence is so over used, but I can't think of an alternate one. . .) I open my mouth slightly and he slides his tongue into my mouth. He explores everywhere and runs it over my own tongue. I moan as his hands slide up under my sweatshirt. He runs his fingers up and down my chest, leaving a trail of heat wherever they touch. He pulls away with a string of saliva touching each other's mouth. I breathe heavily and so does he. I look at him for a moment before grabbing his face and pulling him back to me. We kiss for a few moments before my door is thrown open.

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