Chapter 5

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Okay, first off, does anyone ship shindeku? Please tell me I'm not the only one. . . now I'm making freaking pasta for dinner. Life is is fun. . .

Once again, Kirishima pov

Eventually I find him on the roof, except. . .

"You bastard."


Midoriya is sitting with Shinso on the roof. Well, sitting might be too nice; Shinso is sitting with Midoriya in between his legs and that jerk has his arms wrapped around my mates waist.

My scent if coming off of me thickly. It smells of pure anger and I see Midoriya look up first. Shinso notices that my mates attention has averted and he looks up as well. I start to growl and walk towards them. My anger is overpowering my judgment, just like usual.

Deku pov

I smell a really strong scent, and it's way beyond familiar. My eyes shoot up and sure enough, my angry mate is standing there and he looks beyond ready to kill someone. Shinso looks up and notices Kirishima. He's walking towards us and his growls are causing my omega instincts to go crazy. 

I start to whimper and I shrink back into shinso. He tightens his arms around me, which helps a little, it also causes Kirishima to growl louder. 

Shinso had asked if I wanted to eat lunch with him, so I said yes. I mean, we're friends, so why not? I guess we just ended up sitting like this, but it felt nice. Now I realize that Kirishima probably would've noticed me missing, and probably would've gone looking for me. 

Shinso starts to growl back and I whimper louder. I felt terrified. I had two alphas who looked ready to fight over me. . . and I was shaking.

"You're scaring him, Kirishima. Calm down, we were just hanging out. Does that bother you?" Shinso asks icily.

"Yeah, it does. You two look like you're a little more than 'friends'. Let go of him," Kirishima hisses. I look back at Shinso.

"Let me go, maybe I can calm him, it'll be better than you two fighting," I say quietly.

"What if he just hurts you? I can't take that risk with you. You're just an omega, you can't really protect yourself, so I can't just give you up to him." (AAHHH I hate making a mean Shinso, I literally simp for him, along with a few others. . . that's beside the point though. Continuing on!)

My jaw drops in shock. Who does he think he is, trying to control me? Kirishima must have heard because he growls louder.

"I'm not going to hurt him you bastard. You should let him go if he wants to go," My mate says.

I try to pull away from Shinso, but he holds on tighter and doesn't let me go. I start to panic more, he won't let me go. I take a deep breath thinking before deciding.

"Kirishima, can you help me out? Please?" I whimper. He doesn't even hesitate. He looks me in the eye and smiles softly before looking over my shoulder at Shinso.

"I'm not going to ask again. Let. Him. Go." Kirishima growls again. I struggle against Shinso. Shinso looks at him before releasing me.

"If you get hurt Midoriya, don't come running to me for help. You're on your own now, omega." 

I stand up and back away, bumping into Kirishima, who wraps his arms around me and hugs me from behind. I just stare at Shinso's pissed off face. He glares at both of us and I whimper and sink into my mates touch. 

"It's okay Izuku, you're okay. . ." Kiri purrs in my ear. I smile slightly.

"Thanks. . . Eijiro," I respond softly. I watch Shinso get up and brush past us. "Come one, we should go," I murmur.

Kirishima squeezes me tightly for a moment before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door. I stumble after him.

"Am I softening you up, Eijiro?" I joked, but I still had a slight hint of fear that he'd blow up at me. He looks back at me and then smiles.

"Only for you Izuku, only for you. Now come on, let's go eat okay? I have a feeling that your friends will also want you back," he says, "Not that I'll give you back to them," he mutters quieter.

"Hey! You can't keep me forever. . . I'm not just someone's property."

He looks at me and stops walking. "I don't think you belong to anyone, you are your own person. I just get jealous really easily. Sorry if I seem a bit possessive. . ." I look at him and blink.

"Thanks, but I don't mind, just as long as you don't really hurt me or anyone else that I care for," I murmur quietly. He leans close to me and gently grabs my chin. 

"I'll try to make you happy, however I can. Okay Izuku?" (Bro wtf, that sounds like something a stripper would say lmao)

I nod my head and gently pull away from his touch, I see a brief look of hurt cross his face. "Sorry, I just, I have some bad memories and sometimes touching makes me get nervous. I don't mean to offend you," I say quietly. He nods his head and continues to gently pull me along. 

Yeah, I think I'm starting to fall for him. . .

Sooo, last chapter for the night. . . I was incoherent for the majority of this, so sorry if it makes no sense. I also happened to be watching season 4 of mha on Hulu, I haven't seen it yet! It's really good and Eri is so cute! Aight, I'm heading to bed. Good bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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