I Hate People Sometimes

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Okay, so this has nothing to do with the story, but people can be dumb ass's. I was on my bus coming home from school when I hear some juniors start to talk crap on non-binary people. They were saying things like, 'oh, they only have gender dysphoria' and 'they need some mental help, I'm sure that a therapist or counselor will help them' I was piiiissseedd. Like, wtf?! Let people be who they want to be, if they are trans than identify them like that, if they're non-binary respect their pronouns. Do start talking trash on people because they don't 'fit in with society' I used to be gender fluid before I started having people tell me that it was wrong and that I was effed up. It got to the point where I just stopped trying and was basically bullied into identifying myself as my biological gender.

I'm just gonna say this now, you can be who you want to be, don't let others bring you down and talk trash on you, you are perfect the way you are, and I people don't respect that then they aren't worth your time. I'm not saying that what they say won't hurt, because it might, but you need to understand that you are beautiful, I may not know what you look like irl, but I do know that you can be beautiful however you choose. 

That's all, sorry for this. 

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