Chapter 16

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Okay. . . so I know what I said, but like. . . I couldn't help myself, especially after someone gave me an idea for the story and now I'm just dying to make it. Thank you to Didget404 for the idea!


Izuku pov

It's been about a week since the encounter with the three boys. I can't get the red haired guy's scent out of my head. It was jus so familiar and comforting. I look at the time on my phone. I know for a fact that Haru is in his rut this weekend. I double checked, tripled checked, then decided that I'd checked too many times, but I checked. . . just once more. (I do this with school assignments, I check the due dates a thousand times, especially for online school)

I slide on some skinny light blue jeans and a white hoodie that has been scented by Haru. I pull on my white converse and grab my phone. Once again forgetting my suppressants. I don't know where I'm going, but I need to leave the house. I'm only paying slight attention to where I'm walking, well, until I smell the oh so familiar scent.

"Izuku?" I hear a hesitant voice ask. I turn around slowly and when I realize who it is a start to freak out.

"W-what do you want?" I stutter out. I glance around, but to my dismay there aren't as many people out, due to it being night and pitch black outside, only lit by signs, street lights, and traffic lights.

"I just want to talk, I-" I don't listen to anymore. I turn and start to walk away. Haru is going to kill me if something bad happens or if he finds out that I went too far again. "Wait! Izuku!" he calls out. Who is Izuku?

He walks to catch up, but I panic and start to run. Why am I so scared? I don't know him for one (bitch yes you do) I'm scared that Haru will get mad, and I'm worried about what will happen if I talk to him.

Suddenly something hits me, causing me to get knocked down. My head gets a hard hit and I groan. "Oh my god, Izuku! I'm so sorry, are you okay I-. . . . ."

(?) sighs, "Honey, you need to show him how you feel, you can't just let him be. You've got to express your emotions." I didn't notice (?) walking up, but suddenly she's behind (?)

"She's right, ya know, you can't just ignore the fact that you were being touchy with another alpha. Kirishima's gonna get mad if you keep doing that,"  (?) says. She wraps her arms around (?) and sniffs her scent glands.

"Deku, if you're going to look at me like that then you should be warned about when Kirishima cuddles you. I can make your life very. . . interesting," (?) giggles and then stands up. "Lunch is almost over, let's go."

What was that? Who's Kirishima? Who were those girls? My head is starting to hurt like hell.

"W-what's your name?" I ask the guy who was apparently talking.

He looks at me hurt, but does answer, "Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima."My head gets a shooting pain. Kirishima, wasn't that the name of the guy in my. . . vision?

"K-Kirishima?" I ask, trying out the name. It seemed so perfect to me, like I was meant to say it.

"Izuku, are you okay?"

"Wait, what's your name?" he asks me.(I'm changing perspective for a few of these statements/ questions.)

"Midoriya. I-Izuku Midoriya. . ." I say softly.

"W-what did you call me?" I ask hesitantly. Something is wrong, very, very, very wrong.

"I called you Izuku, that's your name," Kirishima tells me. I start to shake my head, but then stop. What if that is my name? It doesn't make sense. "Angel, let's go to my place okay? Maybe I can help you?" Kirishima offers.

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