Chapter 9

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Deku pov

I wake up to something warm pressed against my back. What exactly happened? I was playing truth or dare with some friends, including Kiri and then I was dared to do something with Kiri. . . what was it?

"We kissed, angel. Now can you please stop muttering and go back to sleep? It's too early. . ." I hear a voice mumble tiredly.

"W-what? Wait, where am I again?" I ask in confusion.

"My room, not can you please stop talking? It's not that I don't like your voice or anything, but I'm tired. . ." I hear a light snore come from him. Ohhhh, it's Eijiro, so he's cuddling me? WAIT! OMG KIRI IS HUGGING AND CUDDLING ME! Oh my god, I'm being cuddled by my mate, who is hot af and is actually caring for me.

My heart beat is increasing and my face is burning with a blush. I sit up slowly, or at least try. Strong arms pull me back down and a face is buried into my neck.

"k-Kiri! W-what are you doing?" I gasp as I feel something wet slide across me scent glands.

"Trying to get you to calm back down," he murmurs into my neck.

"It's not working! Eijiro, please stop, I can't handle you doing this to me. And we have school! Come on, we need to get up, school starts in," I check my phone that's on the desk next to the bed, "oh. . . 3 hours. . ." I whisper the last part.

"Yeah, exactly, so either go back to bed or let me kiss you, okay?" I blush ferociously.

"I'd rather kiss, I think. . ." I say quietly. I feel him smirk into my neck, before rolling me over so that I'm on his stomach. Where our bare chests touch each I feel heated warmth. He smirks again at me again. I let my eyes travel down to his lips, they look so inviting. . .

He then pulls my head down and kisses me, it's gentle, at first. My lips move with his and I can't help, but love it. The skin contact feels perfect, and he's actually taking care of me, not just doing it because he wants to, but also because I want to.

He starts to nibble and lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I don't give it to him though, I know it's only a matter of time before he gets frustrated and basically forces me to submit to him. I trust him though. Sure enough he growls and brings his hand down to my butt, giving a rough squeeze.

 I moan and then pull away shocked. "Omg, Eijiro, I-I didn't mean t-to do t-that. . ." I say embarrassed. He chuckles.

"Don't worry, I liked that sound, you should  make it more often," He says huskily back. His tone of voice and his words seduce me more and I go back to kissing him.

This time I open my mouth so that he can violate it, he touches everywhere and I'm letting out soft moans into his mouth. He's soaking them all in hungrily, and searching from more. One of his hands tangle in my hair while the other one dips into the waist band of my sweats.

I pull away gasping for breath and trying to control my ache for more. Instead of going back for more, I lay my head on his chest and try to steady my breathing.

"Dammit, Izuku, now I'm turned on," I hear Kiri growl. I startle at the use of my first name, rather than the nickname he gave me.

"A-are you mad about that?" I ask hesitantly. He sighs and shakes his head.

"No, but I will need to take care of it, so you have to get off unless you want to deal with it?" He says the last part as a question. I blush, again.

"U-um, I think that you should do t-that. . ." I stutter. He chuckles.

"Okay, then get off of me," he says with a sigh. I get off of him and whimper because I think I've made him mad. He looks at me surprised and confused.

"What's wrong, angel?" He asks me in concern.

"A-are you going to hurt me?" I ask him, cringing for his reaction. God, why am I so scared?! It's because your omega instincts are telling you to make him happy, dumbass.

"No, why the fuck would I do that?! Why do you think that I would- oh. You think because you said you didn't want to that I'm supposed to hit you, right?" I nod my head slowly. "Come here, I'm not going to hurt you, alright? Calm down, angel," he coos softly. I smile as he gives me a gentle hug, "I still have to take care of it though, so give me a minute." He stands up and heads to his bathroom.

I lay back on the bed and cuddle in the warmth of the blankets. My eyes drift shut and soon I'm asleep again.

*timeskip to roughly and hour and a half later*

"Angel, hon? We have an hour till school starts, you should get up and shower and stuff," I hear a voice murmur in my ear. I groan and roll over, right into Kiri.

"When did you get back in bed?" I ask groggily.

"After I took care of my. . . situation. You were out cold." I nod my head and close my eyes, drifting again. That is until I feel someone start to tickle my sides.

"K-Kiri! Omg, Eijiro! Stooop, oh my god, pleeaasseee!" I say gasping for breath as I feel like I'm being tickled to death.

"Get up and I will, " he snickers back. I'm still wheezing and I roll over so I fall off the bed. There's a muted thump and a second before he looks over the bed at me.

"You okay, angel?"

"Y-yeah, but you jerk! I just wanted some sleep, and you had to do that! Jesus christ!" I groan. He just chuckles.

"I'll meet you in the commons, okay? Go get ready." I nod my head and stand up, totally forgetting a shirt and walking out of his room.


I'm sitting in the commons waiting for Kiri to come when I feel the couch shift. I look over and see Kachan. He leans over and hugs me, burying his face in my scent glands. Then I hear the intake of breath.

"What. The. Fuck."

So, this is another chapter. More hopefully coming tomorrow! So yeah, I really missed being on here and I miss writing every time I'm gone. So, in a month or less  will be going on a 3 week break from writing this, I'll give you another warning when it's closer. I just wanted to let you know. I guess that's it for now. See ya later, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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