Chapter 1

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Deku p.o.v

"Deku, are you sure you'll be okay? I don't want you to get hurt again. I could always sneak out and walk with you. . ." Kachan looks at me with worried eyes, an expression only I ever seem to get.

"Yes Kachan, I'm fine. I have my phone, if I need anything, I'll text you."

"But what if-" I cut him off.

"I'll be fine, don't worry!" I smile at him before grabbing my bag and leaving the school.

I sigh. Kachan got detention, again. He got in a fight with some beta over a freaking pencil. Both claiming it to be their's. As I'm walking to the bus I smell some really strong pheromones. Maybe three omegas, one beta, and. . . oh crap. . . an alpha. A very, very, very angry alpha. I follow their scents to a park and hide behind a tree and watch. I look at the beta and omegas first. The omegas are whimpering and one of them looks like they fell or were pushed to the ground. The other two are kneeling by her. The beta is standing in front of the omegas, but she looks terrified and is whimpering as well.

"I don't give a fuck about you guys, I don't even know your names. I'm not going to one of you guys as a mate just because you want someone to protect you. I already have a mate, and I don't even know if I'll like them or if I'll take them as a mate. So yeah fuck off," he growls, his eyes like daggers. Even I whimper quietly. 

He's actually really hot, despite the fact that he looks ready to kill someone. He has black hair that hangs down and really pretty red eyes. 

"Go. Now," he growls again. The beta helps the omegas up and they dead on sprint like death is chasing them.

I can't believe he would yell at them like that! What a jerk. . . I take a deep breath and let it out in a huff. I look up again and he's gone, crap. He probably went home. I turn to walk and I freeze. I can't move, I just stare. My knees feel weak. He is right there and I feel like I should say something, but at the same time I shouldn't.

If I had ever felt scared of an alpha before, it was nothing compared to now. His smell was overpowering and was alerting me to the fact that he was my mate, which was terrifying considering what he said to those other omega's and beta. He stares at me with a dark expression and takes a step forward. I do the only thing expected. I turn and run.

So, I actually did it! I'm writing a fanfic! I'm also writing another story that has nothing to do with anime or manga or whatever. But I already love this, I mean, Kirideku will never be cannon , and all my friends think I'm crazy for writing this, but. . . that doesn't stop me. Well, I'll see you later. Goodbye, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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