Chapter 15

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I was bored, so here's a chapter. . . that I've started less than five minutes later from the last post, I guess that this is okay. . .


Kirishima's pov

I open my eyes and get out of bed with little enthusiasm. Another day without him, and another day where I know that I won't find him. He's gone, there's no finding him. It's been a year now. (Sorry for the drastic time skips, I just didn't feel like putting in filler's. . .)

It's the weekend, so nothing too exciting is happening. Izuku's missing case was closed about a month ago, so no one is really looking for him anymore. I've gotten better with my anger and now my friends are back. I drag myself to my bathroom and look in the mirror. After blinking a few times to clear my vision completely I start on my morning routine. I style my hair, brush my teeth, get dressed, and grab my phone. I head down to the commons and find a few of my friends lounging around. More recent to join our group is a beta named, Mercy. He's interesting, he acts kind of cold to a lot of people, but he's opened up to us. He's closest to Bakugo, but still hangs out and laughs with the rest of our group.

"Hey guys-" I'm interrupted.


"And girls. How's everyone doing?" I ask with a light grin.

(Just for a quick second I'm going to put their names in parenthesis to signify who's speaking)

"Good!" (Sero)

"What he said." (Kami)

"I'm doing great!" (Mina)

"Tch, I'm fine." (Bakugo)

"I guess I'm good." (Mercy)

"I'm alright. . ." (Jiro)

(Back to normal now!)

"How about you, Kiribro?" Kami asks me with a smile.

"I'm fine, same as always," I say smiling back. In times like these. . . it's hard to put on my smile, but I have to go through with my day. I can suffer tonight. . . Dammit. . .

The day goes by quickly, just a lot of joking and video games.

"Hey guys! We should go out! We can go to McDonalds or something, pretty please?" Mina asks.

"Yeah, I'll go, why not?" I answer her. Soon everyone else agrees and we head out.

After we get off the bus that leads to the main part of the city we start to look for one. As we walk a familiar smell catches my attention. It can't be. . . Izuku? I look around until I see a person with a similar build to him.

"Izuku. . ." I whisper. No one else seems to notice, well, except for bakubro and Mercy.

"Do you smell that shitty hair?" Bakubro asks uncertainly. I point over to the boy. Bakubro waists no time. He runs to the boy.

"Deku!" He yells as he comes up behind him. The boy turns around in surprise and confusion.

"W-who are you?" he stutters and he sounds scared. I run over, along with Mercy. All of our friends have disappeared, leaving us alone.

"Deku, it's me. . . Katsuki Bakugo! Don't fake not knowing me!" The boy looks just like Izuku. Hair, eyes, body, everything. The only difference is when he looks at us, there's no sign of recognition.

"Angel. . .?" I ask in a whisper. Without thinking about it I pull him into a hug. He stiffens and tries to push me away.

"L-let me go! I don't know you, leave me alone!" He yells out, earning a few stares from the people walking past us.

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