Chapter 18

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(And I'm back with another chapter! Enjoy. . . because this is the last main chapter of the story. I'll be doing an epilogue, or a sequel, depending on what you want. By the way, I don't really write smut, I just don't feel comfy writing smut. I know that a lot of people judge how authors do smut, and I don't want to deal with that. But this chapter will have Izuwu's heat in it. . . so yeeaahhh. . .)

Izuku pov

It's been a few weeks since the whole Shinso thing happened, and everything seems to be going okay. I'm laying in my bed, Kiri is off with some of the other alpha's for only lord knows what. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can't figure it out. Nothing should be coming up, and I'm not sure what I would be missing.

I unlock my phone to check my notifications when a text comes up from my mom. I read it and my eyes widen. She's reminding me of my heat, which should be starting within the next twenty-four hours. Shit. I look at my phone again, debating on texting Kiri, before I decide against it. Maybe I'll tell him later. . . I flop onto my bed and close my eyes, eventually drifting.

 Well, that's until I start to feel hot. Fuck, I should've told him. This is going to suck. . . i

I groan, what am I supposed to do? I start to feel hot and soon sweat starts to build up on my body. I groan as the heat only gets so worse so I pull off my shirt, then my pants, leaving me only in my briefs. I get up unsteadily to turn up the AC. I go back to bed and lay down, but it's so hard for me to get comfortable.

I whimper as I feel a sharp pain goes through my pelvis, and hips. Fuck this. . . I know I can't get up to get meds from the kitchen, and I don't have any in my room. Crap. . . I lay there as I can feel my member get harder and I whimper.  I start to palm myself, but it doesn't feel the same, it doesn't feel like. . . my mate

I start to think of him and what he could do to me.  My yearning for Kiri start to become stronger when I roll over and I see one of his hoodies on the ground. I reach for it and I hole it to my nose. I want him, no, I need him. I pull out my phone to text him, but that isn't necessary as the door opens to reveal him. He freezes as he see's me and I see hunger start to form in his eyes. 

"Kiri. . ." I whimper. He starts to walk towards me and I just want him to come faster. (Don't take those words dirty, because I sure did and now I feel dead inside)

He growls quietly and reach my arms out to him. He finally gets to me and he crawls onto the bed and pins me down. I look into his eyes and all I can see is lust. He leans down and smirks as he can see the desperation for him on my face. 

"What do you want, Angle~?" He has my wrists pinned with one hand and he moves his other to stroke my cheek. I purr at his touch and he smirks some more. "Tell me, Izuku~"

"I want you. . ." I moan out. He smirks and leans down to capture my lips with his. He bites my bottom lip slightly and I open my mouth slightly, allowing him to smoothly slide his tongue in. He gently pulls on my hair while his other hand has both of my wrists. He tugs again and I moan out. 

"You like that, Angel~?" He purrs seductively in my ear. I nod my head before his hand grabs my chin. "Use your words."

"Y-yes, please. . . I need you," I moan helplessly at him. He immediately goes back to kissing me.

 We make out for a while before he pulls away. I wine at him before he brushes his hand against my scent gland causing a shiver to go through me. He leans down to inhale my scent before a possessive growl emits from him.

"K-Kiri. . . d-do you want to. . .?"

"Fuck yes. . . but, are you okay with it?"

"Y-yes, all I'm ever going to want is you," I say looking into his eyes. He nods before leaning down and lightly kissing and sucking on my scent gland. He then lets his fangs elongate before drawing them across them. I moan softly. He then bites down. I arch my back and flinch at the pain, but it gets better as he releases his venom. He pulls away and lick up the blood.

"You're mine~" he says seductively before leaning down to kiss me again. 

*Time skip brought to you by me being depressed because I can't text Diget404, because, ya know, pArEnTs. I still love you though ;)*

I wake up groaning, that was the best heat of my life. Dang, Kiri is so good at sex. I sigh and try to sit up before a strong arm pulls me back down. 

"It's too early to get up, Angel. . ." he mumbles. (I forgot to say, but omega's get school off for the duration of their heat, and if they have an alpha, their alpha also gets that time off. Likewise with an alpha's rut)

"No it's not. . . it's only like," I check my phone, "Oh, 6:30a.m.. . ." (lol, I'm getting flash backs from the beginning of this story) 

"Yeah, so lay back down, I need more cuddles," he mumbles in a husky voice. I sigh and lay back down as he pulls me closer to his chest. I can feel his naked body pressed against mine and I blush profusely. I mean, sure we had sex, and sure I saw him naked multiple times, but stiiilll. . .



"Thanks for finding me and giving me back my memories. . ." I say quietly. There's silence before he turns me over so I'm facing him. 

"I would never have stopped looking for you. . . you're the most precious thing to me and I would rather die than ever see you hurt. I'm sorry that I couldn't help sooner, but I'm so glad that I did. . . You didn't deserve what happened and I can only hope that someday you'll realize just how important you are to me. Goddamn, I love you so, so, so much, and I never want you to leave me again. . ."

I don't even realize that I'm crying silent tears until and starts to kiss them away. "I love you too. . . please, always stay with me. . ."

"I'll always stay with you, no matter what. . ."

Damnnnn, this was the last main chapter. I love all of the comments I've gotten and I love all of you so much. Thank you for reading this story and I hope that you all enjoyed it. I'm sorry of some of you found it toxic, I got a few comments about that, but honestly, I based this off of the kind of relationship I would want. So, feel free to judge, I just don't need to hear comments about it. Please let me know if you want and epilogue or a sequel, it's up to you. I hope that you all of a good rest of your night/day. I will see you all soon, goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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