I'm ALIVE!!!

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Sooooo, I'm alive and doing okay. Sorry for not updating in I don't even know how long. I've missed being active on here and I'm sorry I just disappeared. I just had to deal with some family stuff and troubles in general. I guess I can share some updates about myself? I got a job at McDonalds (Micy D's) and my school went back all in person. I finally got the confidence to be gender fluid again, or at least come out as gender fluid. As you guys know, I go by Jax. I've been circulating about different stories I could start as well, so like, idk. 



Shindeku (cause I effed that one up in this story lmao)


bakudeku (always a fav of mine)

hawksdeku (don't come at me)

Other ships are fine too, if you have ideas.

Ummm, yandere au

sugar daddy au

band au

Idk, other ideas are cool too.

SOOOO yeah, ask question, whatever. I'm posting a new actual chapter soon, so be expecting that. I guess that's all. Good bye guys, gals, and  non-binary pals!

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