I Guess Random?

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So, as I said in the last chapter, my updating schedule is every other weekend. I like feedback and ideas, so if you want me to add anything please let me know! I really appreciate that.

On top of that, I've been stressed lately about stuff with my stepmom, we get into stupid fights and lately she has started cussing about the problems now, which really bother me. So like, I might occasionally vent or something, don't judge, okay? I know some people have it a lot worse, I am by no means saying that my problems are the end of the world.

I've gone through a lot, not as bad as some people, but some bad stuff. Anyways, yeah, so I like support and ideas because they cheer me up when I can't find motivation. Thanks if you read this, more actual chapters coming out soon!

Oh and totally random, but before school today my friend Mason literally brought a freaking Justin Bieber wig to school and a piece of hair fell out. I picked it and turned to my other friends and in my best All Might voice I go "Eat This!" And she, no joke, put. It. In. Her. Mouth. Like WTF?! Then she spit it out and only God knows where it is now. Sorry for the random!

Bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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