Chapter 7

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Kirshima pov

I'm not gonna lie, I felt sort of rejected when Izuku pushed me away. . . did I really go too far for him? God dammit, I fucked up with him, again. I'm a terrible mate, but I just had to do it. Everything about him was drawing me in and the fact that I did get to see under his shirt, well, lets just say that I'm looking forward to that again.

We're now both in my room as I try to find something comfy to wear.

"Oh my god, Eijiro! Hurry up, I want to go down to the commons," Izuku whines. I look at him.

"Then you choose what I'm going to wear," I grumble.

"Okay, I guess?" He walks over to my closet a rummages through my clothes before tossing out some camo pants and a black t-shirt.

"Okay, I guess?" He walks over to my closet a rummages through my clothes before tossing out some camo pants and a black t-shirt

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I look at them and put them on, not even bothering to warn Izuku that I'm changing.

"K-Kiri! Tell me before you change!" Izuku says, very flustered. I look at him, I still don't have a shirt on.

"Why? I don't mind you staring at me~" I purr seductively. His face turns bright red and he turns towards the door. "Wait, come on, it's not that bad, is it? Do I not look good enough to you or something?" I whine softly, testing how much power I have over him.

He turns back towards me with a small pout, "I don't think you look bad at all. In fact, I find you to be really attractive. I guess, I just get embarrassed. The only other person I've seen without a shirt on is Kachan, but then, we've both seen each other shirtless. But I guess that's normal, considering we often sleep on the same bed and such. . ." He trails off at my angry expression.

"Has he seen more than that?" I growl.

His eyes widen and he whimpers, "D-does it matter?" He backs up towards the door.

"Yeah, it does, and from your words I'm guessing he has." I walk up to him and push him against the door, making it impossible for him to escape, "so tell me, what else has he seen?"

He whimpers some more and he releases distressed pheromones. I'm glad the rooms are pheromone and sound proof. Only mates can smell each other through the walls and even that is fainter than normal.

"H-he's seen me only in my briefs, t-that's I-it," he cowers as far away from me as possible.

I growl louder and lean in close, "And why wouldn't you let me see that much of you again?"

He sighs and finally says, "Because I'm scared. . . of you. . ."

I freeze. He's scared of me? Oh shit. . .

I lean in closer and nuzzle my nose against his scent gland, his breath hitches at the contact and I smile softly. "I'm sorry, like I said, I'll probably get a little possessive. I should have known that you would trust him more, but I do expect to see you like that soon." He groans as I slide my tongue along his neck.

"Eijiro~ s-stop~" He lets out another quiet moan and I smirk.

"Okay, angel~" He tilts his head to look at me.


I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah, you're my angel." He blushes again.

"P-put on your shirt so we can go downstairs," he says, still flushed from embarrassment.

I smile and pull on the black shirt, "Okay, angel. Let's go." I gently grab his hand and we head to the commons.

When we get there Mina, Sero, Kami, Bakugo, Jiro, Uraraka, Iida, and Momo are all there. A weird group, but whatever.

"Yay! You slowpokes finally showed up! Come one, let's play!" Mina gushes. Izuku pulls his hand away from mine and starts to walk over to Bakugo. Bakugo just smiles as my mate sits down next to him and curls up, leaning into his touch. I growl lowly and I see Kami looks up.

"Don't just stand there, go get him back! He's your mate after all," Kami says as I approach him. I sigh and look back at my angel, he's purring as Bakugo runs his finger's through his hair.

I smile, "Okay, I'll go get him back." I walk over and sit in the last open space on the couch that's next to my mate. He doesn't seem to notice which pisses me off, but Bakugo does. He shakes Izuku slightly to get his attention.

"Hey, Deku, I think Kirishima wants you, mind if I hand you over?" He asks Izuku softly. Izuku looks up at me. I soften my expression for him and after a moments hesitation he shifts over too me so that he's leaning against my side. I gently wrap my arm around his shoulder and he stiffens slightly. He's still scared of me. . .

I let off some calming scents and that seems to help him relax.

"Okay! So, we are gonna play with a bottle. Whoever the  bottle lands on has to be dared or asked a question by the person who spun it. Any questions?" Mina says, grinning from ear to ear. No one said anything so she spun the bottle and it landed on Iida.

"Truth or dare Iida?"

"Truth. We can not be inappropriate with this game, though. We must keep it clean and safe," He says with his arm motions and a serious face. Uraraka giggles.

"Iida, it's not that big of a deal!" She laughs.

"Okay, okay, okay. So. . . truth. . ." Mina's face lights up. "What is the longest you've left food on the floor before picking it up and eating it?"

Iida's face goes into shock, "That is a simple question. I have never done that before, it is revolting and that is how you get sick." A few people roll their eyes, but no one says anything against it.

The game goes around like this before the bottle lands on Izuku. (They had moved to the floor before actually playing)

"Deku, truth or dare?" Uraraka asks.

"U-um dare?" He says uncertainly. Uraraka's face gets a sly look.

"I dare you to. . . play seven minutes in heaven with Kirishima," she says smirking. I look over and my angels face is bright red.

This ought to be fun. . .

I think this chapter was a little shorter than the last one, but I didn't want to go all out in a kiss scene or whatever in this chapter. Yeah, a kiss scene is coming up, and I hope it's good. I guess this is it for now. Well, yeah, goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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