Dirty Harry Styles Part 1

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I tapped my foot on the clean white tile. 

How long was i suppose to wait in this depressing room.

Twenty maybe thirty years. 

My forehead was sweating. I desperately needed to know if i was okay. I had been having muscle cramps for the past few days and thought it was time to see a doctor about it. I know it wasn’t that serious, but better safe then sorry, right?

I looked across the room at the man groaning about his arm and the little boy who had been coughing ever since i got here. 

What the hell was taking these people so long. 

Just when i thought i couldn’t wait any longer, a fat lady with curly blond hair calls my name.

“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) The doctor will be glad to see you now. Through these doors, straight down, last door on the left.” She yelled disturbing all the patients in the room.

I grabbed my bag and nodded and made my way through the door and down the hall.


I didn’t quite fit the scenery of this part of the hospital. It wasn’t a big deal, but the halls were so clean. I had on dusty combat boots, dark wash skinny jeans and a navy green shirt with bleach stains all over it. I guess you can say my appearance was one of the things i least cared about.

I finally got to the room I was told to go in and there were two people ( I’m assuming doctors since they both had on white lab coats.) standing and talking. 

One was a man with curly hair. I couldn’t see his face, his back was to me. But the lady was around his height, due to her red heels, and her hair a perfectly straightened brown. 

“Oh, hello (y/n).” She says stopping her conversation. 

I smile, the best i can. I didn’t really like to smile a lot.

The man turned around and i swear i could of choked on my spit.

I had been to the hospital before.

I had seen tons of men, but never one so … beautiful.

His green eyes were bright as he smiled a perfect white smile. Which also revealed his twin dimples. His curls framed his face perfectly. He was like a God.

“I’ll leave you to it.” The lady says patting his shoulders and leaving out the room. Closing the door behind her.

“Hello (y/n). Take a seat on the bed. I’m your doctor for today. Dr.Styles. Call me Harry if you’d like.” He says in his husky tone. 

I’m still standing, staring at his face almost as if my eyes were glued on him. 

He looks up from his clip board and grins at me.

“You want to have a seat.” He says chuckling towards the end.

I’m back from planet like-to-stare-a lot- and i laugh and have a seat.

“So, what’s going on (y/n).” He says to me. His back straightened perfectly. I straighten my own to match his. Not wanting him to think anything bad of me for some reason. 

But look at what I’m wearing. He probably thinks I’m some trashy teenage girl.

“Um . . yea Iv’e been having muscle cramps for the past week or so, and i just wanted to know what could of caused this.” I say.

He looks down at his clip board.

“Can I ask you a few questions?” He says to me. I nod, he can ask me anything.

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