Dirty Niall Horan

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I’ve never seen somebody so perfect in my entire life. The way his blonde hair peaks out the sides of his snapback sends chills down my spine and his eyes, oh my god his eyes could make any girl drop dead with just one look. So blue, so beautiful. I stare contently at his mouth, I’ve heard he can work wonders with that thing. Every girl in school talks about it. I can almost feel his lips pressed against me, making their way from the bottom of my ear to my neck, sucking and biting, making me moan out his name as he continues his journey. His skillful fingers from years of playing guitar making their way up my sides and under my shirt, cupping my boobs perfectly with his large hands. He’d slowly slip the shirt from my body and then make his way from my neck, down my chest, nipping and licking my skin. Letting his hands roam freely down, making circles on my hips with his fingertips making me want him even more. He’d bring his lips back up to mine and kiss me so passionately that it would take my mind away from what he was actually doing. He’d slip his hand into the waistband of my jeans and slowly ease his hands down to the place I want him the most. Slow and teasing, he’d finally slip his hand into-

“(Y/N) are you paying attention back there?” Mrs. Morris asks jolting me from my daydream.

I shake my head, turning a bright pink as everyone in the classroom turns to look at me.

“Yes, Mrs. Morris” I say but she just scoffs

“Maybe instead of making eyes at Mr.Horan over there, you should pay attention to the class”

“But I wasn’t” I say, turning even redder

I glance over toward Niall and he has a huge smile across his face. I groan and put my head into my hands.

“Anyway class, like I was saying we’ll be doing a group project and I’ll be pairing you up.”

She went through the class, pairing everybody up in twos until there were only four of us left.

Please don’t put me with Niall, please don’t put me will Niall

“Now, originally I had Melissa paired with (Y/N) but since she just can’t take her eyes off Niall, she can be his partner for the next 3 weeks, which means Melissa you’re with Jeremiah”

Damn it

“But Mrs. Morris, I wasn’t looking at him” I state but she just rolls her eyes at my comment.

“I don’t want to hear it, now pair up”

I think about retaliating with an argument but decide not to, I mean how hard could it be working with him? I glance back over and see him whisper something into his friend Harry’s ear before looking back at me with a mischievous grin. I bring my head into my hands and groan again “This sucks” I whisper to myself. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see his piercing baby blues staring down at me.

“Daydreaming about me huh?” he asks bluntly.

“N-no” I stutter

“It’s okay to admit it, every girl wants to be with me, just say it” he says, pulling up a chair beside my desk.

I raise my eyebrows at him, “Oh right, every girl wants a piece of you? Well I can promise you this Mr. Horan, I’m not one of those girls” I say, shocked at the sudden confidence that came over me. He lets out a little chuckle and leans into my ear, “We’ll see about that” he whispers, making my mouth fall open and sending a shiver down my spine. I turn back toward him and look at the huge smile he has on his face. I’m already completely sold on him, all he had to do was ask and I’d let him do whatever he wanted to me but I’d never let him know that. I go to give a witty comeback but am cut off by the bell ringing.

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