Dirty Zayn Malik

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I looked in the mirror at my half naked body, bruises covered my skin from the hickies Zayn had given me last night. A huge dark purple and blue one on my neck, one on each hip bone. my inner thighs, and on my collar bones. My black bra made the little purple and blue bruises on top of my breasts really stick out. His muscular arms gently around my waist as he stood behind my looking into the mirror at my bruised body.

“Babe if I was to rough last night you should’ve told me. im sorry” He murmured against my skin as his soft lips placed small, soft kisses on my neck and collar bone where he bruises were. I loved when Zayn was rough, it only hurt when you pressed on the spots where zany left his mark. We don’t have rough sex often, only after we get into a big fight, like last night.

*Flash back*

I slammed the balcony door shut right in front of Zayn’s face as I walked into our bedroom. The door quickly opened and Zayn gripped my clenched hand whipping my around to face him.

“Don’t ever fucking shut the door on me again.” he spat.

“Don’t ever fucking talk to me again!” I screamed as i tried to get out of his grip, he just held on tighter.

“I don’t understand why you get so fucking jealous y/n she’s NO ONE!” He tried to defend himself half screaming at me. 

“THAT’S WHY YOU HAD YOUR TONGUE HALF WAY DOWN HER THROAT RIGHT” I tried to push him away from me with my other hand put he just grabbed it having complete control of me. 

“FUCK YOU ZAYN” I screamed. He caught my lips in between his with a hard kiss and pushed me onto the bed climbing on top of me o his weight held me down. I turned my head not wanting to kiss him which wasn’t a good idea because he started nipping and sucking at skin on my neck. I held back my moan when he found my weak spot not wanting to give in. 

“When are you going to learn not to believe everything you hear or see.” Zayn spat as he bit my earlobe. I whined in response holding back yet another moan. He knew he was getting to me. I was getting wet as his hips started grinding into mine teasing me.

“Why do you let all the rumors get to you, all the fake pictures.” He growled into my ear and started sucking a little harder above the spot he was perviously at making the hickie bigger on my neck. Zayn started grinding into my harder but more slower teasing me. 

“Zaynnnn.” I let my moan slip from my mouth, deeply regretting it. His hands crawled up my shirt and slipped it off. His mouth made his way down to my collar bones leaving love bites and down to my exposed skin wear my bra didn’t cover. Once again he started sucking and biting. I brought my hands the the hem of his white t-shirt tugging on it to get Zayn to take it off. His swiftly took it off his lips only leaving my skin for a couple seconds and then proceed to start sucking on my skin again. My hands lightly rubbed his toned abs and started tracing the outline of his muscles in his torso. Zayn’s hot tan skin pushed against my stomach not letting me explore his body. He unhooked my bra and threw it across the room getting irritated. His soft pink lips trailed down my body to my stomach and hip bones. Leaving another hickey on each one of them while un buttoning my jeans. I was soaked already wanting him more then ever. 

“Zayn please hurry up and touch me already!” I demanded my hands running through his hair not being able to stand the sexual tension. He completely ignored my and slowly slid down my jeans making the anticipation worse. 

“Who makes you this wet hmm?” Zayn hummed, “The boy who had his tongue down another girl’s throat? The boy who you wanted to leave?” He teased kissing my underwear. I moaned in frustration tugging his hair a little. His lips made his way down to my inner thighs, first leaving butterfly kisses and gradually getting rougher his stubble tickling the insides of my thigh. 

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