Harry and Edward 3some

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Who still remember Edward? I do ;)

“She cheated on me,” Edward admitted.

  “Edward..I’m sorry. You’re so much better than her.” “Hah, yeah,” he says sarcastically. “You can get any girl you want! Just forget about her!” “But I don’t want just ‘any girl’. I want her!” he buries his face in his hands. You stand up and move over to the couch he’s sitting on to rest your hand on his back, but the second your fingers touch his hard physique, you regret the sudden image that flashes through your mind.

  Harry’s body isn’t really like Edwards’ despite the fact that they’re twins. Harry’s not as hard or as thick. They both possess a towering height, which always did turn you on, but Harry always did lack in muscle. It’s not that you prefer anyone over Harry but sometimes curiosity just gets in the way.

 ”It’s okay,” you say rubbing his back. He mumbles your name and looks up at you. “Thanks for coming,” he weakly smiles. “It means a lot to me.” You smile back, staring in his eyes, completely magnetized by the twining shades. He stares back in your eyes, gently resting his hand over your thigh. “Harry’s lucky,” he whispers. Your heart sinks at his words as you feel his grip tighten around your thigh, realizing how close he really is to you. You fight the urge to glance at his lips, but your eyes are too fast, and before you can stop yourself, you’re thinking about how wet and smooth they are. If something were to happen, would Harry ever know? The feeling of guilt overcomes you as you continue to stare in his eyes through the silence. He slowly leans in, breathing over your lips and gently kisses you. Even though you know this is completely wrong, your eyes slowly shut, feeling his lips explore the unfamiliar taste, turning into a slow, heavy kiss with his tongue now pushing in your mouth. Your hand comes up to cup his cheek as his hand rests just below your breast, holding you, in hopes that you won’t pull away. The kiss hardens, initiating unintended urges. 

  Your mind finally gains some sense again This isn’t Harry! The words rush through your mind, forcing you to suddenly open your eyes, pulling yourself out of the fantasy and out of the kiss. But the moment your eyes open, they spot a tall curly haired man standing in the doorway, watching the kiss unfold. Before you can even begin to react, he nods in approval at you. This confuses you, then you notice that his eyes are filled with compassion and understanding, not anger, not sadness. He nods at you again, winking and lightly smiling. You understand now, it’s okay. He wants you to continue. 

  You look over at Edward, longing still in his eyes, not aware yet of the new presence in the room. You hold Edward’s face, with no guilt this time, and press your lips against his, pushing your whole body toward him as he wraps his arms around you, pulling your chest against his and you move your hands and reach your arms around his neck, leaving no room in between you two. Edwards’ lips felt different than Harry’s. They were thinner, but his tongue felt thicker. The unfamiliarity of his touch made things even hotter. You wanted to explore more, find out what he could do. His lips press hard against yours as your tongues play with each other, filling you with desire for even more.

  You feel a hand on your thigh and you pull away from the kiss to see who it is. you look down to see Harry leaning down in front of you. The three of you exchange glances, as if to say are we really doing this? Everyone seemed to have a yes on their faces and Edward pulls away as you pull Harry to the ground, sliding off the couch and into his lap, kissing him just as hard as you kissed Edward. Harry’s lips feel familiar and comforting. You know exactly how to kiss him. You continue to kiss as you run your hands down Harry’s neck and chest as he continues to plunge his tongue into your mouth. His lips wrap around your tongue and start to suck on it softly. That was the thing about Harry, no matter how often you did this, you never know what he’s going to do next. 

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