Dirty Harry Styles

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“I’ve had it with this class. I’m making a seating plan, because clearly you can’t be trusted with those around you at this current point.” My History teacher, Mr. Fitzgerald, was always a strict teacher. He never wanted to hear a peep out of anyone, unless it was an answer to one of his numbingly boring rambles about ancient Greece. At least I think that’s what we were studying, I had no clue. Not because he was a bad teacher or anything, I was always just a bit…distracted. 
In our current ‘class chosen’ seating plan, I sat opposite to the person who I not only despised the most, but was the most attracted to. Harry. How could I not be? His bad-boy asshole persona only made him even more desirable, not to mention his gorgeous face and incredible physique. Yep, he had to be a Greek god or something, which I guess tied in nicely to what we were learning about. 
“Alright. We’ll alternate girl-boy in the seating plan, because I know how much you all hate each other. Any takers for the front row?” Obvious silence fell across the room, until Mr. Fitzgerald called upon me. He’d always been fond of me; I was a good student, even when I was distracted. 
“Miss. (Y/L/N). Where would you like to be situated?” 
I looked around, noticing the back seemed like a good place to hide out. “The back row.” 
He nodded. “Move your things.” He continued to call names out, only to leave Harry till last. 
“Now Harold, looks like you’ll be next to (Y/N). Off you go.” I groaned audibly to make sure Harry heard, a smirk playing across his dimpled face. 
“Looks like we’ll be spending a lot more time together (Y/N).” His mouth moved closer to my ear, and I could feel his warm breath inhaling before whispering in my ear. “At least now I get a better view of your gorgeous body.” His voice was lustful and deep, making me shiver. 
“Eyes up front, Styles.” I said in a shaky voice. I couldn’t lie; I was incredibly turned on, becoming uncomfortable in my chair. I squirmed around before I felt Harry’s arm snaking around my waist. I pushed it away and scowled at him, making him retract back into his chair. About twenty minutes passed and Harry hadn’t made another move on me. 
Mr. Fitzgerald cleared his throat and spoke loudly. “I’m going to put on this documentary, so everyone be quiet from now on.” He hit the lights and pulled the curtains down. It was completely dark, making my mind wander to what must have been going on in Harry’s. 
Harry was clearly bored, looking like a little kid who had the attention span of a goldfish. He sat up in his chair, and put on a cute little voice. “Whatcha thinking ‘bout?” He questioned. 
Touching you. 
“Nothing.” I replied hoarsely. 
“That’s not true.” He whispered. He moved closer to me, our legs slightly touching. Harry’s face was close to mine, his curls millimetres away from my face. “You’re thinking about me, aren’t you?” My cheeks flushed a shade of pink. “My hands on you.” Harry placed his hand on my exposed thigh, creeping it below my dress. I gasped, but didn’t move it away. “Aren’t you, (Y/N)?” His hand moved further in, lightly grazing my underwear. “Don’t make me ask again. You’re thinking about me, aren’t you?” 
“Y-yes.” I whimpered.  His fingers pressed against my underwear again, making a clear statement. I cleared my throat. “Harry we can’t do this.”
He half chuckled and moved his lips to my earlobe once again. “Watch me.” 
Harry’s long index finger moved across my underwear and pushed them to the side, whilst keeping a perfectly straight face and zero expression watching the documentary. He whispered under his breath, just loud enough for only me to hear. “So wet already babe. I can tell you’ve wanted me for a while.” 
He was right. I had. Every time in History we would make eye contact or he’d wink at me (being the cocky boy he was), my need for him would grow stronger. His touch was like electricity to me, finally giving my body what it had waited patiently for. Harry placed the pad of his finger against my clit, making figure-eight’s against it. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning, my teeth digging harshly into my plump bottom lip. He inserted his long finger slowly into me, making my knees feel weak. I grabbed hold of the table to position myself, trying to not orgasm then and there. What we were doing was extremely risky, but that was half the fun. 
“Not here. We can’t.” 
“But we’re already half way there. Look at what you’re doing to me.” His eyes travelled to his crotch, making mine follow. His bludge was immense, once again making me groan. “When we get out of here-“he said between breaths “-I want you to blow me. I want to have your lips wrapped around it, loving every last inch of it. Got it?” He looked at me with such lust-filled eyes, piercing mine. 
“Eyes on the screen, Harry.” Mr. Fitzgerald shouted. Harry smirked, and I nodded at him. 
“M-more Harry.” I whispered. 
“Uh-uh. I’m leaving you hanging. When I get what I want, you get what you want.” Harry’s cockiness only made me want him more, making me groan quietly to myself. He pulled his finger out, taking his head below the table to lick it clean. “You taste incredible.” 
The bell rang and I couldn’t have been happier. I picked up my books quickly and scurried out of the classroom, before Harry took my hand and pulled me to the side. 
“Where do you think you’re going, missy? You’re coming with me.” He said smugly. He raced around the corner and took me into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. 
“Here? What if someone comes in? What if we get caught?” I questioned.
“Shh, babe. I’ve done this before. Nobody ever comes in here. It’s alright.” 
Harry’s confidence made me feel more comfortable, but I still was unsure. What if someone did catch us? I’d never live it down. Everyone knows I can’t stand Harry. He saw the worry in my eyes and placed hand on my chin, bringing my head up. 
“Look at me, (Y/N). It’s okay. You don’t have to do this, you know that right?” His gaze was comforting, and for the first time in a long time he didn’t just look like a horny teenager. 
“I know, Harry. I want to, trust me. Just not here.” 
He paused for a second, before a cheeky grin came to his face. “Let’s go then.” He took me by the hand and escorted me to his car. Ditching class with Harry had always been a fantasy of mine, and it becoming a reality made my body crave him even more. Luckily for me, Harry lived only a short distance from school, so my need for him wasn’t repressed for copious amounts of time. 
He unlocked the door and let me in. His house was incredible, he was clearly rich. 
“Wow Harry your house is—“ I was cut off by the feeling of his lips on mine, soft and plump but also dominant enough to control me. “—amazing.” 
“You’re amazing.” He whispered. “(Y/N), you’re different to the others. I know you’ve never really liked me, but that’s what I like about you. You’re a challenge. You’re not like every other girl in this school who flings themselves at me. You don’t let just anybody use you. You make sure that you really like the person before letting them in, which leads me to believe that you must really like me. Which is good-because I really like you.” Harry spoke with such confidence, making me flushed in the face.
His lips make contact with mine again, this time becoming more passionate and needy, letting his tongue snake between my lips. He dominated the kiss, moving across to my neck and sucking on it being sure to leave a mark. I moaned into his shoulder, burying my face into the crook of his neck. His hands roamed around my body trying to unbutton my dress. His hands carefully undid the buttons, one at a time to make everything excruciatingly slow. My dress fell the floor, leaving me in my bra and underwear. 
Harry’s eyes grew as he examined my body, grazing his fingers across the exposed skin. “Lace? Wouldn’t pick you as one.” He winked. 
He threw his shirt off his shoulders, revealing his incredible body. His toned stomach had strong v-lines and a slight six pack showing, which complimented his tall figure. Harry was gorgeous, and I couldn’t help but stare. He picked me up and raced me up the stairs, leaving our discarded clothes at the front of his house. Harry threw me onto his large bed in his room, growling as he started to unzip his pants. He revealed his boxer briefs which were becoming unbearably tight around his throbbing erection, making me even wetter than before. I pulled him down onto me, kissing him once again. He flipped us over so that I was on top, straddling him. 
“Now, baby. Are we going to do what I requested we do while we were watching the documentary about ‘The Battle of Marathon’ in 490BC or are we just going to sit here?” Harry questioned. 
I looked confused. “You were listening? How were you even paying attention?”
Harry chuckled, and looked me in the eyes. “Well (Y/N), I’m a very good multi-tasker.” He smirked. 
I nodded, moving my body towards where he wanted me the most. I pulled on the waistband, making sure I went incredibly slowly just like Harry did before. I slowly pulled down his underwear, making his erection slap up against his stomach. He was huge, and my eyes grew with astonishment. Harry looked at me smugly before insinuating me to do something. I placed my hand around the base, stroking his entire length before pumping a few times up and down. Harry groaned at my touch, which gave me the confidence I needed. I moved my lips around the tip and licked it slightly before placing half of him in my mouth. I couldn’t fit all of him, so I used my other hand to gently massage what my mouth couldn’t get. 
“Ugh (Y/N) yes. F-faster.” Harry moaned. 
I continued to charged full speed ahead onto him, not slowing down once. He groaned loudly, and I could feel his dick begin to tense knowing he would release his warm liquids down my throat soon. I slowed down before licking down his entire length completely, before kissing his tip again. 
“I’m gunna cum!” Harry half whimpered. He released his load, making sure I swallowed every last drop of him. I licked my lips before finding his again, kissing him softly.
Harry gave me no time to get up, and before I knew it he had ripped off my lace underwear shoving two fingers into me. I moaned audibly, feeling immense pleasure from his fingers. 
“Say my name.” Harry whispered. 
I couldn’t get the words out, overcome with pleasure. 
“I said” he spoke calmly, “say my name again (Y/N).” He continued to pump his long fingers out of me, the length of them hitting my G-spot. “Say it.” 
“H-harry” was all I could peep out as I moaned loudly, a string of profanities coming with it. 
“Say it so I can hear it.” He growled. 
“Harry!” My throat felt bare and dry, in desperate need of moisture. 
“Much better. You’re so wet baby.”
“I’m c-close, don’t stop Harry.” I whimpered.  I could feel my walls tightening around his fingers, soon to explode into euphoria. 
“Cum for me (Y/N), I want you all over my hand.” And with that, his voice drove me over the edge. I moaned his name loudly, crying out for more pleasure. My whole body was shaking and I felt flushed in the face. My heart was racing and I could feel my lungs looking for more air, only to have Harry shove his fingers into my mouth. I could taste myself; it was quite sweet. He went back into my vagina to get more for himself, licking his fingers clean. He placed his face between my legs, his curls tickling my thighs. I coiled his hair between my fingers, grasping onto them as Harry shoved his tongue against my clit. 
I screamed in pleasure, unable to take the pleasure he was giving me. He licked every inch of me clean, coming back up to kiss me again. I took deep breathes in to steady my breathing, lying back onto Harry’s bed. 
“Wow. Harry that was…something else.” 
He smiled, kissing my cheek. “Watch out for double History tomorrow.”

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