Sweet Harry Styles

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Hey guys, im trying to make a sweet imagines so yeah, hope it works well :)

It was Halloween night and your brother was throwing a party. He said you could invite a few of your friends so you did. The night before the party you went out and brought an amazingly sexy costume because you knew that your brother’s best friend, Harry, was going to be there.

You went up to your room about an hour before the party started to get ready. You put on your costume...

The doorbell rang and you ran downstairs. It was only 6 o’clock and the party didn’t start until 7 so you had no idea who it was.

“Who is it?” You asked through the door.

“It’s Harry.” The person called back.

A huge smile spread across your face as you opened the door and let him in.

“Wow. (Y/n) you look amazing.” He said staring you up and down.

“Uh, thanks Harry. You look good too.” You replied. Then your brother came inside.

“(Y/n) nice costume but your face is scary enough already.” He said in a teasing voice.

“Hahaha very funny.” You said.

Your brother and Harry set up everything inside while you went to the backyard and set up the trail. Every once in a while you’d look up to see Harry staring at you but you thought it was just a coincidence. A few minutes later people started piling in. The party was officially started when the DJ came.

You saw your friends and went to hang out with them. You all were dancing and having fun. The DJ stopped the song and made an announcement.

“This goes out to (y/n) from her secret admirer.”

Harry came over and you could tell that he’d had a few drinks.

“Would you like to dance beautiful.” He asked.

You looked at your friends and then replied, “I’d love to.”

He took your hand and pulled you closer.

 “You know I’ve always kinda liked you.” Harry whispered into your ear.

You looked into his bright green eyes. You could tell that he was serious. In the heat of the moment your lips met his.

“I love you Harry. I always have.” You blurted out.

He smiled and kissed you again. This one was longer and more passionate. He broke the kiss.

“Can we go somewhere private?” He asked.

You led him upstairs into your room. After you shut the door you turned around and his lips crashed down on yours. He picked you up and led you to the bed. He laid you down on it and continued to kiss you. You could taste the alcohol on his breath but you didn’t care this was a moment you’d been dreaming about since forever. You broke the kiss and kicked off your heels. Harry slipped off his shirt and continued to kiss you.

“Are you sure about this Harry?” You asked.

He nodded and continued to kiss you. He slipped off your dress and kissed down your body.

“You’re so beautiful (y/n).” He said when his lips met your neck again.

That night you two finally got intimate.

*The Next Day*

You woke up in an empty bed. Harry was gone. You had no idea when he’d left because the last thing you remembered was cuddling with him until you fell asleep. You walked downstairs and Harry was laughing and hanging out with your brother.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” Your brother said teasingly, “What’s up little sis?”

“Uh, n-nothing. Harry, can I talk to you. Alone.” You said hesitantly.

“Sure.” He replied.

You took him outside to the back porch.

“So last night, we uh, you know.” You started.

“Yeah we kissed. It was amazing.” He said.

“I knew it was too good to be true. You were drunk and it was all in the heat of the moment. I mean how could you ever like a girl like me? I’m sorry for wasting your time. You can go back now if you want to.” You continued.

You turned to sit under the umbrella by the pool when Harry grabbed your arm.

“(Y/n), I wasn’t drunk last night when we did it”, Harry whispered, “I just don’t want your brother to hear us. He’d kill me if he knew. There are so many reasons why I like you (y/n). You’re beautiful, your laugh is adorable, and you’re intelligent and kind.”

He put his hand on your chin and lifted it up.

“I love you (y/n).” He finished.

Tears began to fill your eyes as his lips met yours.

“I love you too Harry.” You said breaking the kiss for only a second.

“Hey Har-”, Your brother started, “Uh, never mind I’ll just come back later.”

Harry broke the kiss and stared into your eyes.

“Let’s make US official (y/n).” Harry said.

“I’d love that.” You replied with a grin.

Harry then picked you up and swung you around. 

Hope you like it. :) .xx

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